German militaria

Showing 16201–16260 of 16605 results

  • Tabbed aluminum Heer belt buckle G. Brehmer 1938

    Nice aluminum Heer belt buckle marked G. Brehmer Markneukirchen 1938 in good worn condition.

  • Green ZF41 scope can

    A very scarce original ZF41 sniper scope case marked jvb. Still retaining up to 80% of its original factory green paint. In a sea of fakes, here is a real one in obvious, combat used condition!

  • Smooth black leather mapcase marked R.Z.f.H. 7 1942

    A nice original mapcase marked R.Z.f.H. 7 1942 indicating production by Reichs Zentrale für Handwerkslieferungen. The mapcase is manufactured from smooth black leather and comes with a set of supposedly found with this mapcase pencils. Inside the closing flap the name R. Cometti can be seen.

  • Minty pair of winter felt boots

    A great lightbrown pair of late war felt boots. Typical eastern front footwear worn and issued with the reversible, non reversible and charkov parkas. The pair is a nice large 29 which translates to a modern EU 44. The pair is nicely marked RB-Nr. 0/1287/0009. Hard to find a great pair in this condition and size!

  • Early Gasplane with Rubberized pouch

    Nice original gascape with early rubberized pouch.

  • 37 pattern entrenchment tool

    Nice original British ’37 pattern entrenchment tool dated 1943 in mint condition.

  • Mint condition reversible Splittertarn parka

    Minty original reversible Splittertarn parka marked 0/0584/0006. The nice thing is that the wind flap on the front is made from Sumpftarnmuster and that it is in mint condition. The garment retains most if not all of its originally sewn buttons. Most of these reversible parkas are in strong used, abused or modified condition and not in a factory new condition like this one!

  • Late war helmet chinstrap marked 0/0750/0100

    A nice original chinstrap in unissued condition. Marked 0/0750/0100. The chinstrap is playable and easily installed on a helmet! Hard to find original chinstrap for a mid to late war helmet!

  • Ammunition pouch set for a G43

    A nice set exactly as would be issued to a G43 rifleman. One magazine pouch for two G43 magazines and one pouch for additional stripper clips for reloading. As the war progressed and materials became scarce it meant that the G43 was issued with only two magazines and one pouch from the start. Both pouches are nicely maker marked and are in the same unissued condition!

  • Ammunition drum for the Zwillingslafette MG34

    A rare pre war ammunition drum for the MG34 Zwillinglafette. These ammunition drums are often found with a late war modification on which the hooks for the Lafette connection are sawn off and the bare metal covered in tan paint. The drum is in very good condition with up to 50% of the original factory paint still present. The drum is nicely dated 1940.

  • Pioneer side pouches and rucksack by Wirtschaftsamt Litzmannstadt

    Hard to find complete pioneer pouches, complete with rucksack in mint condition. The set is made Wirtschaftsamt Litzmannstadt utilizing parts of captured British equipment items. These British equipment items where left in 1940 when the British Expeditionary Force evacuated to the United Kingdom. The Germans sent these for recycling and a lot of work was put in disassembling every British equipment piece and recycling the individual parts into German army equipment. Hard to find late war complete Pionier set that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Matching pair of K98 pouches marked RBNr. 0/0575/0122

    A nice pair in unissued condition marked RBNr. 0/0575/0122. The pouches are in good condition with all dividers intact.

  • Lightly worn Heer M44 trousers

    Textbook M44 trousers in very good lightly worn condition. The trousers retain most or all of its originally sewn buttons. The wool is in very good condition without any significant damages or repairs. Hard to find a textbook M44 Langhosen !

  • Aluminum tunic belt hooks

    A perfect mint set for a pre war Heer or Waffen-SS M36 or M40 tunic in aluminum. Hard to find spare set, especially in aluminum!

  • Rare Heer twill wool M43 EM tunic


    A late war twill wool M43 Heer field blouse in good used condition. This is a rare variant M43 tunic made of a rough twill wool. The tunic is a nice large size and in good used condition. The tunic comes with machine sewn Litzen and a handsewn breast eagle. The tunic hasn’t been shortened or repaired and is marked F44. Rare late war combat tunic in great condition!

  • Daimon Telko Duo flashlight

    A minty Daimon Telko Duo flashlight. The flashlight is with bulb and leather straps in good unissued condition!

  • Daimon flashlight

    A minty Daimon flashlight. The flashlight is with bulb and leather straps in good unissued condition!

  • Wehrmacht Toque

    A nice original Wehrmacht Schlauschal or Oma or toque in good unissued condition.

  • German army issue Marschkompass

    A nice issue compass marked cjy indicating production by Neag,Norddeutsche Elektro-Akustik Gesellschaft, Berlin. The compass comes with its original cord and is in working condition. The compass is without the letter A on top indicating production prior to may 1944 and a counter clockwise 64 Mills direction.

  • Pair of Heer signals Feldwebel shoulderstraps

    Nice pair of original privately purchased M36 shoulderstraps for a Feldwebel in a Nachrichtenabteilung.

  • M36 tunic for a infantry Hauptfeldwebel

    Nice M40 service blouse for a Hauptfeldwebel der Infanterie. The tunic was period modified by a tailor adding a green collar, shoulderstraps and a flatwire breast eagle. The tunic has two award loops and a ribbon bar for the Eisernez Kreuz II, Ostmedaille and Sudetenmedaille. The tunic has a few small repairs and one or two moth nips in a shoulder strap. Otherwise a very clean and neat example of a nice NCO tunic with wartime sewn insignia!

  • Heer M43 Panzergrenadier Shoulderstraps Panzergrenadierregiment 15

    Nice pair of late war EM Schulterklappen for a Panzergrenadier in mint condition. Rayon piped and lined textbook construction. The shoulderstraps are complete with a set of chainstitched cyphers indicating Panzergrenadier Regiment 15. Nice set!

  • Lamp, Electric No4

    Nice variant for the flashlight collector; a British Lamp, Electric No4 marked D.B. LtD LEN 4 in mint condition. This flashlight was directly copied of the German flashlight types during the second world war.

  • LP34 flare gun marked DUV 43 in mint condition

    A very nice LP34 in working condition. The LP34 still has the full anodization finish and never has been repainted. The finish still remains for 99% and this is the nicest LP34 flare gun I’ve ever owned.  The LP34 is marked DUV 43 which indicates production by Berlin Luebecker. The gun has very nice speckled brown grips and is probably one of the last LP34’s produced in aluminum. All in all a very nice aesthetic piece with a superb finish!

    The flare pistol is in good working condition and free to own anyone older then 18 in the Netherlands. I will not and can not export this piece outside of the Netherlands.

  • Late war soft shell P38 holster in mint condition

    A very nice late war P38 soft shell holster. The holster is nicely maker marked 0/0833/0007 indicating production by Hans Römer, Neu-Ulm. Simply a superb late war P38 holster in mint condition, can not be upgraded!

  • GKS Planzeiger

    Nice period map plotting grid by GKS.

  • Daimon Telko Trio flashlight

    A minty Daimon Telko Trio flashlight. The flashlight is with bulb and leather straps in good unissued condition!

  • Nice 1940 dated Heer EM/NCO belt and buckle size 110

    A perfect 1940 dated Heer belt and buckle in size 110. The buckle is a nice tabbed 1940 dated variant by Richard Sieper & Sohne in mint condition. The belt is supple, a nice large size 110 and is also dated 1940. A very nice set, hard to upgrade!

  • Matching pair of infantry EM shoulderstraps

    A very nice combat worn and matching pair of shoulderstraps for a Infanterie EM Feldbluse. The straps are in good combat worn condition and are hard to find in this condition!

  • Pre war short gasmask canister

    A very nice short pre war Gasmask with canister. The gasmask, canister and straps are all in good condition. A interesting pre war gasmask in very good condition, very hard to upgrade!

  • Daimon Telko 4 flashlight

    A minty Daimon Telko 4 flashlight. The flashlight is with bulb and leather straps in good unissued condition!

  • Pre war Waffen-SS equipment strap marked VA 423/39 ᛋᛋ

    Rare pre war Waffen-SS / SS-Verfügungstruppe marked equipment strap. Typical early strap with aluminum hardware and black stitching. The strap is nicely marked VA 423/39 ᛋᛋ and is supple. First one I’ve ever seen!

  • Late blue Heer belt buckle marked JFS

    A very nice late war blue belt buckle (Einheitskoppelschloss) in mint condition. Nicely marked JFS indicating production by Josef Feix & Söhne, Gablonz an der Neiße. The belt buckle has a typical brown painted set of prongs and still retains 100% of it’s original factory paint! A very nice Heer belt buckle that would be hard to upgrade!

  • Mint tabbed Heer belt buckle marked J. C. Maedicke 1941

    Mint steel Heer belt buckle with originally sewn tab. Nicely marked J. C. Maedicke 1941. The buckle retains 100% of its original factory paint. If you just want one Heer belt buckle this is it!

  • German army issue Marschkompass “A” marked CXN

    A nice issue compass marked cjy indicating production by Neag,Norddeutsche Elektro-Akustik Gesellschaft, Berlin. The compass comes with its original cord and is in working condition. The compass is with the letter A on top indicating production after may 1944 and a clockwise 64 Mills direction.

  • Leather equipment belt marked Jelinek 85

    A nice supple leather equipment belt marked Jelinek 1944. The size of the belt is 85 cm. A nice and typical equipment belt.

  • Three tone Normandy camouflage gasmask canister

    A great textbook example of a original three-tone camouflage canister with loads of character! The canister was found in Normandy and is in great used condition. Inside the lid this canister is named to Grenadier Josef Gahler. Hard to find original normandy camouflage gasmask in great used condition with vibrant colours!

  • Late war LP42 flare pistol marked euh 071776

    A nice late war reinforced Leuchtpistole 42 or LP42 flare pistol. Nicely marked euh indicating production by Metallwarenfabrik C.u. W. Meinel-Scholer, Kligenthal/Sachsen. The pistol still retains the original red brown grips, wartime finish on the metal and has not been refinished or reissued postwar. The flare pistol is fitted with a single piece hammer and is reinforced above the grip. The serial is 071776. The best example I’ve ever owned.

    These flare guns are legal and free to own without permit in the Netherlands for everyone over 18 years of age. Please conduct your local laws before purchasing this product. I can only ship this item within the Netherlands.

  • M36 Heer tunic for a artillery Hauptfeldwebel Spiess

    Stunning M36 field blouse for a Spiess in a Artillerieabteilung. Nicely tailored M36 tunic with fully originally sewn insignia. On the right breast pocket are 4 added double loops for awards and one for a ribbon bar on top. The tunic is a nice medium size and has a small name tag to H. Lanzenberger. The tunic has a nice lighty worn appeal that would nicely compliment any collection. The nap in the wool retains nearly fully except for some of the rough edges of the pockets. The tunic has a set of sewn in and modified M40 shoulderstraps for a Hauptfeldwebel der Artillerie. On the bottom of both sleeves two long bands of Tresse are sewn indicating the Hauptfeldwebel was also the Spiess of the Kompanie. A very rare tunic in great condition that is a stunning display piece for medal bars and awards!

  • Mint pair of Heer infantry EM shoulderstraps

    A original minty and matching pair of white rayon-piped Infantry EM Heer shoulder straps. The straps are a perfect matching pair for a Heer tunic and are very hard to come by.

  • Stitched K98 ammunition pouches marked 1/0666/0018

    A nice matching pair in untouched, uncleaned condition. Undamaged, with all dividers inside the partitions intact. Nicely marked 1/0666/0018 and dated 1944. Nice uncleaned pair!

  • Salty Fliegerbluse for a Fallschirmjäger

    A salty and strongly worn condition Fliegerbluse for a Fallschirmjäger with all originally sewn insignia. The tunic is strongly worn and has many small repairs, typical for a garment worn in combat. The insignia indicates the rank of Unteroffizier and has multiple award loops on the left breast. Easily visible is where a Fallschirmjägerabzeichen was once sewn. Simply the dirtiest and saltiest but most original Fliegerbluse surely worn by a Fallschirmjäger!

  • Two M42/M43 cap buttons marked BJ 41

    Hard to find early buttons for the M42 field cap. The price is for a set of two unissued buttons including worldwide shipping!

  • Late war embroided Heer M43 cap eagle

    A nice original late war embroided Heer M43 cap eagle. Free shipping!

  • Two blue M43 cap or Einheitsfeldmütze buttons marked RSS

    A great set of two original buttons for a Heer or Luftwaffe M43 field cap or Einheitsfeldmütze. Nicely marked RSS on the back. Rare buttons to find and all in good usable condition! Free shipping!

  • Two green M43 cap or Einheitsfeldmütze buttons marked AH 42

    A great set of original buttons for a Heer or Luftwaffe M43 field cap or Einheitsfeldmütze. Nicely marked AH 42 on the back. Rare buttons to find and all in good usable condition! Free shipping!

  • K98 bayonet marked 44 fnj

    A nice bayonet marked 44 fnj indicating production by Alexander Coppel GmbH (aka Alcoso), Solingen. The bayonet has never been sharpened or reblued. The bayonet is matching to its scabbard with the serial 8483 (no suffix) and has nice clean bakelite grips. The bayonet is in good uncleaned, unsharpened and matching (!) condition.

  • Aluminum Heer belt buckle by H. Arld 1938

    A very nice original aluminum Heer buckle by H. Arld Nuernberg. The buckle still retains most of its factory green paint which is a rare attribute for these aluminum belt buckles. The buckle is easily graded near mint! A rare buckle in very good condition!

  • Luftwaffe winter flight jacket

    A nice winter fur flight jacket or Kanaljacke in good used condition. The jacket has a metal Lufwaffe eagle on the breast. The jacket is in good used condition with three working zippers. The press studs are in good working condition.
    The front breastpocket has a small handsewn repair on the bottom. A nice winter flight jacket in good condition!

  • Straight E-tool carrier with E-tool marked obp 1944

    A nice original Presstoff E-tool carrier in good, lightly used condition. The leather is supple and it can easily be displayed on a mannequin. Nicely maker marked and dated. The E-tool carrier comes with a nice late war obp 1944 marked straight E-tool. Textbook mid- to late war variation made out of Ersatzmaterial!

  • Named ET64 single decal Heer M40 helmet

    A textbook Heer M40 single decal helmet marked ET64 indicating production by Eissenhuttewerke ThaleThe helmet is complete with its original liner and chinstrap that are original to the helmet. The liner is nicely named to Obgf (Obergefreiter) Morrioszy, and the chinstrap is full length, supple and marked Rahm Kampmann 1940. The helmet retains up to 99% of its original factory paint and 99% of its decal. All in all a very nice helmet in very good condition.

  • M40 pattern HBT or drillich combat trousers

    Medium sized M40 type field combat trousers in HBT or Drillichmaterial in good used condition. The front has a damaged part on the top that would be obscured by a jacket on a mannequin. Otherwise in very nice lightly worn condition that would nicely compliment a mannequin!

  • Matching K98 bayonet marked cvl 44

    Hard to upgrade matching bayonet marked cvl 44 indicating production by WKC Waffenfabrik G.m.b.H., Solingen-Wald. The bayonet is matching to its scabbard with the serial 8458 M and has nice clean wooden grips. The bayonet is in very good unsharpened and matching (!) condition.

  • Battledamaged CKL68 M38 paratrooper helmet

    Battledamaged M38 Fallschirmjäger or paratrooper helmet with liner. The helmet is marked CKL68 in the back indicating prodution by Eisenhüttenwerke, Thale. The helmet is a late war Fallschirmjäger helmet that was shot through by rifle calibre. The shot went through the helmet, wounding the soldier staining the liner with blood. The helmet was taken home after the war and kept as a souvenir. The liner has the typical rubber padding with the typical rubber smell. This also has been pierced by the bullet. It was clear coated at one point but has been cleaned externally. The helmet bears no decal which is typical for these late war Fallschirmjäger helmets. The helmet has two different sets of bolts which is a typical detail for these late war Fallschirmjäger helmets.
    The helmet is in good used condition and still retains a small portion of its original paint. Hard to find battle damaged original Fallschirmjäger helmet!

  • ET64 single decal Heer M40 helmet

    A textbook Heer M40 single decal helmet marked ET64 indicating production by Eissenhuttewerke ThaleThe helmet is complete with its original liner and chinstrap that are original to the helmet. The liner is original to the helmet and in good nearly unused condition.  The chinstrap is full length, supple and marked Rahm Kampmann 1940. The helmet retains up to 90% of its original factory paint and 99% of its decal. All in all a very nice helmet in very good condition.

  • German helmet chinstrap

    Original German helmet chinstrap in good used condition. Hard to find spare with painted steel buckle.

  • Pigskin P08 Luger holster erg 1942

    A rare P08 Luger holster in pigskin leather. Nicely marked erg 1942 indicating production by A. Döppert, Kitzingen. The holster is complete with all loops, straps and buckle. The leather is supple and not dry. Hard to find example!

  • Single decal M35 SE64 Kriegsmarine helmet

    Really clean example of a M35 helmet made to M40 specifications with a single Kriegsmarine decal.

    The helmet still retains 99% of its factory paint and 99% of the golden Kriegsmarine decal. The helmet is marked SE64 indicating production by Sächsische Emaillier und Stanzwerke A.G. The helmet still retains its original chinstrap which is nicely maker marked and dated. In the back of the helmet the name Hohmeier and the Nordseenummer N20851M. Factory single decal M35 helmets are rare to find, specially Kriegsmarine and especially in such a nice condition! Can’t be upgraded.

  • 5 Liter water container

    A nice and usable 5 liter Trinkwasser water carrier.
    These carriers where first introduced around 1941 probably due to the hot climate in Italy and Africa. These are becoming hard to find and are a good and secure way to take drinking water to the front. This one still has most of its original paint and stencils and is in very good condition!

    The canister is definitely good enough to clean and use. As far as I can tell it has not been used to store oil, gasoline or other poisonous substances.

  • Classic three-tone Normandy camouflage gasmask canister

    A very nice original three-tone or Normandy camouflage gasmask canister. The canister is nicely named to two different soldiers. The canister retains its original camouflage paint up to 75% and is in very nice vibrant condition. The canister still retains the original strap, spare lenses, filter and mask. A classic Normandy camouflage gasmask canister with the typical bright colours. Really a stunning piece that would easily be matched to a Normandy camouflage helmet!

Showing 16201–16260 of 16605 results