Showing 181–240 of 16067 results
Period German boot pullers
€25.00Nice pair of period German boot pullers. Foldable variant which could easily be carried in the field.
Period German boot jack
€25.00Nice original period German wooden boot jack in good condition!
Period German boot jack
€25.00Nice original period German wooden boot jack in good condition!
Canadian MKII helmet marked C.L./C. 1942
€290.00Canadian MKII helmet marked C.L./C. 1942 in excellent condition with full original paint.
Canadian MKII helmet marked C.L./C. 1942
€290.00Textbook Canadian MKII helmet with full original factory paint and liner. Very hard to upgrade example.
British used US M1917 Kelley helmet
€175.00This is a US M1917 Kelley helmet which was reworked and worn with the British armed forces during world war two. The helmet retains its full original cork paint externally. Nice original example with a liner in used condition.
Late war rucksack with straps
€175.00Late war large rucksack variant in the same material as used for late MP40 and MP44 magazine pouches. Hard to find variant in good condition with removable straps.
Rare riveted Tornister named Fritz Ludwig marked Ludwig Krumm, Offenbach 1942
€140.00Rare riveted Tornister named Fritz Ludwig and maker marked Ludwig Krumm, Offenbach 1942. This is one of the rarer Tornister variants to find with full riveted construction. The side loops are missing, otherwise near mint.
Cavalry rucksack
€75.00Cavalry rucksack in good used condition.
Rare pioneer backpack
€450.00Very nice combat Pioneer rucksack in excellent condition. This is the rarest part of the set from three pouches/bags! Looking at the the construction and the usage of materials I would say that this example has been manufactured in Wirtschaftsamt Litzmannstadt!
Rare Heer female Auxiliary breadbag
€190.00Rare Heer female Auxiliary breadbag in good used condition. Inside the original wearer noted her information on a piece of medical tape. Hard to find piece!
Unissued rare first pattern Luftwaffe reversible parka trousers
€1,150.00Unissued rare first pattern Luftwaffe reversible parka trousers. Nice example in size II which is the perfect mannequin size. The trousers still retain their original factory tag which is a unique feature for this early example!
US Army issue pencil eraser A.W. Faber
€15.00Hard to find original US Army pencil eraser in unissued condition. Not to be confused with civilian or post war manufacture; this is a original US Army issue pencil eraser straight from the wartime packaging. I have obtained a small amount of these and will not get a restock. Hard to find original example in unissued condition wich was issued to anyone with a mapcase in the US army during world war two.
US canteen flask marked Vollrath 1943
€20.00US canteen flask marked Vollrath 1943 in good condition.
US canteen Vollrath 1943 with cup ID’ed S-1740
€100.00US canteen Vollrath 1943 with cup ID’ed S-1740. Nice named example that could be a base for further research.
Dienstglas case with strap marked Walter Winkler, Spandau 1942
€250.00Dienstglas case with strap marked Walter Winkler, Spandau 1942 in good used condition. Complete with strap!
US demolition bag
€70.00US demolition satchel bag in good used condition.
Short handled wire cutters
€140.00Short handled wirecutters in good used condition.
Gascape pouch with tan press studs
€50.00Rare variant Gascape pouch with tan press studs in good condition. Nice variant in Feldgrau cloth with tan press studs!
Rubberized gascape pouch
€40.00Rubberized gascape pouch in good used condition. Interesting variant with rubberized pull straps.
Gascape marked lb 42 40/5 80 Mo
€175.00Gascape marked lb 42 40/5 80 Mo in good used condition. Hard to find spare.
Rare Gebirgsjäger issue rucksack marked Hans Deuter, Augsburg 1939
€200.00Rare Gebirgsjäger issue rucksack Tauern Sack dated 1939 in good used condition. These rucksacks are more then often civilian examples but this is a military issued piece. Inside it is nicely maker marked Hans Deuter, Augsburg 1939. Next to this is a depot marking RAD BA M/L 2. 40. which in theory is a RAD clothing and equipment depot but I have seen several Heer M36 field blouses with the RADBAS depot marking. The rucksack is in good used condition, and, as far, is the only issued example I have ever seen! Rare example for the GBJ collector!
Tornister with rare tropical straps marked Thiele A. G. Dresden 1938
€250.00Tornister with rare tropical straps marked Thiele A. G. Dresden 1938. The webbing carrying straps are dated 1941 and in my opinion they were either period replacements or improvements indicating the soldier might have been sent to the Southern front. Nice and rare variation in excellent condition!
M31 breadbag
€70.00Textbook Heer/Waffen-SS M31 breadbag in used condition.
Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS winter hood or balaclava
€325.00Rare knit winter hood. Issued together with the typical ringed knit gloves. These hoods are the typical winter hoods which were issued later in the war, most probably together with the Italian roll neck sweaters which feature the exact same knit weave pattern. These can be seen on a number of iconic ardennes offensive photographs. One of the rarest winter garment pieces to find which can really finish a mannequin!
US Song and Service book for Ship and Field
€35.00US Song and Service book for Ship and Field dated 1942 in very good condition!
NSKK Crash helmet
€850.00Textbook NSKK crash helmet in the large size 58. Typical example in good used condition.
Luftwaffe issue clothing bag marked RBNr.
€130.00Very nice Luftwaffe pattern/issue clothing bag in very good condition. The bag has a small damages as can be seen in the pictures. The bag is nicely marked with a RBNr. which is sadly not completely readable. The clothing bag is post war re stocked by the Czech army and ink stamped. Nice example!
Luftwaffe breadbag strap
€40.00Textbook Luftwaffe breadbag strap in unissued condition. The price is for one, all are in similar unused condition!
Pressstoff fuze setter pouch marked gmn 1943
€325.00Very nice fuze setting pouch manufactured out of black pressstoff. The pouch has an interesting construction with a pressstoff body and straps made out of webbing. The pouch is nicely marked gmn 1943 which indicates production by Phillipp Riebel & Söhne, Sattlerwaren- u.Sportartikelfabrik. Very nice example!
Rare set of combat pioneer side pouches with dark green coarse webbing straps
€950.00Excellent and extremely rare set of side pouches for combat pioneers. The bag features extremely rare and hardly ever encountered dark green coarse webbing straps. These straps have only been encountered at these combat pioneer pouches, or canteens as far as my knowledge goes. All by all equipment which features this dark green coarse webbing is extremely rare and highly sought after by collectors. The set is in very good condition, it has one small repair and the long back straps has been reattached at some point. One of the two pouches features an ink stamp from postwar Czech storage, but these bags definitely belong to each other. The atypical construction of this pouch with a range of different materials including the dark green coarse webbing makes this set impossible to upgrade. For sure one of the best sets of combat pioneer pouches I have ever offered!
Unissued late war M31 breadbag
€125.00Excellent late war manufactured M31 breadbag in unissued condition. Typical late war construction with a nice mixture of materials. Choice late war example!
Pre war Czech shovel with cover
€175.00A nice pre war Czech straight E-tool. The complete stock of Czech uniforms and equipment was taken in by the German army at the beginning of the occupation in 1938. A large portion of these shovels was straightly re-issued into the Waffen-SS which up till 1940 could not rely on the issue of equipment through the OKW. Hence you can see these a lot of pictures of the Waffen-SS in the early campaign. These shovels where used and issued within all branches of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS from 1940 onwards.
Brown cavalry riding boots
€475.00Textbook German army issue riding boots. The boots are in unworn condition with storage wear only. The boots are a very nice pair that would be very hard to upgrade.
Issue black Cavalry boots by Mercedes
€450.00Textbook German army issue riding boots by the brand of Mercedes. The boots are in unworn condition with storage wear only. The boots are a very nice pair that would be hard to upgrade.
Tabbed steel Heer belt buckle marked R. Sieper & Söhne 1941
€350.00Tabbed steel Heer belt buckle marked R Sieper & Söhne 1941 Lüdenscheid. The buckle retains its factory sewn leather tab and retains up to 95% of its original factory paint. Very hard to upgrade example!
Zinc Norwegian NS Nasjonal Samling belt buckle
€325.00Unissued zinc belt buckle intended for Norwegian collaboration organization: NS (Nasjonal Samling). The front of the buckle reads the motto: “Tapper og Tro” – which translates to courageous and faithful. Extremely hard to find Norwegian collaboration buckle in good condition.
Tabbed aluminium RAD or Reichsarbeitsdienst belt buckle marked G. Brehmer, Markneukirchen 1936
€275.00Textbook tabbed aluminium RAD or Reichsarbeitsdienst belt buckle in very good condition. The buckle itself is marked GB 36 and the leather tab is also marked G. Brehmer, Markneukirchen 1936. Interestingly there is an extra period applied leather tab which prevents wear from the buckle to the uniform. Very nice example!
Dress belt marked Croupon Nr 191
€100.00Textbook original dress/walking out belt in good worn condition. The belt is nicely marked Croupon Nr 191. Nice example!
Rare leather equipment belt large size 135 marked R.B.Nr. 0/1001/0045
€275.00Very nice late war leather equipment belt in very good condition. The belt is nicely marked R.B.Nr. 0/0850/0189 which indicates production by an unknown manufacturer. The belt is marked “135” on the end which indicates the length of the belt; 135 centimeters. The size of this belt makes this example extremely rare because this is an extreme size for the time. Textbook and rare example!
Late war Pressstoff equipment belt marked
Excellent late war equipment belt manufactured out of Pressstoff. The belt is a nice large size measuring approximately 105 cm in length, which is large, especially for Pressstoff examples! Very nice late war example!
Heer crusher marked Erel Extra Sonderklasse
€1,975.00Excellent Heer Infanterie crusher marked Erel Extra Sonderklasse. A typical crusher cap with buckram backing under the dark green side of the cap. The cap retains its original lining and sweatband but in my opinion, at some point the insignia was reapplied. The cap is a good medium size for most modern militaria mannequins. Beautiful example really!
Heer EM/NCO Artillerie visor
€900.00Heer EM/NCO Artillerie visor in excellent condition. The visor is in size 57 and retains its period applied insignia. The cap is marked Stirndruckfrei Deutsches Reichspatent inside. A very nice example that would be hard to upgrade!
Peküro Heer EM/NCO Infanterie visor named K Stomberg
€850.00Heer EM/NCO Infanterie made by Peküro visor named K Stomberg in good worn condition. The visor is a typical example with period applied aluminium insignia in size 56.
Postcard with Adolf Hitler and Anton Mussert, written to a Dutch SS volunteer
€95.00This historical postcard captures a momentous meeting between Adolf Hitler and Anton Mussert. On the reverse side, it bears two stamps: one reading ‘Gemachtigde van den leider voor Zeeland’ (Authorized by the Leader for Zeeland) and another with a heartfelt message that reads, “Comrade, to your distant frontline position, greetings from Zeeland. I hope you and the other comrades are well. Do you have a ‘hachje’ for this photo?” The postcard is addressed to SS-Schütze A.E. Jongenius.
Dutch Postcard of ‘De Nieuwe Mensch’ by Henri van de Velde
€275.00This postcard showcases the artwork “De Nieuwe Mensch” by the painter Henri van de Velde. On the front side, you’ll find the stamp from the NSB exposition “Herlevend Nederland,” accompanied by two Dutch Waffen-SS postage stamps. This print is exceptionally rare and remains in excellent condition.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Uitreiking v.h. WA Strijdersteeken aan oud Indië strijder door Cor Zondervan’
€150.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Uitreiking v.h. WA Strijdersteeken aan oud Indië strijder door Cor Zondervan’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Vergardering voor verpleegsters in S en A ziekenhuis te Utrecht’
€75.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Vergardering voor verpleegsters in S en A ziekenhuis te Utrecht’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘De Leider spreekt tot de familieleden v. Frontstrijders in Schouwburg, Utrecht’
€75.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘De Leider spreekt tot de familieleden v. Frontstrijders in Schouwburg, Utrecht’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Showing 181–240 of 16067 results