
My main collecting interest has always been field gear and small personal items. These things always breathe the period since they are the items the regular soldier had to do with. I specialize in these items and strive to offer nice and interesting items.
The items offered here are all guaranteed original and unaltered period pieces produced before May 1945 unless stated otherwise.

Showing 1–60 of 3360 results

  • Unique reinforced Waffen-SS prototype field blouse


    Scarce unissued prototype Waffen-SS field blouse. Late war variant jacket made from single and double layered fine gaberdine material. The shoulders, the belt portion, the elbows and some of the breast are double layered as a reinforcement. These field blouses were issued on a small scale for field testing but were never produced in large numbers. Allthough this design does not follow the exact cut of the SS M43 field blouse with two holes and 5 buttons; there is no suggestion that these garments were made for any other branch then the Waffen-SS. An equivalent was made in Blurred Edge camouflage pattern in the exact same cut with a 6 button front. This is one of those things that I will most likely hardly be able to acquire again and would most probably be one of those items to complete a collection!

  • Soldbuch to Wilhelm Krull, Grenadier Regiment 293, 18 VGD, Ardennes


    Soldbuch to Wilhelm Krull who served with 8 Kompanie, Grenadier Regiment 293 during the Ardennes offensive. He was wounded by shrapnel 14.1.1945 around Stavelot.

    Until mid-October 1944, the division was fully replenished with personnel in Denmark. The division was then relocated to the Schnee Eifel to take part in the upcoming Ardennes Offensive. It was positioned in the Ormont-Brandscheid area, approximately 14 km from Prüm. The sector was considered quiet. At the end of November 1944, the division’s sector was extended to Habscheid. From December 16, 1944, the division participated in the Ardennes Offensive. Its task was to advance on both sides of the Schneifel and capture St. Vith. The division succeeded in breaking through the opposing American positions and captured St. Vith on December 21.

    Afterward, the division received orders to relieve the 1st SS Panzer Division in the Houvegnez area, which it carried out on December 28, 1944. At this point, the division transitioned to a defensive stance. On January 6, 1945, the division suffered a breakthrough on its left flank. By mid-January, the 18th Volksgrenadier Division was considered completely exhausted, with only around 50 combat-effective soldiers remaining. After receiving reinforcements, the division engaged in heavy fighting in the Bleialf area in late January and early February 1945.

    At the beginning of March 1945, the remnants of the division retreated across the Rhine at Rheinbrohl. By mid-March 1945, the division was disbanded. Its remaining forces were merged with the remnants of the 26th Volksgrenadier Division to form a combat group.

    This is a nice soldbuch with many entries, great for further research!

  • Soldbuch of Heinz Schultz, 5. Fallschirmjäger Div, Ardennes


    Soldbuch grouping of Heinz Schultz, Fallschirmjäger, Ardennes. Wachtmeister Heinz Schultz served with Fallschirm Artillerie Regiment 5 in the 5. Fallschirmjäger Division. He entered service in 1939 with Flakabteilung 83. He was transferred to Flak Regiment 12 which saw action in Tunesia and was subsequently destroyed. After this he was transferred to 4. Kompanie Fallschirmjäger Artillerie Ersatz und Ausbildungs Abteilung. 28.10.1944 he was transferred to his field unit Fallschirmjäger Artillerie Regiment 5. This unit was part of the 5. Fallschirmjäger Division of which the brief unit history during this period until the end of the war is described;

    In October 1944, Fallschirmjäger Regiment 15 was relocated from its assembly area near Oldenburg to the Netherlands for coastal defense. At this time, most of the division’s units were still stationed at training grounds in northern Germany. As a result, the assembly of the division could not begin before mid-November. Although the division was only partially combat-ready and still in the process of being organized, it was transferred to the Eifel region at the end of November 1944, after Fallschirmjäger Regiment 15 was reassigned to it, in preparation for the planned Ardennes Offensive. The units were stationed in the Bitburg – Oberweis – Sülm area.

    Even during the march to its assembly area, the division suffered considerable losses due to low-flying Allied air attacks. Fallschirm-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 5 lost all of its vehicles, rendering it inoperable. During the Ardennes Offensive, the 5th Fallschirmjäger Division was tasked with advancing on the right flank of the 7th Army, as part of LXXXV Army Corps, from the area around Bitburg. After crossing the Our River near Vianden, it was to break through enemy positions at Wahlhausen, Putscheid, Nachtmanderscheid, and Walsdorf, and secure the line St. Hubert – Neufchâteau – Mellier – Attert, where it would establish a mobile defensive position to protect the southern flank of the 5th Panzer Army, which was advancing through Bastogne.

    On the morning of December 16, after a short artillery preparation, the division crossed the Our River at Stolzembourg and Roth. By the evening of the first day, the advance elements of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 15 had reached the Diekirch – Hosingen road. The left neighbor, the 352nd Volksgrenadier Division, was making slow progress east of Fouhren, while the right neighbor, Panzer Lehr Division, was already engaged west of Hosingen. On December 17, Fallschirmjäger Regiment 15 secured the river crossings near Bourscheid, while Fallschirmjäger Regiment 14 attacked between Putscheid and Weiler. Fallschirmjäger Regiment 13 was fighting alongside the 352nd Volksgrenadier Division at Fouhren.

    On December 18, elements of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 14 reached the western edge of Weiler, while Fallschirmjäger Regiment 15 secured the bridges at Bourscheid intact and linked up with Fallschirmjäger Regiment 14 at Weiler. Meanwhile, the division’s attached Fallschirm-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade XI was engaged in combat at Nachtmanderscheid and Walsdorf. Fallschirmjäger Regiment 13, still under the command of the 352nd Volksgrenadier Division, continued to fight at Fouhren. On December 19, Fallschirmjäger Regiment 15 advanced through the Sauer Valley without significant enemy resistance, while Fallschirmjäger Regiment 14 reached the Wiltz Valley near Kautenbach and Nocher by evening.

    The division’s advance continued rapidly, with Fallschirmjäger Regiment 14 moving south of Doncols toward the Bastogne-Arlon road. Fallschirmjäger Regiment 15 and Fallschirm-Sturmgeschütz-Brigade XI pushed southwest beyond the division’s left boundary, toward Bigonville and Martelingen, to support the neighboring division, which was still engaged in heavy fighting near Ettelbruck. By the end of the day, the division’s lead elements had reached the general line: northern edge of Martelingen – Vaux-les-Rosières – Sibret. On the evening of December 21, Martelingen was captured by Sturmgeschütz-Brigade XI with support from elements of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 15.

    Since the left neighboring division was still lagging behind, exposing the left flank of both the 5th Fallschirmjäger Division and the 5th Panzer Army (which had already advanced far west beyond Bastogne), the 5th Fallschirmjäger Division was ordered to assume flank protection. On December 22, the division reorganized its units, shifted from offensive to defensive operations, and established defensive positions against attacks from the southwest and south along the line: Vaux-les-Rosières – Martelingen – Bigonville – Arsdorf – Heiderscheid, covering a front of 40 km.

    Between December 23 and 25, the division was forced to abandon several positions, including Vaux-les-Rosières, Hotte, Strainchamps, Martelingen, Titange, and Bigonville, due to heavy attacks from the U.S. 3rd Army from the southwest and south along the Bastogne road. On December 26, American forces continued their advance toward Bastogne. Between Fallschirmjäger Regiment 14, still holding out near Chaumont, and the 26th Volksgrenadier Division to the northwest, American units broke through northward. Fallschirmjäger Regiment 14 withdrew its right flank to Assenois, barely preventing an enemy advance on Losange and Villers-la-Bonne-Eau.

    By December 27, the 5th Fallschirmjäger Division’s front stretched from Assenois to Lutrebois, Villers-la-Bonne-Eau, Harlange, and Bavigne. Following the successful American breakthrough at Bastogne, the division was threatened on its flank near Nothum. The American advance was halted only by deploying the last available reserves along the Harlange – Nothum – Buderscheid line. By December 29, 1944, the division, now under the command of LIII Army Corps, was still holding the line Lutrebois – Villers-la-Bonne-Eau – Harlange – Bavigne – Nothum against continued enemy attacks.

    On January 2, 1945, following further American breakthroughs near its left neighbor, the division was at risk of encirclement in the Harlange and Bavigne area. It held its positions until January 7 but was then forced to withdraw northeast, abandoning Villers-la-Bonne-Eau, Harlange, and Bavigne. On January 9, American forces attacked the division at Bras, Doncols, and Nothum, encircling a large portion of its forces and taking many prisoners. The remaining elements of the division regrouped near Wiltz and were later transferred to the Düren area.

    During their retreat, these remnants were diverted southeast and committed to counter an Allied breakthrough near Prüm. By the end of February, the remaining troops repelled Allied attacks near Wilwerath, Gondenbrett, and Olzheim. However, in early March, American forces bypassed the division’s defensive positions on both flanks, forcing it to retreat further northeast.

    At the Nürburgring, the division was encircled west of the Rhine, with most of its remaining troops taken prisoner. Only small remnants managed to escape to the Wernigerode area in April 1945.

    He was awarded the Flakkampfabzeichen, Erdkampfabzeichen, Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse, Ostmedaille, Schützenschnür, Dienstauszeichnung 4. Klasse, Erinnerungsmedaille 1.10.38 and possibly one I forgot. This is a great soldbuch with many entries, interesting units, awards and a nice portrait in tropical uniform. A great soldbuch for further research of a Fallschirmjäger who took part of the Ardennes Offensive!

  • Erkennungsmarke 1./ FERS. A.Ausb. Kp. Füs. Ers. Btl 22


    Erkennungsmarke or dog tag marked 1./ FERS. A.Ausb. Kp. Füs. Ers. Btl 22 indicating Füsilier-Ersatz-Bataillon 22 which was the replacement source for Füsilier Regiment 22.

  • Erkennungsmarke 10./ J.R. 216


    Erkennungsmarke or dogtag marked 10./ J.R. 216 indicating 10 Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 216, later renamed Grenadier Regiment 216 which was a part of the 86. Infanterie Division. It took part in the Westfeldzug and was later sent to the eastern front.

  • Erkennungsmarke 3./ A.R. 260


    Erkennungsmarke or dogtag in alumunium for 3./ A.R. 260 indicating 3. Batterie Artillerie Regiment 260. This artillery regiment was a part of the 260 Infanterie Division.

  • Spectacular SE66 M35 Heer double decal helmet


    Spectacular SE66 M35 Heer double decal helmet in excellent condition. This helmet is a stunning example of a pre war Heer helmet in a large size 66 shell. The helmet retains its factory paint and ET decals up to 99%. The helmet retains its factory installed reinforced aluminium liner which is named Stahl in the back. The chinstrap is nicely marked and dated 1938. The helmet is a perfect example that would be incredibly hard to upgrade and only rarely enters the open market. By far one of the best Heer helmets I have ever had the pleasure to offer and that I have seen out there. It would be a crown in any helmet collection; simply a textbook M35 in the best possible condition!

  • ET64 M35 double decal Luftwaffe helmet


    ET64 M35 double decal Luftwaffe helmet in good used condition. The helmet retains its factory installed liner and chocolate brown Luftwaffe issue chinstrap. The liner is named Unteroffizier (Uffz.) Ludwig. The helmet was brought back by a Canadian medic at the end of the war. A nice and textbook double decal helmet in very good condition!

  • SE66 M35 Kriegsmarine helmet in textured camouflage


    Textbook M35 helmet in good used condition. The helmet retains its original factory installed Aluminium reinforced liner and 1940 dated chinstrap. The liner is named Wittmer and the number O/4335/54 K. PJ. which is a typical Kriegsmarine number. The helmet retains up to 90% of its period textured camouflaged paint. The helmet is in very good condition and would be hard to upgrade!

  • Q64 single decal Luftwaffe helmet with original Tarnnetz


    Q64 single decal Luftwaffe helmet with original Tarnnetz in excellent condition. Typical M40 single decal Luftwaffe helmet with factory installed liner and decal. The helmet retains its original Tarnnetz which was stuffed underneath the liner. The net is a early pattern with closed front and back ends. Not to be confused with the late pattern nets which are available from time to time. Whilst this helmet does not have netting hooks, it would have most probably be installed stucked in between the liner band. This is a rare opportunity to acquire a matching set, in good used condition.

  • EF64 M40 stacked decal Heer helmet with period painted red cross


    Spectacular original German army Sanitäter helmet in used condition. The helmet was originally a bringback from a commonwealth soldier and found its way back to Canada after the war. The helmet retains its original factory installed liner and chinstrap. The helmet rolled out the factory as a standard single decal Heer M40 helmet. It was reissued once with a new ‘toned’ Heer decal on top of the factory decal. After which it was overpainted in tan paint, obscuring the decal. The helmet was then painted over in white paint with a red cross to the front of the shell. The white paint must have been swiped right of the decal after adding the white layer considering the smudged edges of the paint finish. The patina on the decal is identical to the rest of the helmet leaving me to believe that this decal was painted around and cleaned right off after painting, not post war. The white and red paint on top of the tan overpaint show a good patina all over with age cracking all over. This is a beautiful example of a wartime painted Sanitäter helmet that would be hard to upgrade. There are many Sanitäter helmets on the market, but this is the second ever example I personally feel comfortable with offering considering the many counterfeits on the market. This is a top shelf example, a rare opportunity to acquire this type of helmet!

  • Textbook issue M37 lowboots made by Pfeiffer & Co. in unissued condition


    Stunning textbook pair of brown leather issue M37 lowboots or Schnürschuhe in perfect, unissued condition. Beautifully matching set with both boots marked with a logo on the sole and marked Pfeiffer & Co. on the inside. The pair is marked as a size 31 which would roughly correspond with a modern EU size 45. The boots retain a pair of original laces, all the hobnails and both heel irons. Impeccable pair which would be very impossible to upgrade!

  • Rare tank destruction badge or Panzervernichtigungsabzeichen


    Textbook Panzer destruction badge or Sonderabzeichen für das Niederkämpfen von Panzerkampfwagen durch Einzelkämpfer. The badge is in very good condition and retains its original backing cloth. Through this cloth I can feel all three prongs and metal backing plate intact. Hard to find example which would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Textbook issue M37 lowboots made by Rieker


    Textbook matching pair of issue M37 lowboots or Schnürschuhe in very good, light worn condition. The pair of boots is nicely marked on the sole and on the inside and is manufactured by the well known company Rieker. The pair is marked as a size 30 which would roughly correspond with a modern EU size 44. The boots feature original laces, most of the hobnails and both heel irons are present. The pair is nicely blackened as intended by regulations. A textbook blackened pair of M37 lowboots like this is extremely hard to find, even harder as unissued examples. Perfect textbook M37 lowboots in light used condition which would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Late war tan carbid lantern or Einheitslaterne aus Stahl


    Original late war tan field/bunker lantern or Einheitslanterne 42 in very nice condition with a lot of the original factory applied paint still remaining. This is the late war model introduced in 1942 which would replace the bakelite version (Einheitslanterne 37).. Excellent example in untouched condition which would look perfect in any late war display!

  • Late war tan carbid lantern or Einheitslaterne aus Stahl


    Original late war tan field/bunker lantern or Einheitslanterne 42 in perfect condition with almost all original factory applied paint still remaining. This is the late war model introduced in 1942 which would replace the bakelite version (Einheitslanterne 37). This is a nice example which is (over)complete, the virtually always missing hook is present, all the shades, even the coloured glass ones are there! Excellent example in untouched, perfect condition which would be impossible to upgrade!

  • Late war tan carbid lantern or Einheitslaterne aus Stahl


    Original late war tan field/bunker lantern or Einheitslanterne 42 in very nice condition with a lot of the original factory applied paint still remaining. This is the late war model introduced in 1942 which would replace the bakelite version (Einheitslanterne 37).. Excellent example in untouched condition which would look perfect in any late war display!

  • Rare first pattern steel Rodo Waffen-SS belt buckle


    Rare first pattern steel Rodo Waffen-SS belt buckle in excellent condition. The buckle retains up to 85% of its factory finish. This is a early, first pattern example executed in green paint. The buckle is a typical example marked Rodo indicating production by Robert Dold, Offenberg. The buckle is a typical first pattern example with the rope only to the left side of the head of the eagle. The buckle is a typical example produced by this manufacturer with the bold prongs and the cornered catch. Beautiful sought after example in excellent condition with of its factory paint remaining!

  • Rare BeVo Waffen-SS cufftitle ‘Totenkopf’


    Rare and textbook BeVo cufftitle of the 3. SS Panzerdivision Totenkopf. The cufftitle remains in full length and is in perfect condition. One of the rarest and most sought after Waffen-SS cuff titles out there and for sure a missing piece in any SS collection. Very hard to upgrade!

  • Waffen-SS belt buckle cracked-wing variant


    A rare buckle to find in great condition! The cracked wing can be identified trough the crack in the upper left wing and head of the eagle. These buckles are rare to find and this is a perfect example with the frosting remaining front and back.

    For more information on Waffen-SS belt buckles;

  • Waffen-SS BeVo EM / NCO cap eagle


    Waffen-SS BeVo EM / NCO cap eagle in cap removed condition. The eagle was straight stitched with a cloth backing. The eagle is in good condition, textbook BeVo example!

  • Waffen-SS BeVo EM / NCO sleeve eagle


    Waffen-SS BeVo EM / NCO sleeve eagle in uniform removed condition. Textbook BeVo example!

  • Waffen-SS BeVo flatwire sleeve eagle


    Waffen-SS BeVo flatwire sleeve eagle in excellent uniform removed condition. This is a very hard to find variant in flatwire!

  • Rare Belgian Made Waffen-SS skull


    Rare Belgian Made Waffen-SS skull in good used condition. The skull is a rare ‘closed’ nose variant. The skull retains both of its original prongs but one has separated. Hard to find variant!

  • Waffen-SS BeVo EM NCO cap skull


    Waffen-SS BeVo EM NCO cap skull in uniform removed condition, This cap skull was originally sourced from a armoured veteran in the Nordland Division. Textbook example!

  • Rare Cupal Waffen-SS visor cap totenkopf marked RZM 499/41


    Rare Cupal Waffen-SS visor cap totenkopf marked RZM 499/41 indicating production by Fritz Zimmermann. This is a early example produced in Cupal. Both prongs are removed to the back of the skull and have been replaced with a clasp which is typical for Norwegian Waffen-SS badges. The pin and the catch are typicall for most if not all Norwegian SS Volunteer badges! This is a rare original example with a interesting period repair to the prongs which only adds to the character of the piece. Hard to upgrade!

  • Waffen-SS NCO collar tabs for a SS-Oberscharführer


    Waffen-SS NCO collar tabs for a SS-Oberscharführer in excelent, uniform removed condition. Nice hand embroidered runic collar tab with typical Unterlagen. Beautiful uniform removed set!

  • Rare Waffen-SS NCO collar for a Oberscharführer in SS-Totenkopf


    Rare Waffen-SS NCO collar for a Oberscharführer in SS-Totenkopf. This is a beautiful, period removed Waffen-SS collar with period sewn collar tabs underneath the NCO tresse. A typical tailored example with ‘dragon teeth’ pointed collar. The Totenkopf and Rank tab are both typically embroidered examples on a nice moleskin base. The collar is not a complete garment but a perfect example to display on top of a mannequin dressed in a camouflage smock or Erbsentarn tunic so that a expensive tunic underneath is not a necessity. Beautiful piece!

  • Waffen-SS collar tab SS-Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division Horst Wessel


    Original Waffen-SS collar tab SS-Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division Horst Wessel. Hard to find original collar tab!

  • Waffen-SS BeVo runic collar tab


    A textbook Waffen-SS BeVo collar tab worn by enlisted men and non commissioned officers in the Waffen-SS.

  • Unissued Waffen-SS EM runic collar tab


    Textbook embroidered Waffen-SS runic collar tab in excellent condition.

  • Waffen-SS BeVo runic collar tab


    A textbook Waffen-SS BeVo collar tab worn by enlisted men and non commissioned officers in the Waffen-SS.

  • Two uncut Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer sleeve shields


    2 Late war original Waffen-SS Dutch volunteer Sleeve Shields. These shields have never been cut from their original base fabric making it a unique piece for the collector of Dutch Waffen-SS insignia. Unlike many of the cut down sleeve shields here is a original patch of three, uncut sleeve shields. I hope it will remain in this form as it’s a nice study object. A nice piece which if it doesn’t sell, I wouldn’t mind to keep for my collection!

  • Waffen-SS EM / NCO collar tab Waffen-SS collar tab 23. SS-Frewilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division Nederland


    Textbook example of the Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer Collar Tab. These were intended for the 23. SS-Frewilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division “Nederland”. This is an unissued, late war piece, in the typical “Dachau” construction as found in the SS storehouse at the Dachau camp when it was liberated by US Army forces in 1945. These are embroidered in silver-gray on a base of typical SS black wool. On the reverse, the textbook Dachau type coarsely woven tan buckram stiffener is visible. There is some glue on the back, as well as the white stitching common to these Dachau tabs. Overall textbook construction with silver-white embroidered “Handschar” symbol on a typical black wool backing, and on the reverse the coarsely woven tan buckram stiffener is clearly visible.

  • Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer sleeve shield


    Late war original Waffen-SS Dutch volunteer Sleeve Shield. Textbook German manufactured Dachau find sleeve shield in mint condition!

  • Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer sleeve shield


    Late war original Waffen-SS Dutch volunteer Sleeve Shield. Textbook German manufactured Dachau find sleeve shield in mint condition!

  • Rare printed eastern volunteer SS helper triangle


    Rare original printed triangle worn by eastern SS Flak Helfers. These were worn for purposes of identification of Russian and Baltic nationals serving in the 8 countries that provided Helfers in this capacity — Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ruthenia, Galicia, Ukraine , Russia, and the Volga and Crimean Tartars. Rare original printed insignia in unissued condition!

  • Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer sleeve shield


    Late war original Waffen-SS Dutch volunteer Sleeve Shield. Textbook German manufactured Dachau find sleeve shield in mint condition!

  • Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield


    Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield in excellent unissued condition. These shields depict a Wolfsangel stitched onto its cardboard backed yellow cloth. These were worn on the sleeves for Belgian NSKK volunteers, Fabriekswacht, Dietsche Militie or the Zwarte Brigade. Hard to find example in unissued condition!

  • Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield


    Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield in excellent unissued condition. These shields depict a Wolfsangel stitched onto its cardboard backed yellow cloth. These were worn on the sleeves for Belgian NSKK volunteers, Fabriekswacht, Dietsche Militie or the Zwarte Brigade. Hard to find example in unissued condition!

  • Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield


    Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield in excellent unissued condition. These shields depict a Wolfsangel stitched onto its cardboard backed yellow cloth. These were worn on the sleeves for Belgian NSKK volunteers, Fabriekswacht, Dietsche Militie or the Zwarte Brigade. Hard to find example in unissued condition!

  • Waffen-SS Infanterie Oberscharführer shoulderstraps SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5


    Rare matching shoulderstraps for a Oberscharführer in SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5. The straps are a nice matching pair and have wartime attatched Unteroffizierstresse.

  • Matching Waffen-SS shoulderboards Hauptsturmführer der Infanterie


    Rare original combat worn shoulderboards for a Waffen-SS Hauptsturmführer der Infanterie or Panzergrenadiere. Rare original pair with loads of character perfect for a combat display.

  • Waffen-SS shoulderstraps for a Unterscharführer der Gebirgsjäger


    Beautiful, matching pair of Waffen-SS NCO shoulderstraps for a Unterscharführer der Gebirgsjäger. Textbook, late war examples with grey subdued tresse. Rare pair to find!

  • Waffen-SS Aufklärung EM shoulderstraps


    Rare original matching Waffen-SS EM shoulderstraps for a soldier in an Aufklärungs unit in very good condition. Textbook late war construction with rayon piping.

  • Foreign made EM Waffen-SS Artillerie shoulderstraps


    Hard to find and typical matching pair of Waffen-SS shoulderstraps for a enlisted man in a Artillerie unit. This style of shoulderstraps was foreign, non German made and shows a different construction. I have seen this exact pattern being worn by a Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer which shows the same thin tongues in wear. The shoulderstraps are in unissued condition. Rare pair!

  • Waffen-SS Aufklärung EM shoulderstraps


    Rare original matching Waffen-SS EM shoulderstraps for a soldier in an Aufklärungs unit in very good condition. Textbook late war construction with rayon piping.

  • Rare Spanish volunteer sleeve shield


    Textbook BeVo woven Spanish volunteer sleeve shield. The shield is in unissued perfect condition. This Spanish example is one of the rarest and most desirable volunteers sleeve shield!

  • Pre war Danzig cap skull marked ST&L RZM


    Textbook pre war Allgemeine SS visor cap skull in good condition with its original prongs. The cap skull is a textbook piece by Steinhauer & Luck marked ST&L,  RZM and Ges. Gesch. 

  • Georgian volunteer sleeve shield


    Textbook BeVo woven Georgian volunteer sleeve shield. The shield is in unissued perfect condition. A nice addition to any insignia collection!

  • Steel fuze box for 15 Brennzünder 24


    Steel fuze box for 15 Brennzünder 24 as used with the stick grenades (Stielhandgranate 24). The box is in overall good condition and most of the paper label is still intact. Nice hard to find example.

  • D.F. 10×80 aiming reticle

    Nice original large aiming reticle or sight as issued with the D.F. 10×80. The reticle is in overall good, untouched condition. Very nice hard to find example example!

  • Unissued tall CoFe39 M38 gasmask filter manufactured in Aluminium(!)


    Unissued tall CoFe39 M38 gasmask filter in unissued condition, complete with its steel lid and rubber lower seal. The filters shows some traces of storage.

  • Unissued tall CoFe39 M38 gasmask filter manufactured in Aluminium(!)


    Unissued tall CoFe39 M38 gasmask filter in unissued condition, complete with its bakelite lid and rubber lower seal.

  • British Bren gun ammunition vest M&Co 1944 size Large


    British Bren gun ammunition vest dated 1944 in the size large. Hard to upgrade piece in excellent condition and size!

  • Wehrpass to Werner Weber, 1 Staffel, Jagdgeschwader 53 KIA 1941


    Nice original Wehrpass with many entries for Werner Weber, Obergefreiter in 1. Staffel, Jagdgeschwader 53. This is a nice Wehrpass with many entries that would be nice for a further research. The cover is loose, otherwise in good condition.

  • Wehrpass to Gefreiter Herbert Osteroth – Infanterie Regiment 17

    Wehrpass to Gefreiter Herbert Osteroth. His Wehrpass was issued on 11.7.1938. He served with the RAD prior to his military service. In August 1939 he joined the army with Infanterie Ersatz Batalion 17 in Braunschweig. He was promoted to Obergrenadier on 1.10.40 and Gefreiter on 1.2.41. He was killed in action serving with Infanterie Regiment 17 with the 31st Infanterie Division on 29.6.1941. He was killed in Russia at Rozana. He was awarded the HJ-Leistungsabzeichen. Nice Wehrpass for further research!

  • Heer Soldbuch Josef Kiebele, Fahr-Ers. u. Ausb. – Abt 5


    Heer Soldbuch Josef Kiebele, Fahr-Ers. u. Ausb. – Abt 5. Nice unresearched Soldbuch in good condition with photo.

  • Heer Soldbuch to Helmut Rathgeber Grenadier Regiment 328, 509, 719


    Nice original Soldbuch to Gefreiter Helmut Rathgeber. Wounded 22.3.45,  31b indicating shrapnel wounds. Nice unresearched Soldbuch with a load of entries.

  • Luftwaffe Soldbuch to Helmut Nafe, Divisions Füsiliers Bataillon 347, Hurtgenwald


    A interesting Luftwaffe Soldbuch to Feldwebel Helmut Nafe. He served with a number of units. In 1943 he served with Luftwaffen-Jäger-Regiment 27. In 1944 he trained at the Flugzeugführerdoppelschule in Warnemünde. 9.10.44 he moved with Luftwaffen-Festungs-Bataillon IV (who were stationed in Herogen and Schmidtheim), 1.11.44 he moved to Divisions Füsiliers Bataillon 347 which served under the 347 Infanterie Division which by that time was fighting in the Hurtgenwald.

    He was issued a Tarnnetz for his helmet.
    Divisions Füsiliers Bataillon 347

    Unfortunately page 3/4 and the awards page are missing. This is a nice Soldbuch worthy of further research!

Showing 1–60 of 3360 results