German camo helmet

Showing 2761–2820 of 16622 results

  • Q64 M40 single decal Luftwaffe helmet in two-tone camouflage

    Spectacular two-tone camouflage helmet marked Q64 indicating production by Quist. The helmet started it life as a single decal Luftwaffe helmet and was later camouflaged in the field. The camouflage is a typical, brush applied pattern with debris mixed through the paint. The camouflage finish retains up to 90%. The helmet retains its factory installed liner and LBA marked chinstrap. The helmet is named to Kanonier Ketelsen with the feldpostnummer 47050 indicating Gemischte Flak-Abteilung 347 which was a part of the 12. Flak Brigade. Originally formed on Guernsey, it was also known as Flak-Brigade Kanalinseln. The Brigade was then moved to Bordeaux and Saintes. Impressive camouflage helmet that would be a great addition to any helmet collection!

    (30.7.1941-28.2.1942) 3. Batterie schwere Flak-Abteilung 347,
    (12.3.1943-7.9.1943) 3. Batterie schwere Flak-Abteilung 347 (v)
    (8.9.1943-22.4.1944) 22.11.1943 3. Batterie gemischte
    Flak-Abteilung 347 (v)
    (25.11.1944-8.5.1945) 9.2.1945 6. Batterie gemischte
    Flak-Abteilung 435 (v)
    (25.11.1944-8.5.1945) 19.3.1945 3. Batterie gemischte
    Flak-Abteilung 347 (v)
    (25.11.1944-8.5.1945) 21.3.1945 3. Batterie leichte
    Flak-Abteilung 936 (v).

  • SE62 M40 Heer single decal helmet in three-tone camouflage

    Textbook M40 helmet in three-tone camouflage marked SE62 indicating production by Sachsichse Emaillierwerke Fulda. The helmet started its life as a single decal Heer helmet which was later camouflaged in the typical three-tone camouflage pattern. The helmet retains its brush applied camouflage pattern up to 75%. The helmet retains its factory installed liner and RBNR marked chinstrap. Textbook Normandy camouflage helmet!

  • Spectacular SE66 single decal Heer M35 helmet in turtle camouflage pattern

    Spectacular Heer M35 helmet marked SE66 indicating production by Sachsichse Emaillierwerke Fulda. The helmet started its life as a double decal Heer helmet which was later camouflaged in two stages. The helmet retains its spectacular wartime brush applied camouflage pattern up to 90%. It seems the camouflage was carefully painted around the decal which is always a nice feature. The helmet has a very good patina all over. The helmet retains its factory installed liner and chinstrap. The liner looks blood stained which identifies this as a KIA helmet. The helmet is a great example of a much sought after camouflage pattern in a good large size. Choice piece!

  • Black aluminum canteen cup marked HRE 37

    Black aluminum canteen cup marked HRE 37

  • Rare (!) orange bakelite canteen cup F7/K


    Incredibly rare original orange bakelite canteen cup. This is a rare opportunity to buy original orange bakelite canteen cup. This example was certainly MPD code marked just like the other examples but the markings are completely faded because of the time in the ground. The MPD code F7/K indicates production by a still unknown maker and the usage of urea resin (which is a certain type of Bakelite) with an organic filler material. The bakelite surface is affected by the time in the ground and thereby lost some of its smooth surface. The cup only has some minor discolorations which could probably be cleaned some more. Beautiful original and very rare example!

    This cup was found in Berlin recently together with 12 complete and 5 damaged cups. They were dug up underneath remnants of a concrete floor together with other canteen cups and butterdishes. In 15 years of collecting I’ve only found one example for my personal collection: this is only the second time I’ve been able to acquire one. I have kept 3 cups for my personal collection, other then these there are no other orange cups on the market today that I am aware of. Rarer then most Knights Crosses.

  • Jeugdstorm zakboekje 1944

    Rare original Jeugdstorm Zakboek in excellent condition. Looks to be complete with all pages and a excellent undamaged cover. Very hard to find a late war example!

  • Rare original case for the Chiffier Maschine A 02717 or ENIGMA


    Rare original Luftwaffe case for the Chiffrier. Maschine A 02717 better known as Enigma. Rare original case in full original paint. The top of the case has blue and yellow post war paint. Otherwise it is in very good condition and a prime piece to any communications collection!

  • Rare Luftwaffe survival dinghy in unissued condition

    Rare Luftwaffe survival Einmannschlauchboot in unissued condition. These Luftwaffe survival rafts or Dinghy are most of the time in pretty stiff condition and without accessories. The boat looks to be in good condition; the material is supple and easily rolled up. The boat comes with the original packing sleeve with straps; the water baling cup, parachute sail and oxygen tank. The raft is the best of its kind; I have never seen a better example. Choice!

    Please note that for overseas shipping the Co2 bottle must be removed or at least opened as it is not possible to ship it.

  • Panzer wrap trousers dated 1940

    Textbook 1940 dated Heer Panzer trousers in unissued condition. The trousers are a good long size fitting most modern militaria mannequins. The trousers are in immaculate condition with all buttons, straps and the full nap in the wool. Impossible to upgrade!

  • Unissued late war Heer EM/NCO Breeches

    Beautiful late war Heer EM/NCO issue breeches in unissued, near mint condition. The trousers are a late war simplified variant with tying straps on the bottom instead of buttons. The trousers are unworn but time left its imprint on these trousers with some minor mothing to the wool. Otherwise; mint!

  • Pre war Steingrau Breeches marked Pi. Sch. II

    Textbook pre war Heer breeches in the typical Steingrau wool colour. The trousers are a nice medium to large size and is in excellent condition except for some moth damages. The breeches feature a unit mark: Pi. Sch. II which would indicate Pionierschule II. Very nice pre war Steingrau breeches!

  • CKL66 M42 no decal helmet shell

    Textbook M42 helmet shell with full original paint and dome stamp.

  • hkp64 M42 Danish reissued helmet shell LF.R I

    hkp64 M42 Danish reissued helmet shell LF.R I indicating Lokal Forsvars Region I. A nice original Danish reissued helmet!

  • German helmet chinstrap dated 1941

    Nice original German helmet chinstrap in overall good condition. The chinstrap is a typical mid war example with steel hardware. the chinstrap is unreadable marked and dated 1941!


  • Late war German helmet chinstrap manufactured out of pigskin leather

    Very nice late war manufactured German helmet chinstrap in good condition. The chinstrap is a nice late war example with steel hardware and pigskin leather! Nice and unusual example which would be perfect to complete any late war M40/M42 helmet!

  • Early reinforced aluminium liner size 64/56 marked Metall-Lederverarbeitung W.Z. 1939

    Excellent and rare original 1939 dated aluminium liner. The liner is a nice size 56 fitting for size 64 helmet shells. The liner is nicely marked Metall-Lederverarbeitung W.Z. 1939. The helmet liner is complete with its original drawstring.

  • Heer officer sidecap der Panzertruppen

    Textbook Heer officer sidecap for Panzertruppen in good condition. The cap retains its period sewn insignia consisting of a set of flatwire eagle and cocarde and pink piping to the front. The cap is size marked inside. A textbook cap in great condition!

  • Rare cardboard ammunition box for flare ammunition or Sternsignalpatronen marked April 1941

    Rare cardboard ammunition box for flare ammunition. The cardboard box is nicely marked April 1941.This box would contain 10 red star flares or Sternsignalpatronen. The cardboard box is in amazing condition and would look perfect in any combat display!

  • Textbook hardshell P08 holster marked gxy 1941

    Textbook hardshell P08 holster in excellent condition. The holster is nicely marked gxy 1941 which indicates production by Gebr. Klinge, Lederwarenfabrik, Dresden-Loebtau in 1941. The pouch is in excellent condition which is very rare to encounter nowadays. Hard to upgrade P09 holster!

  • P08 Luger takedown tool marked WaA655

    A nice original P08 Luger takedown tool in good condition. The small tool is marked WaA 655 which indicates production by Sauer & Sohn, Suhl. Hard to find spare and nice to complete your holster with.

  • P08 Luger takedown tool marked WaA655

    A nice original P08 Luger takedown tool in good condition. The small tool is marked WaA 655 which indicates production by Sauer & Sohn, Suhl. Hard to find spare and nice to complete your holster with.

  • P08 Luger takedown tool

    A nice original P08 Luger takedown tool in good condition. Hard to find spare and nice to complete your holster with.

  • Matching Waffen-SS EM shoulderstraps

    Rare mid to late war matching pair of shoulderstraps for a Waffen-SS EM, with rayon piping and typical zigzag edged finish. The pair is in near mint condition and would be a great addition to any field blouse!

  • Waffen-SS cufftitle Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler

    Textbook cufftitle for the 1. SS Panzerdivision Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler in uniform removed condition.

  • Waffen-SS EM/NCO runic collar tab

    Textbook Waffen-SS EM/NCO runic collar tab in uniform removed condition. Hard to find piece!

  • Waffen-SS rank collar tab for a Sturmmann

    Waffen-SS rank collar tab for a Sturmmann in good condition.

  • Waffen-SS RZM sleeve eagle

    Textbook embroidered Waffen-SS RZM pattern sleeve eagle in uniform removed condition.

  • Waffen-SS Sturmmann insignia

    Original Waffen-SS Sturmmann rank insignia in very good condition.

  • NSKK BeVo sleeve eagle with blue RZM tag

    NSKK BeVo sleeve eagle with blue RZM tag in excellent condition.

  • Luftwaffe cap eagle


    Rare original black Luftwaffe EM/NCO cap eagle in unissued condition!

  • Heer BeVo cap cocarde


    Heer BeVo cap cocarde in good condition. Typical, imo pre war example!

  • Heer EM/NCO M43 BeVo breast eagle

    TextbookHeer EM/NCO M43 BeVo breast eagle.

  • BeVo Heer EM/NCO M43 cap trapezoid

    Textbook BeVo Heer EM/NCO M43 cap trapezoid in unissued condition.

  • Heer M40 BeVo cap eagle


    Heer M40 BeVo cap eagle in excellent condition, cut out and folded.

  • Heer M36 BeVo breast eagle

    Heer M36 BeVo breast eagle in unapplied condition. This is the textbook breast eagle for the M36 and M40 field blouse.

  • Kriegsmarine embroidered breast eagle


    Kriegsmarine embroidered breast eagle in good condition.

  • Kriegsmarine hand embroidered officer breast eagle


    Kriegsmarine hand embroidered breast eagle in good condition. Still on the full original background that has never been cut to size.

  • Heer embroidered breast eagle

    Privately purchased Heer embroidered breast eagle

  • Heer Bullion breast eagle

    Textbook Heer hand embroided breast eagle in good condition.

  • Heer Bullion breast eagle

    Textbook Heer hand embroided breast eagle in good condition.

  • Heer Bullion breast eagle


    Textbook Heer hand embroided breast eagle in good condition.

  • Kradmelder goggles marked MW 41

    Nice original motorcyclist or Kradmelder goggles. The goggles are in overall good condition, sadly the glass is cracked at both sides. This is a common feature and can be seen on many wartime images! The goggles are nicely marked MW 41. Nice example!

  • US Colt 1911 lanyard Hickok 1943

    US colt 1911 lanyard marked Hickok 1943 in very good, unissued condition. Hard to find!

  • Unique short handled wire cutters with battledamaged pouch

    Beautiful and unique set of wire cutters in their original battle damaged leather pouch. The pouch clearly shows the entrance and exit places from bullets, shrapnel would create a completely different damage pattern. This is the first time that I have encountered battle damaged pioneer equipment, let alone with multiple bullet holes. The pouch is a nice early leather example marked P. H. Riebel & Söhne, Ingolstadt 1939. Beautiful and extremely interesting battle damaged set!

  • Unissued late war K98 ammunition pouch marked RBNr. 0/0750/0100


    Unissued late war K98 ammunition pouch in excellent condition. The pouch is nicely marked 0/0750/0100. The pouch features bright brown belt loops on the back which is a nice detail. Unissued example!

  • Unissued late K98 ammunition pouch marked G. Reinhardt, Berlin 1943


    Unissued late war K98 ammunition pouch in excellent condition. The pouch is nicely marked G. (Gustav) Reinhardt, Berlin 1943. Excellent example!

  • Pre war K98 ammunition pouch marked Carl Ackva Lederfabrik, Bad Kreuznach 1936

    Nice pre war K98 ammunition pouch in strong used, but undamaged condition. The pouch is nicely marked Carl Ackva Lederfabrik, Bad Kreuznach 1936!

  • Luftwaffe issue K98 ammunition pouch marked Franz Brehme, Walsrode 1938 – LBA 39 II./FLAK 14

    Nice pre war Luftwaffe issued K98 ammunition pouch in used and untouched condition. The pouch is nicely marked Franz Brehme, Walsrode 1938. The pouch is a typical Luftwaffe issue example made from chocolate brown leather and features an Luftwaffe acceptance LBA 38 stamp. The pouch features a FLAK unit marking on the inside as well; II./FLAK 14. This unit was a part of the 13 Flak Division which served in Normandy. Very nice Luftwaffe issue pouch in untouched condition!

  • Unissued K98 ammunition pouch marked L.L.G., Pommern 1939

    Textbook early brown K98 ammunition pouch in unissued condition. The pouch is made out of a nice brown coloured leather and has never been painted black! The pouch is nicely marked L.L.G., Pommern 1939. Stone mint early K98 ammunition pouch!

  • US long M1 bayonet marked UC 1942

    US army issued bayonet for the M1 garand in very good condition. The bayonet is nicely marked UC 1942 which indicates production by Utica Cutlery in 1942. Note that this is the long variant!

  • Early K98 bayonet frog marked Fried. Schäfer Ulm/Do. 1940

    Textbook early K98 bayonet frog constructed from black coloured leather. The frog is nicely marked Fried. (rich) Schäfer Ulm/Do. 1942. The frog is in good used condition and will match perfectly with an early used bayonet!

  • Matching K98 bayonet marked WKC 39 #8703j

    Textbook early K98 bayonet complete with its original frog in untouched condition. The frog is nicely marked Fried. (rich) Schäfer Ulm/Do. 1942 and seems to be original to the bayonet itself. The bayonet is nicely marked W.K.C. 39 which indicates production by Waffenfabrik G.m.b.H., Solingen-Wald in 1939. The bayonet and its scabbard are matching and both marked with the serial #8703j. The bayonet is a nice original example in untouched and uncleaned condition!

  • Luftwaffe dagger marked L5 Weyersberg

    Textbook second model Luftwaffe dagger by Weiersberg in excellent condition. The dagger has a beautiful red brown grip which is a rare feature to find. The dagger retains its portepee but is void of its hangers. The dagger would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Imperial fighting knife marked ERN Wald, Rheinl. Rasiermessenfabrik

    Textbook first world war Imperial fighting knife in used condition marked ERN Wald, Rheinl. Rasiermessenfabrik. Nice proof marked bade with black painted scabbard and original leather loop with functional press stud.

  • Combat fighting knife or Infanteriemesser

    Textbook Heer/Waffen-SS Combat boot knife or Infanteriemesser in very good condition!

  • Puma fighting knife

    Puma fighting knife in excellent condition. The blade still retains most of its cross hatching and the scabbard retains up to 98% of its factory finish. There is a small chip missing from the grip which is pictured. Hard to upgrade and aesthetic piece!

  • Luftwaffe fighting knife scabbard

    Luftwaffe fighting knife scabbard in excellent condition. Hard to find spare!

  • Luftwaffe fighting knife marked L5

    A very nice original Luftwaffe combat boot knife or Nahkampfmesser. Nicely marked with the Luftwaffe 5 Waffenamt. The knife is in excellent condition,  perfect combat mannequin accessory!

  • Luftwaffe fighting knife marked L6

    Nice Luftwaffe issue combat book knife or Nahkampfmesser in untouched, combat used condition. The knife is nicely marked L6 which is a Luftwaffe acceptance mark which indicates it was issued to and accepted by the Luftwaffe. The knife is in good used condition and remains sharp!

  • Rare steel Waffen-SS belt buckle marked RZM 155/43 ᛋᛋ

    A very nice near mint Waffen-SS belt buckle marked RZM 155/43 ᛋᛋ  indicating production by Assmann & Söhne, Lüdenscheid. This buckle, contrary to most of the production by Assmann post 1940, is finished in dull grey paint in stead of shiny silver paint. A nice and choice variation of a original Waffen-SS belt buckle with most if not all of its original finish which would be very hard to upgrade!

    More information about Waffen-SS belt buckle variations here;

Showing 2761–2820 of 16622 results