German militaria

Showing 1321–1380 of 16605 results

  • NSDAP party badge marked RZM M1/66


    NSDAP party badge marked RZM M1/66 indicating production by Fritz Kohm, Pforzhiem which is a rarer manufacturer to find.

  • NSDAP party badge marked RZM M1/153


    NSDAP party badge marked RZM M1/153 indicating production by Friedrich Orth, Wien

  • NSDAP party badge marked RZM M1/101


    NSDAP party badge marked RZM M1/101 indicating production by Gustav Brehmer, Marknehausen.

  • NSDAP party badge marked RZM M1/108


    NSDAP party badge marked RZM M1/108 indicating production by Schroder & Co. , Lüdenscheid.

  • Button hole NSDAP party badge marked M1/8


    Button hole NSDAP party badge marked M1/8 indicating production by Ferdinand Wagner.

  • Button hole NSDAP party badge marked M1/34


    Button hole NSDAP party badge marked M1/34 indicating production by Karl Wurster.

  • Button hole NSDAP party badge marked M1/137


    Button hole NSDAP party badge marked M1/137 indicating production by Richard Simm & Söhne in Gablonz.

  • Infantry assault badge by Schickle


    Infantry assault badge by Schickle. Nice hollow example in good used condition.

  • Infantry Assault badge marked GWL


    Nice original hollow Infantry assault badge in silver or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber. Nicely maker marked GWL indicating production by Gebrüder Wegerhoff. 

  • Infantry assault badge by Wiedmann üü


    Infantry assault badge marked üü indicating production by Wiedmann. Nice piece in good used condition.

  • CKL62 M42 Waffen-SS single decal helmet


    Textbook  M42 Waffen-SS single decal helmet marked CKL62 indicating production by Eisenhuttenwerke Thale. The helmet retains its factory installed size 54 liner, chinstrap and domestamp. The helmets exterior shows up to 99% of its original finish and ET type decal. The helmet shows minimal storage wear but is in my opinion a unissued example.

  • Rare original Belgian Made Waffen-SS skull


    Rare original Belgian made Waffen-SS skull in very good condition. The skull is in very good condition with most of the original finish remaining!

  • Rare original Belgian Made Waffen-SS skull


    Rare original Belgian made Waffen-SS skull in very good condition. The skull is in very good condition with most of the original finish remaining!

  • Rare Heer shoulderboards for a Generalmajor


    Rare Heer shoulderboards for a Generalmajor in very good condition. Textbook construction with nicely interwoven gold and silver bullion piping. The shoulderboards are matching and are both a left and right side example. Textbook examples in the best possible condition.

  • Rare gold Heer dress uniform aiguillette for a General

    Rare Heer general’s dress uniform aiguillette in used condition. Textbook example made of twisted and rolled gold bullion wire. The left end has the typical woven button hole attatchment and the other end is the typical wire to attatch to the main tunic buttons. There is light aging to the material but it is how it was found. Very hard to find for any Generals tunic in any condition!
  • Kriegsmarine HBT work shirt


    Textbook Kriegsmarine HBT work jacket in good, lightly worn condition. The garment is marked RBNR and size 2. One seam in the lower back is loose but otherwise a excellent example in good condition!

  • German wool socks


    Typical, wartime grey wool German socks as worn by the troops during the war. Matching pair in unissued condition. Typical high ended pair which is typical for the Army used socks worn with marching boots.

  • Heer M36 service blouse for a Leutnant in Infanterie Regiment 53


    Heer M36 service blouse for a Leutnant in Infanterie Regiment 53. This blouse retains its wartime sewn insignia including a nice set of cyphered shoulderboards for Infanterie Regiment 53. The blouse is a service blouse which shows genuine field wear with damages and wear which are typical yet hard to find! The left breast pocket shows a set of period sewn award loops and a additional set for a Bandspange. This is a killer field worn example for a 1940 campaign display!

    Underneath a short unit history of Infanterie Regiment 53 during the 1940 campaign.

    9 May 1940; Infanterie Regiment 53 was mobilized early may 1940. On may 1940 it received the order to march westwards in the night. Close to the border it took a pause near Effeld and Rothenbach.

    10 May 1940; May 10, 03:00 it received the order to prepare and around 05.35 marched across the border near Vlodrop and stormed the bridge acros the Roer where it exchanged hands undamaged. They went trough St. Odilienberg and Linne. At 8.30 they reached Maasbracht where the Panzerjäger Kompanie attacked the bunkers at the Maas bridge. Around 12:30 the first troops crossed the Maas river where it took many casualties due to Dutch machinegun fire. The advancing troops managed to roll up the enemy troops, cross the canal at Neederwert and capture the bridge in Panheel intact. At around 13:00 the resistance was broken and Wessem was taken. The Dutch-Belgian border at Kessenich was crossed via Thorn by the evening.

    11 May 1940; The 1. Bataillon moved in the night trough the hardly passable swamp and forest area south of Kinrooi towards Tengerloo. Using a set of half sunk barges the 1. Btl. crossed the Maas-Scheldt canal. Other  bataillons were brought up they used the regimental pioneer platoons rafts to cross it moving most if not all the units vehicles. Around midday the order was given to chase the enemy. They paused in Meeuwen and ended the day after crossing at Helchteren. By nightfall they had covered around 45 kilometers into Belgium resting in Lilo, Helchteren and Zolder.

    12 May 1940; the regiment crossed the Albertkanaal which was cleared of Belgian resistance during the night. It received its first air raid in the west. They faced resistance when they reached Lummen which was taken by nightfall at heavy casualties.

    13 May 1940; They pushed trough to Tienwinkel and moved into a defensive position at their bridgehead acros the Albertkanaal because the units to its left and right have not yet crossed the canal. Late in the evening it moved westwards again.

    14 May 1940; The regiment was pulled from the front for a short pause where they were fed and received new ammunition. Afterwards marched trough Haelen to the staging area at Meensel-Kiesehem and Molembeek-Wersbeek. At 03:30 it moved to Lovenjoul where it arrived int he evening.

    15 May 1940; The regiment crossed the Dyle river and took up positions to move towards Leuven. This attach was however called up and dug into defensive positions. They received a heavy artillery barrage from the British troops near Leuven.

    17 May 1940; The regiment attacked across the Dyle. After crossing it repaired the blown bridges and the spearhead of the regiment advanced towards Brussels trough Eversberg, Corstenberg, Nosseghem and Zaventem. The regiment encountered hard resistance around Dieghem on the Canal du Nord.

    18 May 1940; The regiment fought its way into Brussels trough Haren and Evere. In the evening the unit took positions and went to rest at Bodeghem and Schepdael.

    19 May 1940; The regiment advanced to the Dendre canal. Around Ninove it encountered a British artillery barrage. The canal was heavily defended and around mid day the 5. Kompanie was the first to cross the canal. Around 17:00 the rest of the regiment had crossed.

    20 May 1940; Marching trough the night the regiment reached Renaix(Ronse) and attacked towars the Schelde. Under heavy enemy fire it however stays pinned at their side of the river.

    23 May 1940; The regiment attacked the crossing and secured the bridgehead

    24 May 1940; The regiment crossed the river en masse moving to Vichte where it took rest.

    25 May 1940; The regiment received the order to move into a wide defensive position. Enemy positions on the hills north of Heule and Galleghem were attacked and moved into.

    26 May 1940; The regiment marched West

    27 May 1940; The regiment marched in line with the spearhead of the unit towards Paschendaele were it attacked together with Infanterie Regiment 11.

    29 may 1940; The regiment attacked and took Boesinghe.

    30 May 1940; The regiment moved towards Dunkirk. After a quick march the regiment reached Elzendamme were a destroyed bridge was repaired by the Pionierzug. Trough Hoogstade and Stavele it moved towards Wegscheede. At Hondschoote it encountered a heavy artillery barrage and resistance. The spearhead of the unit managed to cross the Basse-Colm canal and disperse the enemy from the eastern bridgehead.

    31 May 1940; The regiment was supposed to cross the canal which was however delayed trough the fields being flooded by the British. Towards the night the artillery was brought up and a Bridgehead across the canal was made.

    1 June 1940; The regiment crossed the Digue canal at St. Michel. Where it stayed until June 3rd.

    3 June 1940; The 9. Kompanie retreated due to their positions being flooded.

    4 June 1940; The regiment moved into Dunkirk which ended the first battle of France.

    After being deployed again for the Battle of France, the regiment fought at Henin-Literd, Moy, Nesle, Beauvais, Suznay, Surville, Maison Baugis, Chartres, Briarres and Augerville until the armistice in Larchant. It suffered 471 casualties of which 140 men killed.

    15 October 1940; The regiment was renamed into Grenadier Regiment 53 and was moved to the 14. Infanterie Division.

    July 1944; the unit was renamed to Verstärktes Grenadier-Regiment 1065 under the 14. Infanterie Division where it stayed on the eastern front until the end of the war.


  • Rare Heer Officer M36 field blouse for a Leutnant der Veterinär


    Rare Heer Officer M36 field blouse for a Leutnant der Veterinär. This is a enlisted mens field example, not a tailor made dress blouse. The blouse is in good, worn condition with all wartime sewn insignia. Interestingly the collar tabs are sewn directly over the issue EM/NCO litzen. The breast eagle is a typical Bullion example, machine sewed to the garment. There are also wartime added shoulder reinforcements inside the garment. The shoulderstraps are typically carmine coloured examples with a additional grey underlay. The field blouse is in excellent only lightly worn condition and is a rare variant with this set of wartime sewn insignia. Some light mothing here and there; but most of the nap retains in the wool. The garment originally came out of a household clearing in Vienna. Hard to find, example which displays nicely!

  • Heer NCO M36 field blouse for a Unteroffizier der Gebirgsjäger


    Beautiful and textbook field blouse for a Unteroffizier der Gebirgsjäger. The blouse is a textbook enlisted mens variant in excelent condition. The tunic still retains most if not all of the nap in the wool. The tunic is not shortened by the waist and the pockets are not sewn flat. The sleeves might be shortened a centimeter or two. The tunic retains all of its original, wartime sewn insignia with a embroidered Edelweiss patch to the right sleeve. The shoulderstraps are typical privately purchased examples with matching Unteroffizierstresse to the collar. Above the left top pocket is a small Bandspange for the Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwerten II klasse and the Ostmedaille. The field blouse is a excellent example that would be very hard to upgrade. Stunning piece in a Gebirgsjäger display that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Tabbed Aluminium Luftwaffe belt buckle marked G. Brehmer, Markneukirchen 1939


    Texbook original Luftwaffe tabbed aluminium belt buckle in good, worn condition. The belt buckle is nicely marked GB and G. Brehmer, Markneukirchen 1939. The belt buckle is worn but still features nice details in the design.

  • Leather K98 bayonet frog


    Pre war Leather K98 bayonet frog in good used condition. One rivet is damaged, the markings are visible but not readable. Textbook example in used condition.

  • Voggenreiter manual; Die Gasmaske 30; G1/1a


    Voggenreiter manual; Die Gasmaske 30; G1/1a in good condition. Nice manual with in depth information in how to adjust and wear the M30 gasmask.

  • Grouping of 17 period press photographs of Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 80


    Grouping of period press photos of Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 80 in good condition. These, large format shots are all in good condition. Well shot, lighted and focussed images showing loads of details. The rear of the images show some press markings and a written note in the back. Several images show the inside of the Pioneer-Kaserne in Klosterneuburg which was the base of this unit. Also shown is the Nordbahnbrücke which was blown up during the retreat from the Soviets in 1945.

  • Heer EM/NCO overseas cap

    Textbook Heer EM/NCO overseas cap in good condition. The cap retains its wartime applied insignia. Nicely marked Mützen Lago Wien 1940 in the small size 54. Nice example!

  • Winterschlacht im Osten or Ostmedaille by Deschler & Sohn, München


    Winterschlacht im Osten or Ostmedaille by Deschler & Sohn, München with matching pouch. good example with matching pouch.

  • Winterschlacht im Osten or Ostmedaille by Deschler & Sohn, München


    Winterschlacht im Osten or Ostmedaille marked 1 indicating production by Deschler & Sohn, München in good condition complete with matching pouch.

  • Winterschlacht im Osten or Ostmedaille – unmarked


    Winterschlacht im Osten or Ostmedaille – unmarked example in good condition.

  • Winterschlacht im Osten or Ostmedaille marked 65


    Winterschlacht im Osten or Ostmedaille marked 65 indicating production by Klein u. Quenzer, Idar Oberstein.

  • Unissued US S702 US Navy knife by Camillus


    US S702 US Navy knife by Camillus in mint, unissued, unsharpened condition. Very hard to find US Navy and US Coast guard knife!

  • Heer K98 bayonet Portepee


    Heer issue K98 bayonet Portepee in used condition.

  • Heer K98 bayonet Portepee


    Heer issue K98 bayonet Portepee in used condition.

  • Heer K98 bayonet Portepee


    Heer K98 bayonet Portepee in good used condition.

  • Heer M34 NCO shoulderstraps


    Heer M34 NCO shoulderstrapsfor a Unterfeldwebel in used condition.

  • Field cutlery set marked DRGM


    Textbook privately purchased field cutlery set marked DRGM indicating Deutsches Reichs Gebrauchs Muster.

  • Field cutlery set marked DRGM


    Textbook privately purchased field cutlery set marked DRGM indicating Deutsches Reichs Gebrauchs Muster.

  • M1 Carbine oiler by International Silver Co


    M1 Carbine oiler marked IS indicating production by International Silver Co. Nice original Oiler, often missing from slings.

  • M1 Carbine oiler by International Silver Co


    M1 Carbine oiler marked IS indicating production by International Silver Co. Nice original Oiler, often missing from slings.

  • Unissued US M1 Carbine magazine pouch marked Avery 1945


    Textbook single US M1 carbine pouch in unissued condition.

  • US Colt magazine pouch marked Avery 1942


    US Colt magazine pouch marked Avery 1942 in excellent condition.

  • Canadian dust goggles marked 1-42 S.S. MFG. Co. Canada


    Canadian mountain/dust goggles marked 1-42 S.S. MFG. Co. Canada in excellent condition. I have never encountered this pattern before but I suppose this is either Dispatch Rider or Mountain troop related.

  • Canadian mountain/dust goggles marked MW 1944


    Canadian mountain/dust goggles marked MW 1944 in excellent condition. I have never encountered this pattern before but I suppose this is either Dispatch Rider or Mountain troop related.

  • Printed British Royal Fusiliers shoulder title


    Printed British Royal Fusiliers shoulder title in excellent uniform removed condition. Textbook wartime printed example.

  • Printed British Royal Fusiliers shoulder title


    Printed British Royal Fusiliers shoulder title in excellent uniform removed condition. Textbook wartime printed example.

  • Embroidered British Royal Engineers shoulder title


    Embroidered British Royal Engineers shoulder title in good condition. Textbook glueback example.

  • Embroidered British Royal Army Ordnance Corps shoulder title


    Embroidered British Royal Army Ordnance Corps shoulder title in used condition. Typical wartime ‘glueback’ example!

  • Printed British Royal Army Ordnance Corps shoulder title


    Printed British Royal Army Ordnance Corps shoulder title in good condition.

  • Printed Canadian Royal Canadian Army Service Corps shoulder title


    Printed Canadian Royal Canadian Army Service Corps shoulder title in good condition. Some tape remnants to the back, otherwise in very good condition!

  • Printed Canadian Royal Canadian Army Service Corps shoulder title


    Printed Canadian Royal Canadian Army Service Corps shoulder title in good condition.

  • Embroidered British third Infantry Division formation sign


    Embroidered British third Infantry Division formation sign in good condition. Genuine embroidered piece in good condition.

  • Printed Canadian first army formation sign pair


    Printed Canadian first army formation sign pair. Genuine, printed pair in excellent condition.

  • Printed Commonwealth 21st Army group formation sign pair


    Printed Commonwealth 21st Army group formation sign in good condition. genuine, printed examples.

  • Dutch made, British 11th armoured division formation sign


    Dutch made, British 11th armoured division formation sign set. Typical examples made in the ‘Brabantse Weef’ which most likely originated in my hometown of Tilburg which was one of the largest textile focussed cities in the Netherlands.

  • British paratrooper capbadge


    British paratrooper capbadge in used condition. The original slider has broken off an it has a period installed pin as a substitute.

  • RAF RNZAF pilot wings


    Royal New Zealand Air Force Pilots Wings in good condition.

  • British Bullion RAF wings – German made


    Rare British Bullion RAF wings in good condition. The wings are most probably German made examples. The backing, Bullion and padding used and the design in the individual feathers is typical for SS Officer sleeve eagles. This one was probably made by a German tailor who previously made Waffen-SS Officer sleeve eagles, using up the wartime stock. Nice variant in good condition!

  • Erkennungsmarke Pol. VW. Stettin


    Erkennungsmarke marked Pol. VW. Stettin indicating Polizei Verwaltung Stettin(Poland).

  • Erkennungsmarke 67185/76 BLTGR. B


    Erkennungsmarke marked 67185/76 BLTGR. B indicating 10./IV./Kampf-Geschwader 55. Interesting Luftwaffe Kampfgeschwader unit with a good base for further research!

  • Erkennungsmarke Fla. MG. Ers. Abt. 1. K.


    Erkennungsmarke marked Fla. MG. Ers. Abt. 1. K. indicating Flieger Abwehr (Maschinengewehr) abteilung 1. Rare unit!

  • Erkennungsmarke III Flakregt. 8 11. Batterie


    Erkennungsmarke III Flakregt. 8 11. Batterie indicating the following unit;

    III./Flak-Regiment 8 (Sw. mot.):

    Formed 15.11.38 in Baden, near Wien, from Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung Wien, with 11. – 13. Batterien.

    14./8 was formed in 1942.

    In 8.43 redesignated Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 190.


    • 11.38 – 8.39 under Luftgaukommando XVII
    • 1939 in Poland
    • 1940 in Belgium and Holland
    • 1.42 – 1.43 as I./Flakscheinwerfer-Regiment 3 supporting the Himmelbett system
    • 1943 in southern Russia(?)

Showing 1321–1380 of 16605 results