Paperwork, documents and photographs
Showing 361–420 of 431 results
Bombed Rotterdam Photograph 1940 – Jamin
Original photograph sized 6x9cm resembling bombed out Jamin factory in Rotterdam.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard to Franz Große
€40.00Original deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Franz Große.
Normandy deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Joh. Loibl KIA 11.7.44
Original deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Obergefreiter Johann Loibl, Hermannsried killed in action in Normandy, France. 11.7.44. Loibl is buried in La Cambe.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard to Max Stampfer KIA Nettuno 12.2.44
€65.00Original deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Max Stempfer KIA 18.2.44 in Nettuno. Stempfer served in 7. Kompanie Fallschirmjäger Regiment 11. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
France deathcard Lerouxville KIA 28.8.1944
€30.00Original deathcard to Obergefreiter Bernhard Eberz, killed in action 28.8.1944 in Lerouxville near Metz.
Italy deathcard Unteroffizier Karl Breu KIA 17.5.44 Kreta Armband
€60.00Original deathcard to Unteroffizier der Gebirgsjäger Karl Breu, serving in 2 Batterie Gebirgs Artillerie Regiment 95 which was a part of the 5. Gebirgsjägerdivision. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
Monte Cassino deathcard Gefreiter Johann mich KIA 12.2.1944
Original deathcard to Gefreiter Johann Migl killed in action at Monte Cassino. Migl served in the 1. Kompanie Grenadier Regiment 200, which was a part of the 90. Panzergrenadier Division. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
Monte Cassino deathcard Unteroffizier Anton Schießl KIA 20.5.1944 90 Pz.Gr.Div capbadge
Original Deathcard to Unteroffizier Anton Schießl, killed in action at Mt. Piccolo, Monte Cassino. Schießl was awarded the Eisernes Kreuz I. u. II Klasse, Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber and the Kreta Armband. A nice small detail to the photograph is the visible 90. Panzergrenadier Division capbadge.
Photograph with MG34 in frontline position
Photograph size 6,5×9,5 cm depicting a dug in frontline position with a MG34 on Lafette. The left soldier seems to be wearing some sort of helmet camouflage which looks to have the shape of a face veil.
SS Totenkopf photograph
Original SS-Totenkopf photograph in the size 10×7 cm. The picture depicts SS-Totenkopf in a battle roaring in a burning village.
SS Totenkopf photograph with BMW R12 Totenkopf divisional insignia
Original SS-Totenkopf photograph in the size 9.5×6.5 cm. The picture depicts a few BMW R12’s with a large painted Totenkopf to the sidecar cruising on a sunny afternoon. Beautiful and aesthetic composition.
SS Totenkopf photograph with BMW R12 Totenkopf divisional insignia
Original SS-Totenkopf photograph in the size 9.5×6.5 cm. The picture depicts a BMW R12 with a large painted Totenkopf to the sidecar cruising on a sunny afternoon. Beautiful and aesthetic composition.
Russian KV1 tank field grave photograph
€15.00Original photograph depicting a knocked out KV1 tank with the wooden sign reading ‘ Hier ruhen Drei unbekannte Deutsche Kameraden’ indicating the Germans used this knocked out KV1 as a field grave.
SS Totenkopf photograph
Original SS-Totenkopf photograph in the size 10×7 cm. The picture depicts Totenkopf officers standing in front of a destroyed house.
SS Totenkopf photograph
Original SS-Totenkopf photograph in the size 10×7 cm. The picture depicts a Unterscharführer sitting in his dugout eating from his messkit.
Large photograph showing transitional helmets and Dutch reworked tunics
Nice and large photograph showing a Heer unit all wearing transitional helmets, captured reissued Czech weapons and all seem to wear reworked pre war Dutch army uniforms. The photograph is a nice large size 12,5×17 cm.
Heer photograph with freshly awarded DKIG
€25.00Nice original photograph showing a Hauptfeldwebel with a freshly awarded DKIG pinned trough the top buttonhole in stead of it being sewn straight to the garment. The Hauptfeldwebel is a well decorated man awarded the Deutsches Kreuz im Gold, Allgemeine Sturmabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen and the Eisernes Kreuz I Klasse. The photograph is sized 13×8 cm
Kriegsmarine Photograph of a coastal artillery battery firing
€55.00Original photograph of a Kriegsmarine coastal artillery battery firing a 8,8cm flak gun sized 8,5 x 11,5 cm.
Nahkampfspange deathcard KIA 13.7.1944
€35.00Original deathcard to Obergefreiter Alois Dorfner, KIA 13.7.1944 on the eastern front. Dorfner served in a Grenadierregiment and was highly decorated with the Eisernes Kreuz II klasse, Infanterie Sturmabzeichen, Ostmedaille, Verwundetenabzeichen and the Nahkampfspange.
Postcard; Panzermann
€12.00Nice period postcard; Panzermann
Postcard Hans Liska, Infanterie
€17.50Nice original postcard with artwork done by Hans Liska; Infanterie.
Kriegsmarine photograph with freshly awarded EK2
Original photograph showing a Kriegsmarine sailor who has just been awarded the Eisernes Kreuz II klasse, freshly pinned to his blouse. The photograph is sized 6 x 8,5cm
Heer Hauptfeldwebel portrait with PKA, EK1, VWS, DRL and spange
Excellent original Heer portrait photograph of a Heer Hauptfeldwebel decorated with the Panzerkampfabzeichen, Eisernes Kreuz II klasse, DRL Sportabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber and a Spange on top of his breastpocket. The photograph is dated 4 Juli 1943.
German Zwillingsockel 36 photograph
Original German period photograph showing multiple MG34‘s mounted on a Zwillingsockel 36 sized 8.5 x 6 cm.
Luftwaffe Flieger portrait
€25.00Original postcard sized Luftwaffe Flieger or pilot/aircrew portrait.
Luftwaffe Flieger portrait
€25.00Original postcard sized Luftwaffe Flieger or pilot/aircrew portrait.
Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait
€25.00Original postcard sized Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait
Postcard sized Panzer III photograph
€30.00Original postcard sized Panzer photograph depicting several soldiers posing on a Battledamaged Panzer III 12.5 x 9 cm in size.
Late war Gebirgsjäger rucksack RB-Nr. 0/0950/0128
Nice late war example of a large Gebirgsjäger rucksack in good used condition. The rucksack is nicely marked RB-Nr. 0/0950/0128 on the inside. As which is almost always the case this rucksack is missing the waist strap and the two connector straps on the front.
Heer portrait picture with world war one medal bar
€25.00Original postcard sized portrait picture of a world war one veteran serving in a Heer (Most probably)Pionier Regiment 12. The postcard is in good condition and shows the Oberleutnants impressive first world war medal bar consisting of the Eisernez Kreuz II klasse, Frontkämpfer and the Schlesischer Adler 1. Stufe. Next to that it is a neat picture with the Wiederholungsspange.
Waffen-ss portrait picture for a Unterscharführer
Excellent postcard sized portrait picture for a Waffen-SS Unterscharführer.
Panzer deathcard 9.Pz. Div Max Kasinger KIA 11.8.44
€65.00Original deathcard to Panzerschütze Max Kasinger killed in France 11.8.1944. Kasinger was a member of Panzer Regiment 33 in the 9. Panzerdivision. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
Heer 5cm mortar photograph ‘Deutschlands Geheime Waffe’
€30.00Original Heer photograph depicting two soldiers with M36 style uniforms and M40 style helmets bearing the small 5cm mortar.
Heer colorized portrait
€35.00Original postcard sized Heer portrait picture in good condition. Very hard to find wartime colorized images!
Heer Panzer portrait picture
Excellent postcard sized early Heer Panzer portrait with second pattern panzer wrap and piped sidecap.
Heer portrait picture with unique reversed DD transitional helmet
€25.00Original pre war postcard sized portrait picture for a Soldat in Infanterie Regiment 15. The soldier is pictured with a Reichswehr style field blouse with numbered shoulderstraps to Infanterie Regiment 15. Interestingly; the decals on his transitional style helmet are the wrong way around. The helmet looks to have the early carbine clip chinstrap.
Holland deathcard Panzerfahrer Mühlbauer KIA 29.10.44 Meijel, Netherlands
€85.00Original deathcard to Panzerfahrer Karl Mühlbauer, Killed in action 29.10.44 in Meijel, the Netherlands. The battle of Meijel was fought by the 1. Fallschirm-Armee, 9. Panzerdivision and the 47. Panzerkorps.
Ardennes deathcard Gefr. Hans Seebauer KIA 24.12.44 Elsenborn ridge
€65.00Original deathcard to Gefreiter (Johann) Hans Seebauer, killed in action 24.12.1944 in Elsenborn which is falsely noted as Felsenborn. Seebauer is buried in Lommel, Belgium.
Heer Unteroffizier Pionier portrait ASA, VWA, OST and EK2
€30.00Original postcard sized Heer portrait picture of a Unteroffizier der Pioniertruppen awarded with the Eisernez Kreuz II klasse, Allgemeines sturmabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen im Schwarz.
Heer Leutnant portrait with DRL, ASA and HJ badge
€35.00Original postcard size Heer portrait for a Leutnant awarded with the Eisernez Kreuz II klasse, Ostmedaille, Deutsches reichssportabzeichen, Allgemeine sturmabzeichen and the Hitlerjugend Ehrenzeichen.
Charkow deathcard Pz. Jäger Franz Zur KIA 11.2.43
€75.00Original deathcard to Franz Zur, Obergefreiter in a Panzerjägerabteilung. Veteran of the France and Russian campaigns and awarded the Iron Cross second Class, Infantry assault badge and the eastern front medal.
Grossdeutschland deathcard Johann Paischer KIA Bjelgorod 9.7.43
€100.00Rare original deathcard to Gefreiter Johann Paischer who served in the Panzergrenadierdivision Grossdeutschland. Paischer is buried in Kursk.
Panzer deathcard Unteroffizier Franz Kreitmaier KIA 27.01.1945
€85.00Original deathcard to Panzerfahrer Franz Kreitmaier killed in action ‘Im Westen’ 27.1.45. Kreitmaier was awarded Eisernez Kreuz 1/2, Panzerkampfabzeichen, Ostmedaille and the Verwundetenabzeichen im Silber.
Warschau deathcard Pionier Anton Pongratz killed 16.9.1944
€75.00Original deathcard to Pionier Anton Pongratz who died 16.9.44 in Warschau during the infamous Warschau uprising.
Grenadier regiment ‘List’ deathcard Josef Brandmeier, KIA 7.2.44
€125.00Rare original deathcard to Feldwebel Josef Brandmeier who served in Grenadier Regiment ‘List’. Brandmeier was a veteran of the Poland, France and Soviet campaigns. He was a well decorated soldier awarded the Eisernez kreuz II Klasse, Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern II Klasse, Ostmedaille, Verwundetenabzeichens and the Nahkampfspange. Rare to find deathcard with high decorations!
Narva Flamethrower deathcard Josef Samberger KIA Kirikukula, Estonia 27.6.44
€125.00Rare original deathcard to Unteroffizier u. Gruppenführer Josef Samberger in einer Flammenwerferabteilung killed in action 2km south of former Kirikukula, Estonia. There are several Kirikukula’s to be found in Estonia but as Samberger’s remains are buried in Jöhvi this indicates that he was killed in action near Narva. And indeed, there is a Kirikukula straight next to Narva, which was totally destroyed during the battle for Narva but never rebuilt after the war. A very rare deathcard to find with potential to further research!
Belgian death card Johann Scheuren KIA 18.3.1943
€30.00Original death card of the Belgian Wehrmacht volunteer born in Neundorf. Killed in action B.Pawlowski 18.3.1943. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
Kall-Trail deathcard Heinrich Reines KIA 6.11.1944 Vossenack/Kall trail
€100.00Rare Original deathcard of Stabsgefreiter Heinrich Reines. Reines served in an Infanterie-Regiment and according to the deathcard was killed in action in the Huertgen Forest on 6 November 1944. Research on Volksbund shows he was killed 2 kilometres south east of Vossenack which is the exact location of the famous Kall-trail which leads to the town of Schmidt. Looking at his date of death and location he most probably served in the 1056. Infanterie-Regiment of the 89. Infanterie-Divison. He was most likely killed in action when his unit was engaged with Taskforce Ripple between 5 and 7 November 1944. Reines unit operated from the Teufelsley wooded area and attacked the American forces along the Kall-trail on numerous occasions in co-operation with the 116. Aufklärungs-Abteilung of the Windhund-Division. Reines is buried in Vossenack.
Normandy deathcard Jakob Ziegltrum KIA 4.7.1944 Saint-Germain
€75.00Original deathcard of Gefreiter Jakob Ziegltrum who served in an Pionier-Kompanie. Gefreiter Ziegltrum was killed in action on July 4, 1944 in Saint-Germain / Normandy. His remains are buried in Orglandes.
Halbe pocket deathcard Andreas Pirkl KIA 30.4.1945
€75.00Original deathcard of Oberwachtmeister and Kompanie Truppführer Andreas Pirkl. Pirkl served in an Artillerie-Regiment and was killed in action during the 9. Armee breakout from the famous Halbe Pocket in April / May 1945. To be precise he was killed in the village of Märkisch Buchholz which is one of the most iconic places related to the Halbe Kessel. He is buried in the same place of death.
Normandy death card Josef Wanninger KIA 10.8.1944 Panzerangriff Bonnetable
€75.00Original deathcard of Gefreiter Josef Wanninger. Wanninger served in an Artillerie-Regiment and was killed during a “Panzerangriff” armoured attack in the village of Bonnétable, Normandy. He is buried in
Mont-de-Huisnes, France. -
Normandy deathcard brothers Maier KIA 13.8.1944
€75.00Original deathcard of two brothers, one of them Soldat Franz Maier who served in an Grenadier-Regiment. Soldat Maier was killed in Normandy on August 13, 1944. He was killed in the town of Gacé and was buried in Champigny-St.André.
Normandy Deathcard Ludwig Gschwendtner KIA 7.8.1944 Martainville
€75.00Original deathcard of Soldat Ludwig Gschwendtner. Soldat Gschwendtner served in an Grenadier-Regiment and was killed in action in Normandy. He was killed at Chateau Martainville on the 7th of August 1944. His remains are buried in La Cambe.
Deathcard Unteroffizier Anton Burghart KIA 25.8.1944 Festung Brest
€55.00Original deathcard of Unteroffizier Anton Burghart. Unteroffizier Burghart served in an Artillerie-Regiment and was killed in action on the 25th of August 1944 in the “Festung” Brest. His remains are buried in Ploudaniel-Lesneven.
Deathcard Ludwig Zellner KIA 9.9.1944 Festung Brest
€55.00Original deathcard of Obergefreiter Ludwig Zellner. Zellner served in an
Panzer-Regiment and was killed in action on September 9, 1944. He was
killed at “Festung” or fortress Brest in France and was buried in
Ploudaniel-Lesneven. -
Death card to SS-Oberschütze Franz Plörederer KIA 29.7.1944
€60.00Original death card to SS-Oberschütze Franz Plörederer. Franz was 18 years old when he was killed in action 29.7.1944.
Deathcard to SS-Rottenfuhrer Josef Miedl
€50.00Original deathcard to SS-Rottenfuhrer Josef Miedl kiled in action 8.1.1945
Deathcard to Flemish Langemarck volunteer SS-Mann Gaston Van Haute KIA 12.1.1944
€100.00Rare original deathcard to the Flemish volunteer in Sturmbrigade Langemarck SS-Mann Gaston Van Haute killed in action at Seweriniwka 12.1.1944.
Leaflet; Seemacht! 224000 Gefangene
€25.00Nice original leaflet; Seemacht! 224000 Gefangene
Ardennes death card Josef Bauer KIA Burg Reuland 23.1.1945
€75.00Original deathcard of Obergefreiter Josef Bauer killed in action during the battle of the bulge 23.1.1945 in Burg Reuland, Belgium. His Erkennungsmarke reads -6- 3./Ld. Sch.Btl. 443 and he is buried in Daleiden war cemetary.
Showing 361–420 of 431 results