
Showing 421–480 of 16552 results

  • Heer M40 BeVo flatwire cap eagle


    Heer M40 BeVo flatwire cap eagle for officers side- and crusher caps!

  • German ID disc or Erkennungsmarke marked Inf. Pz.-Jg. Ers. Komp. 211


    German ID disc or Erkennungsmarke marked Inf. Pz.-Jg. Ers. Komp. 211 which indicates Infanterie Panzerjäger Ersatz Kompanie 211. The ID disc is marked with a capital A which indicates blood group A. Panzerjäger-Abteilung 211 was a part of the 211 Infanterie Division.

  • Matching Waffen-SS EM Sanitäter shoulderstraps


    Rare original matching Waffen-SS EM shoulderstraps for Sanitäter in very good condition.

  • Rare ZF41 scope mount by Berlin Luebecker


    Original ZF41 scope mount in unissued condition. Rare to find as a spare, this scope mount is marked duv indicating production by Berlin Luebecker.

  • Heer Fur hat


    Nice original Heer issue fur hat in good used condition. The fur hat is a nice medium size. Nice original example!

  • Heer Fur hat


    Nice original Heer issue fur hat in good used condition. The fur hat is a nice medium size. Nice original example!

  • Kriegsmarine coastal artillery badge – Hermann Aurich


    Kriegsmarine coastal artillery badge marked HA indicating production Hermann Aurich.

  • Period civilian boy shoes as worn by Hitlerjugend


    Period civilian boy shoes as worn by the Hitlerjugend. The Hitlerjugend did have a RZM pattern Hitlerjugend shoe but they are very rare. Looking at period photographs one can easily see the wide variety of shoes and boots worn by the Hitlerjugend. These are typical, pre war boy sized shoes as worn by the Hitlerjugend in excellent condition!

  • Rare blue Philips “Knijpkat” type 7424-03 torch


    Typical wartime “Knijpkat” torch. These flashlights where made utilizing forced labour from Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch. Unlike most of the wartime used flashlights the “knijpkat” doesn’t have a battery but uses a small internal dynamo. The mechanism is still in great condition and the torch still works! Excellent example which is finished in blue paint which is a first for me!

  • Rare Nickel Steel Waffen-SS belt buckle marked RZM 155/40 ᛋᛋ


    A rare variant Waffen-SS belt buckle marked RZM 155/40 ᛋᛋ  indicating production by Assmann & Söhne, Lüdenscheid. The buckle is denazified post war and is missing one of the prongs. The buckle is a rare variant which is nickel plated prior to painting which is the first time I have seen it and in my opinion one of the rarest variants!

  • Foreign volunteer shouderstraps

  • K98 dress bayonet


    K98 dress bayonet in good used condition.

  • Steel belt hook marked OLC 43


    Nice original green painted steel hook for the EM/NCO belts. This type of steel hook is typical for the tropical belts. The hooks are all nicely marked OLC 43. I have 14 of these in stock, the price is naturally for one piece!

  • Grey painted steel Y-strap hooks


    Excellent set of two hooks for the lightweight or late war manufactured Y-straps. The hooks are in very good condition with 95% of the original grey factory finish still remaining. I have 22 of these sets in stock, the price is naturally for one set!

  • Two blue Heer/Luftwaffe M43 cap buttons


    Two blue Heer/Luftwaffe M43 cap buttons in good condition. Textbook Graublau colour which was issued to Heer and Luftwaffe units post 1942. Hard to find buttons in good condition. The price is for a set of two buttons. I have a few sets available.

  • German military issue wristwatch or Dienstuhr by A. Lünser


    Typical issue wristwatch in good used condition. The watch is marked A. Lünser Berlin anti magnetic and Fond Acier Inoxydable 14712 on the back. The watch is serialized 14712The wristwatch is a typical Wehrmacht issue, not private purchase piece. I have not tested the watch on function. The watch still carries its original supple slightly damaged but original military style strap which are mostly replaced or removed. A real Dienstuhr can be the finishing touch on a mannequin!

  • Rare tan glass 22mm buttons for smocks


    These tan glass buttons are used for a variety of garments in the Luftwaffe including late war jump smocks, flight clothing and tropical garments. These large buttons are hard to come by and often damaged or discoloured. Hard to find pieces, priced per piece.

  • Iron cross second class marked


    Iron cross second class marked on the ring but I can not ready it full.

  • Iron cross second class marked 24


    Iron cross second class marked 24 indicating production by Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hanauer Plaketten Hersteller. 

  • M24 ZunderRare M24 Stielhandgranate Sprengkapseln fuze box


    Rare wooden box complete with its cardboard packaging for the transport of 15 Sprengkapseln Nr. 8 (AI). Very hard to find complete with the cardboard packaging as well! The box is of course empty and without any content!

  • Fighting knife


    Uncommon, second world war made fighting knife in good used condition.

  • Rare Heer Gebirgsjäger EM Bergmütze


    Rare Heer Gebirgsjäger EM Bergmütze in excellent condition. The cap was stripped post war and never worn again. Very hard to find original EM example which easily could be restored back to its former glory.

  • Luftwaffe sheep skin winter cap


    Luftwaffe sheep skin winter cap in excellent, unissued condition. The cap is nicely size marked 60 which is quite large. The cap features its factory handsewn insignia and is in my opinion very hard to upgrade!

  • German ID disc or Erkennungsmarke marked (Panzer)Artillerie Regiment 80


    Nice original German ID disc or Erkennungsmarke marked 7./A.R. 80  which indicates 6e Kompanie, Artillerie-Regiment 80 which was renamed into Panzer Artillerie Regiment 80 which served with the 8. Panzerdivision.

  • Two blue Heer/Luftwaffe M43 cap buttons


    Two blue Heer/Luftwaffe M43 cap buttons in good condition. Textbook Graublau colour which was issued to Heer and Luftwaffe units post 1942. Hard to find buttons in good condition. The price is for a set of two buttons. I have 10 sets available.

  • K98 sling


    Original brown K98 carrying sling in good used and supple condition. The tip at some point was cut, otherwise its a nice and brown example.

  • Rare blue glass 22mm buttons for Fliegerblusen, smocks and winter parkas


    Rare blue glass 22mm buttons for Fliegerblusen, smocks and winter parkas in excellent condition. I have 20 pieces available, the price is for one.

  • Rare Dutch Jeugdstorm table banner with original standard


    Rare Dutch Jeugdstorm table banner with original standard in very good condition. Rare to find and for me the first one ever I’ve found with its original wooden stand. The banner is sewn onto the stand, not just suspended by the nail. Rare to find!

  • Rare Kriegsmarine double barrel flare marked Walther 1939


    Rare pre war double barreled Kriegsmarine flare gun dated 1939. The flare gun looks to be in working condition, has its original wooden grips and hand guard. There is a crack in the handle but is otherwise in excellent condition. The gun still retains its original chrome finish which was typical for these Kriegsmarine issue pieces to last longer in salty sea air. A very rare piece from my personal collection that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • SA Feldhernhalle cufftitle


    Textbook unissued Feldherrnhalle cufftitle with RZM label. The cufftitle is in unissued condition and would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Black Pressstoff tool pouch OAZ 43


    Textbook late war MG tool pouch in strong used condition missing its internals.

  • German P08 Luger manual


    Rare original manual for the Pistole 08 or Luger. The manual is in good complete condition. Rare to find original accessory that is very hard to find!

  • Feuerhand 275 Lantern


    Very nice period oil lantern manufactured from the well known brand Feuerhand. Finding good period lanterns is rather hard and these are really desirable. This exact type was manufactured between 1932 and 1939. Perfect piece to complete a nice display!

  • Feuerhand 275 Lantern


    Very nice period oil lantern manufactured from the well known brand Feuerhand. Finding good period lanterns is rather hard and these are really desirable. This exact type was manufactured between 1932 and 1939. Perfect piece to complete a nice display!

  • Erkennungsmarke I.N. Ers. KP. 462 – Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 462


    A nice original Erkennungsmarke or ID disc marked I.N. Ers. KP. 462 most probably indicating Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 462. This unit supplied replacements to the 262 Infanterie Division.

  • Rare third pattern issue Marschkompass “A” with anodized lid made by F.W. Breithaupt & Sohn, Kassel (clk)


    Excellent German army issue compass or Marschkompass. This is the the third pattern issued example made with a bakelite housing and with a capital “A” on top which indicates a clockwise 64 Mills direction. The production of this third pattern started post May 1944. The compass is nicely marked cxn which indicates production by Emil Busch A.-G., Rathenow. The compass is in good used condition and features a blueish anodized lid which is rare to encounter and typical for this manufacturer! Nice late war “A” marked compass!

  • Cased 25 year loyal service Medal by C.F. Zimmermann, Pforzheim


    Cased 25 year loyal service Medal by C.F. Zimmermann, Pforzheim in very good condition.

  • 4x Sanitäter Brandkompress


    4x matching Sanitäter Brandkompress in excellent condition. Exactly the amount as belongs in any Verbandkasten. Hard to find multiple matching examples!

  • Panzer assault badge by Frank & Reif


    Unissued Panzerkampfabzeichen in silver by Frank & Reif. The badge has no damages or alterations and retains most of its original finish. Textbook example that would be very hard to upgrade.

  • Wehrmacht issue thread – Feldgrau


    Nice original button sewing thread in unissued, usable condition. This thread was issued to the troops to repair and upkeep their uniforms and equipment. It would have been used for sewing insignia and. buttons. The colour of Feldgrau is typical for the pre to late war era. Typical thread that would have been issued to all troops serving in the Wehrmacht. It would be perfect for restoring uniforms or a pocket litter display!

    The price is for each star containing 30 meters and should be enough for many different applications!

  • Wehrmacht issue thread – Feldgrau


    Nice original button sewing thread in unissued, usable condition. This thread was issued to the troops to repair and upkeep their uniforms and equipment. It would have been used for sewing insignia and. buttons. The colour of Feldgrauis typical for the pre to late war era. Typical thread that would have been issued to all troops serving in the Wehrmacht. It would be perfect for restoring uniforms or a pocket litter display!

    The price is for each star containing 30 meters and should be enough for many different applications!

  • Wehrmacht issue thread – Feldgrau


    Nice original button sewing thread in unissued, usable condition. This thread was issued to the troops to repair and upkeep their uniforms and equipment. It would have been used for sewing insignia and. buttons. The colour of Feldgrau is typical for the pre to late war era. Typical thread that would have been issued to all troops serving in the Wehrmacht. It would be perfect for restoring uniforms or a pocket litter display!

    The price is for each star containing 30 meters and should be enough for many different applications!

  • Wehrmacht issue thread – Graublau


    Nice original button sewing thread in unissued, usable condition. This thread was issued to the troops to repair and upkeep their uniforms and equipment. It would have been used for sewing insignia and. buttons. The colour of Blaugrau is typical for the Luftwaffe and was standardized for the Heer in 1943. Typical thread that would have been issued to all troops serving in the Wehrmacht. It would be perfect for restoring uniforms or a pocket litter display!

    The price is for each star containing 30 meters and should be enough for many different applications!

  • Impressive(!) grouping GBJR 137 Obergefreiter Peter Bernardin


    Impressive Soldbuch and award grouping of Obergefreiter Peter Bernardin, 16. Panzerjäger Kompanie, Gebirgsjäger Regiment 137 where he enlisted 26.8.1939. He was issued the G.33/40 Gebirgsjäger Carbine and a pair of skis. His unit served in Poland in 1938 and after that it was sent into Norway in 1940. The unit was stationed in Lappland, Finland between 1941 and 1944. In the end of the war it was moved to the area Saarpfalz near the French border where it saw heavy action until the end of the war.

    He was awarded the Medaille zum Errinnerung von 13. März 1938 on 4.5.1940, the Kriegsverdienstkreuz II klasse on 21.11.1941, the Winterschlacht im Osten on 14.12.42, the Verwundetenabzeichen im Schwarz on 17.8.43 and the Eisernez Kreuz II Klasse on 19.10.1944.
    These awards are all in good condition and all have the triangular Austrian ribbon style which seems to be typical for Gebirgsjäger. The Iron Cross II class is marked 55 indicating production by J.E. Hammer & Söhne which is a rare maker as is. The wound badge is a unmarked example. The Ostmedaille is marked 6 indicating production by Fritz Zimmermann.

    There is a rare large document commemorating the Norway campaign in 1940 for members of Gruppe Feurstein which was named after Generalleutnant Valentin Feurstein the divisional commander of the 2. Gebirgsdivision. This document was awarded to the men who marched from Fauske to Narvik to rescue the isolated Gebirgsjäger Regiment 139. This document is named to then Gefreiter Peter Bernardin. This is a rare document!

    The award document for the Kriegsverdienstkreuz II Klasse is signed by Generalmajor Ernst Schlemmer which by then was the commander of the 2. Gebirgsdivision.

    Next to these official awards there is the Finnish/German Nordfront cross made by Hopeatakomo o.y. and the Petsamo Rovaniemi badge by the same maker. Both bades are in very good condition retaining most if not all of its enamel and gold coloured finish. There is also the 1943-1944 Eismeerfront capbadge with all prongs intact in the back. There is a Gebirgsjäger Edelweiss capbadge marked F&B most probably indicating production by Förster & Barth. There is a Lappland shield with this group but those are always debatable as such but I will keep it with the group. There is a traditional Finnish Puukko knife which carries the decal of the 1940 Finnish olympic games which never happened until 1952. This as such is a interesting collectible! There is a single early pointed style shoulderstrap to Gebirgsjäger Regiment 137 and a early dark green backed Edelweiss, both in uniform removed condition. His Erkennungsmarke with its original string, matching to that noted in the Soldbuch and additionally a French prisoner of war itentity tag indicating he was captured on the Western front.

    This extensive grouping is exceptional. All of its individual components of a great quality and included some rare variants. The completeness of this grouping clearly deserves a separate display case and a in depth research study as such. I am sure the combined value of all the pieces individually easily increases the value of the group a lot but I refuse to break it up as a historical artifact!

  • Heer EM / NCO M43 field blouse


    Heer EM / NCO M43 field blouse in lightly worn condition. The garment was denazified by removing the breast eagle. There are some moth damages but the collar is in good condition. The Einheitskragenlitzen are typical factory sewn examples. Perfect example to display under a mantel or a smock!

  • Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt


    Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt in worn condition. This shirt was recently found by my German friend in a cloth recycling plant and has never been in a collection before. The collar shirt has some large damages (holes), a large repair on the back and some buttons missing but is otherwise a great example for a mannequin display!

  • Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt


    Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt in worn condition. This shirt was recently found by my German friend in a cloth recycling plant and has never been in a collection before. A great used example for a mannequin display!

  • Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt


    Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt in worn condition. This shirt was recently found by my German friend in a cloth recycling plant and has never been in a collection before. The shirt has some damages, repairs, discoloration, some buttons missing and is shortened but is otherwise a great example for a mannequin display underneath a tunic or smock!

  • Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt


    Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt in worn condition. This shirt was recently found by my German friend in a cloth recycling plant and has never been in a collection before. The shirt has some damages, repairs, large discoloration, some buttons missing but is otherwise a great example for a mannequin display!

  • Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt


    Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt in worn condition. This shirt was recently found by my German friend in a cloth recycling plant and has never been in a collection before. The collar shirt has some damages, repairs, discoloration, some buttons missing and the sleeves are shortened but is otherwise a great example for a mannequin display!

  • Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt


    Partial Heer/Waffen-SS issue service shirt in worn condition. This shirt was recently found by my German friend in a cloth recycling plant and has never been in a collection before. This is mostly the upper partial of the shirt, collar and the sleeves. The shirt has a large repair using a period striped white shirt. Because of the intact sleeves and collar this example is great for mannequin display!

  • Heer issue sweater


    Textbook Wehrmacht issue sweater in as found condition. This sweater was picked out of a clothing recycling plant by my German friend and has never been in a collection before. Allthough the condition of this sweater is not mint; the collar and parts of the sleeves are intact and perfect for a mannequin display underneath a field blouse. The sleeves are rolled over and sewn halfway the sleeves, could be taken out to make them full length again. Hard to find, genuine Wehrmacht issue sweater.

  • Rare Afrikakorps issued French M35 wool sweater


    Rare Afrikakorps issued French M35 wool sweater in used condition. This sweater is far from mint but with its intact collar it is a perfect example to display underneath a Heer Afrikakorps tunic. Most if not all of these pieces have been worn up and recycled post war. Rare piece that would be a great detail for any tropical mannequin!

  • Kriegsmarine issue blanket


    Kriegsmarine issue blanket in good used condition. Some light staining which is less visible in real life.

  • Wehrmacht issue Toque or Oma scarf


    Textbook original Wehrmacht issue Schlauschal, Toque or Oma scarf in used condition. There are some moth holes but it would be perfect for a combat mannequin!

  • Luftwaffe issue Toque or Oma scarf


    Textbook original Wehrmacht issue Schlauschal, Toque or Oma scarf in used condition. There are some moth holes but it would be perfect for a combat mannequin. Very hard to find the Luftwaffe blue variant!

  • Luftwaffe issue Toque or Oma scarf


    Textbook original Wehrmacht issue Schlauschal, Toque or Oma scarf in used condition. There are some moth holes but it would be perfect for a combat mannequin. Very hard to find the Luftwaffe blue variant!

  • Hohner Harmonika ‘Sonnige Jugend’


    Unissued Hohner Harmonika ‘Sonnige Jugend’. Typical period harmonika priced in Reichsmark at the back.

  • Wehrmacht u. Waffen-SS typewriter by Olympia


    Wehrmacht u. Waffen-SS typewriter by Olympia. Typical finished in factory field grey which is probably a army issed example. The typewriter is in very good, working condition and has little to no wear. Some of the buttons are a bit sticky but I have not found a faulty one. As you can see it types just fine.

  • USAAF flak M4A2 helmet


    US Airforce flak helmet M4A2 manufactured by Industrial Canvas Prod. Corp. So. Bend, In in good condition. The helmet is in excellent condition with full original chinstrap.

Showing 421–480 of 16552 results