Showing 241–300 of 16555 results
SS Polizei Soldbuch to Otto Rehmer
€200.00Textbook SS Polizei Soldbuch to Otto Rehmer serving in the Schutzpolizei. The Soldbuch is a SS example with removed SS runes to the front. He also served in the first world war and during the second world war he was also awarded the following awards; Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse, Frontkampfer Ehrenzeichen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Militär-Verdienstkreuz 2.Klasse, Verwundetenabzeichen i. Schwarz and the Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse m. Schwerter. A nice original Soldbuch which could be a good base for further research!
British stopwatch 1/10th Second Stopwatch VC/2534 Dennison Watch Co.
€125.00British stopwatch in good working condition. The stopwatch is marked Dennison Watch Case Co LTD Cuprel Regd Made in England. Hard to find working example!
Wehrpass to Ernst Deppert, Panzergrenadier-Ausbildungs-Bataillon 59
€100.00Wehrpass to Ernst Deppert. He started the war with Stamm Kompanie Panzergrenadier-Ausbildungs-Bataillon 59, 3 Kompanie Panzer-Grenadier-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Bataillon 59, Panzer-Grenadier-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Bataillon 59, 5 Kompanie Res Panzer-Grenadier-Ersatz- und Ausbildungs-Bataillon 59, 2 Kompanie Ausbildungs Batalion z.e.r. Pz. Tr. 223, 4. Kompanie Feld Ersatz Batalion 19, Granatwerfer Kompanie 19, Pz. Gren. Ers. u. Ausb. Btl 73, Landesschützen Kompanie 2/461 and lastly the Heeres Entlassungsstelle 1 IX.
Interestingly, with Landesschützen Abteilung 461 he was guarding POW’s in Fallingbostel. Otherwise he saw action with the 19. Panzerdivision in 1943. He was wounded several times and awarded the Wound badge in silver. Nice Wehrpass for further research.
US Cavalry M1940 mounted boots
€550.00US Cavalry M1940 mounted boots in excellent condition. The boots are in the size 7 1/2 and are near impossible to upgrade.
Rare US plastic canteen flask marked Mack Molding Co. 1943
€275.00Rare US plastic canteen flask marked Mack Molding Co. 1943 in very good condition.
US canteen flask dated 1943 with 1942 dated cover with flatcap
€110.00US canteen flask dated 1943 with 1942 dated cover with flatcap in good condition. The cap has a crack. Nevertheless a rare variant!
US canteen flask dated 1918 with 1942 dated cover named Graham 2749
€90.00US Canteen flask dated 1918 with 1942 dated cover named Graham 2749 in good condition.
US steel canteen cup marked BECO 1943
€40.00US steel canteen cup marked BECO 1943
US army medical officers case
€200.00Excellent US army medical officers case (surgical roll) in good condition. The pouch is complete with most if not all of its original contents.
US Navy (USN) hemostatic forceps case
€250.00Original US Navy (USN) hemostatic forceps case marked M.D.-U.S.N. for Medical Department – US Navy. A nice set to complete a corpsman’s equipment or a display!
US Navy (USN) medical pocket case
€150.00Original US Navy (USN) medical kit, marked M.D.-U.S.N. for Medical Department – US Navy. A nice set to complete a corpsman’s equipment or a display!
US Navy (USN) medical pocket case
€200.00Original US Navy (USN) medical kit, marked M.D.-U.S.N. for Medical Department – US Navy. A nice set to complete a corpsman’s equipment or a display!
US Navy (USN) medical pocket case
€225.00Original US Navy (USN) medical kit, marked M.D.-U.S.N. for Medical Department – US Navy. A nice set to complete a corpsman’s equipment or a display! Nice in OD colour pouch!
Complete US Medic harness set
€750.00Complete US Medic webbing with long and short cantle strap sets, two bags and the rare shoulder yoke in very good condition. Hard to find in one go!
Rare US ‘Utah Beach’ medic backpack
€475.00Original and rare US ‘Utah Beach’ medic back pack in good used condition. These bags were made and issued to Medics in the 4th Infantry division during the D-day landings. These bags are large although consensus is these carried two large tins of bandages there is no documentation describing the issued contents. This is a very rare D-Day related piece!
USAAF AN-H-15 Large flight cap with leather chincup
€180.00Original USAAF AN-H-15 flight cap in the size small in good condition.
US M7 assault gasmask bag
€225.00US M7 assault gas mask bag in unissued condition. Complete with all straps, supple rubber and working pressstuds! The bag has one square repair which is probably a factory or depot repair – but pre 1945.
US M7 assault gasmask bag
€250.00US M7 assault gas mask bag in unissued condition. Complete with all straps, supple rubber and working pressstuds!
Rare(!) Die Niederlande und das Reich, Dokumente aus vier Jahrhunderten – Dr. Eduard 1942
€2,500.00Exceptionally rare; one of ten ever printed! Die Niederlande und das Reich, Dokumente aus vier Jahrhunderten. Fotowiedergabe eines Geschenkes des Reichs-kommissars für die besetzten Niederländischen Gebiete and den Leiter der NSB Mussert, 11. Mai 1942. This book is a visual photographed presentation of the gift of Seyss Inquart to the NSB leader Anton Mussert on the event of his 48th Birthday. A rare original example with 60 large photographs. This is a very large publication, for sure hard to fit in most book cabinets.
This is a rare publication missing from most collections and is in very good condition. It’s size is impressive in that you definately need a large table to read it. A good opportunity to acquire this rare wartime publication!
Bevolkingsleer en Bevolkingspolitiek in den Volkschen Staat, K.W. Boekholt – De Schouw 1942
€40.00Bevolkingsleer en Bevolkingspolitiek in den Volkschen Staat, K.W. Boekholt – De Schouw 1942 in used condition. The cover has separated from the book itself but unlike any other copy I find online this is the only one with the original dust jacket!
Heer issue Reibert manual; Der Dienstunterricht im Heere, Ausgabe für den Nachrichtensoldaten
€85.00Heer issue Reibert manual; Der Dienstunterricht im Heere, Ausgabe für den Nachrichtensoldaten. These manuals are very thorough and they talk over every single aspect the German soldier was taught in. The book contains German history, Drills, Mannerisms, squad formations, weapons handling, shooting and maintenance, airplane recognition, horse riding, ranks, how to behave/write/talk, heavy weapons and so on. These where brought out in different versions, this one being the variant for the “Nachrichtensoldaten” or communication troops. This example is in overall very good, readable condition!
Luftwaffe issue Reibert manual; Der Dienstunterricht in der Luftwaffe
€75.00Heer issue Reibert manual; Der Dienstunterricht in der Luftwaffe. These manuals are very thorough and they talk over every single aspect the German soldier was taught in. The book contains German history, Drills, Mannerisms, squad formations, weapons handling, shooting and maintenance, airplane recognition, horse riding, ranks, how to behave/write/talk, heavy weapons and so on. These where brought out in different versions, this one being the variant for the “Luftwaffe” or air force. This example is the 1941 print and is in overall very good, readable condition! This example is the 1939 print and is in overall very good, readable condition!
Amtliches Fernsprechbuch für den Bezirk der Reichspostdirektion Berlin 1941
€275.00Rare original 1941 dated phone book for Berlin reading Amtliches Fernsprechbuch für den Bezirk der Reichspostdirektion Berlin 1941. Rare original example, not to be confused with the 1980 reprint. Nice piece for any staff or office display!
Rare Luftwaffe Jet Fighter Me 163B Komet Flugzeug Handbuch – Teil 8A Schußwaffenanlage
€1,000.00Rare Luftwaffe Jet Fighter Me 163B Flugzeug Handbuch – Teil 8A Schußwaffenanlage in excellent condition. This is a rare original manual for the infamous Luftwaffe ME 163 B fighter Jet. This manual compiles all the information about the weapon systems on board of teh ME 163B. It is a important manual for pilot as well as the the ground troups maintenancing the ME 163. It has multiple fold out pages. There is a digital version on this website. The manual is a very rare late war example in excellent condition. Unique opportunity to acquire this rare and high end manual for one of the first fighter jets in the world!
Rare Mercedes spare parts list Type 290 – W18 – 1934
€250.00Rare Mercedes spare parts list Type 290 – W18 – 1934 in excellent condition. Hard to find original Ersatzteileliste! These cars were typical Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS staff cars. NOT to be confused with the modern reprints!
Rare Mercedes spare parts list Type 260 D – W138 – 1940
€250.00Rare Mercedes spare parts list Type 260 D – W138 – 1940 in excellent condition. Hard to find original Ersatzteileliste! These cars were typical Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS staff cars. NOT to be confused with the modern reprints!
Rare Mercedes spare parts list Type 230 – W143 – 1937
€250.00Rare Mercedes spare parts list Type 230 – W43 – 1937 in excellent condition. Hard to find original Ersatzteileliste! These cars were typical Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS staff cars. NOT to be confused with the modern reprints!
Rare Mercedes spare parts list Type 170 V – W136 – 1942
€250.00Rare Mercedes spare parts list Type 170 V – W136 – 1942 in excellent condition. Hard to find original Ersatzteileliste! These cars were typical Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS staff cars. NOT to be confused with the modern reprints!
Exceptional (!) De Witte Hel, H. Van Duinkerken, Uitgeverij Roskam, Amsterdam – with rare dust jacket(!)
€300.00De Witte Hel, Soldatenverhalen over den veldslag in het Oosten. Samengesteld door H. Van Duinkerken, Uitgeverij Roskam, Amsterdam with dust jacket(!) in excellent condition. This is a rare wartime publication that was aimed at members for the Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers. It was a compilation of stories of Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers on the eastern front. Inside The book is in very good condition and in my opinion the best example I have ever seen. It is rare to acquire but exceptional with its original dust jacket, especially in this condition!
A very rare opportunity to acquire this well known but very hard to acquire period book – you will be hard pressed to find a better example!
Exceptional (!) Onze Jongens aan het front, H.J. Van Doornik – Uitgeverij Storm, Amsterdam – with rare dust jacket(!)
€1,100.00Rare (!) Onze Jongens aan het front, H.J. Van Doornik – Uitgeverij Storm, Amsterdam – with dust jacket(!) in excellent condition. This is a rare wartime publication that was aimed at members for the Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers. It was a compilation of stories of Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers on the eastern front. Inside The book is in very good condition and in my opinion the best example I have ever seen. Inside I found a frontzorg stamp which was saved with the book. It is rare to acquire but exceptional with its original dust jacket, especially in this condition!
A very rare opportunity to acquire this well known but very hard to acquire period book – you will not find a better example!
Rare (!) Onze Jongens aan het front, H.J. Van Doornik – Uitgeverij Storm, Amsterdam
€450.00Rare (!) Onze Jongens aan het front, H.J. Van Doornik – Uitgeverij Storm, Amsterdam in excellent condition. This is a rare wartime publication that was aimed at members for the Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers. It was a compilation of stories of Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers on the eastern front. The book is in very good condition and would be hard to upgrade. It is named inside to Joh. (Johan) Schaede which was a Dutch resistance member. A very rare opportunity to acquire this well known but very hard to acquire period book!
De Kapiteins Christiansen – Uitgeverij Westland 1943 – with dust jacket
€50.00De Kapiteins Christiansen – Uitgeverij Westland 1943 – with rare dust jacket in excellent condition.
Het Geheim van Duitschland’s Overwinningen 1939-1940, Dr. Däniker – Uitgeverij De Delta, 1940
€30.00Het Geheim van Duitschland’s Overwinningen 1939-1940, Dr. Däniker – Uitgeverij De Delta, 1940 in good condition.
Rare Jahrbuch der Deutsche Kriegsmarine, 1941 – marked Eigentum des Reichskommissars (!)
€250.00Normally this is NOT a spectacular book; but this version of the Jahrbuch der Deutsche Kriegsmarine, 1941 is marked Eigentum des Reichskommissars (!) indicating this would have been the personal property of Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Alexander Freiherr von Falkenhausen, Josef Terboven, Hinrich Lohse. Erich Koch, Karl Kaufmann or Joseph Grohé. Considering this book was originally discovered in the Dutch capital I would suggest it most probably would have belonged to the office of Arthur Seyss-Inquart. This is a unique opportunity to acquire something that was most probably held and read by Arthur Seyss-Inquart.
Het jonge rijk, Eugen Friedrich Bartelmas – Uitgeverij Westland 1943
€65.00Het jonge rijk. Leven en streven der nieuwe Duitsche Jeugd by Eugen Friedrich Bartelmas, printed by Uitgeverij Westland 1943 in used condition.
De Helden der Woestijn, Freiherr von Esebeck – Uitgeverij de Delta 1943
€25.00De Helden der Woestijn, Freiherr von Esebeck – Uitgeverij de Delta 1943 in used condition.
Concentratiekamp Oranienburg – Gerhart Seger – Arbeiderspers Amsterdam 1934
€30.00Concentratiekamp Oranienburg – Gerhart Seger – Arbeiderspers Amsterdam 1934 in OK condition. This is the first publication depicting the terrible conditions in the camp that contained political prisoners. Seger escaped from the camp in 1933 to Prague where he first wrote down his experiences.
Dutch ᛋᛋ Germanische Leithefte 1942 No.1/11
€125.00Dutch ᛋᛋ Germanische Leithefte 1942 No.1/11 in good condition.
Dutch ᛋᛋ Germanische Leithefte 1942 No.2/11
€125.00Dutch ᛋᛋ Germanische Leithefte 1942 No.2/11 in good condition.
Dutch ᛋᛋ Germanische Leithefte 1942 No.1/11
€125.00Original Dutch Germanische Leithefte in very good condition.
Rare Adolf Hitler – Het Sociale Duitschland – Politie Opleidings Bataljon Schalkhaar
€75.00Rare Adolf Hitler – Het Sociale Duitschland – not per se a rare publication. But this one is marked for the Politie Opleidings Bataljon Schalkhaar which is quite rare and well sought after.
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur – Vier Jahre in den Niederlanden – Volk und Reich Verlag Amsterdam
€60.00Seyss-Inquart, Arthur – Vier Jahre in den Niederlanden – Volk und Reich Verlag Amsterdam in good condition.
Alfred Tschimpke, Die Gespenster-Division – mit der Panzerwaffe durch Belgien und Frankreich – with dust jacket 1940
€30.00Alfred Tschimpke, Die Gespenster-Division – mit der Panzerwaffe durch Belgien und Frankreich – with dust jacket 1940. The book is in used condition but retains the original dust jacket. This book tells the story of the infamous 7. Panzerdivision well known as the Gespenster-Division or Ghost Division.
Der Deutsche Soldat Erlebt Holland – Vereinigten Graphischen Betrieben Den Haag 1941
€35.00Der Deutsche Soldat Erlebt Holland – Vereinigten Graphischen Betrieben Den Haag 1941 – a nice book regarding the German soldiers stationed in the Netherlands and how they look at the country.
Nederlandse Arbeitsdienst – De Liefde tot zijn land is ieder aangeboren…
€20.00Nederlandse Arbeitsdienst – De Liefde tot zijn land is ieder aangeboren… – in good condition. Nice wartime Dutch arbeidsdienst publication
Horst Slesina – Soldaten tegen Dood en Duivel – Uitgeverij Westland 1943 – with dust jacket
€80.00Horst Slesina – Soldaten tegen Dood en Duivel – Uitgeverij Westland 1943 – with rare dust jacket.
Frau im Faschistischen Italien – Louise Diel – signed by author
€60.00Frau im Faschistischen Italien – Louise Diel – signed by the author Louise Diel to a Dutch woman, dated Berlin Pfingstsontag 34 or whit sunday 1934. Hard to find with original autograph and dustcover!
Jahrbuch des Deutschen Heeres 1942 with dustcover
€40.00Jahrbuch des Deutschen Heeres 1942 with dustcover in used condition. The dustcover is damaged but present. Very decorative book with many images.
De Oorlog van de Leugen – Paul Alaard – Uitgeverij Westland 1942
€20.00De Oorlog van de Leugen – Paul Alaard – Uitgeverij Westland 1942 in used condition.
Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 10 Oktober 1942
€20.00Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 10 Oktober 1942
Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 7 Juli 1941
€20.00Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 7 Juli 1941 in good condition.
Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 7 Juli 1942
€20.00Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 7 Juli 1942 in good condition.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Vergadering NSB, NVV, WA, Jeugdstorm en SS’
€75.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Vergadering NSB, NVV, WA, Jeugdstorm en SS’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen 1944 #1
€125.00Original Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen in very good condition.
Rare Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen 1944 #4/5
€125.00Very rare Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen 1944 #4/5 without the rare coloured insert. Hard to obtain in this complete condition.
Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 3 März 1942
€25.00Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 3 März 1942 in good condition. Complete with its original inlay.
Volksche Wacht – Zomermaand 1942
€17.50Volksche Wacht – Zomermaand 1942 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Volksche Wacht – Geschiedenisnummer -Hooimaand Oogstmaand 1942
€25.00Volksche Wacht – Oogstmaand 1942 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Volksche Wacht – Zaaimaand 1941
€17.50Volksche Wacht – Zaaimaand 1941 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Volksche Wacht – Slachtmaand 1941
€17.50Volksche Wacht – slachtmaand 1941 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Showing 241–300 of 16555 results