Paperwork, documents and photographs
Showing 181–240 of 431 results
Flak photo grouping
€55.00Nice 8,8cm Flak photo grouping with interesting details.
Heer photo album
Interesting photo album with many shots. Priced to sell
Photo album Polen u. Russland
Interesting photo album with a nice selection of small photographs of tanks, planes and general eastern front images!
Soldbuch Leutnant d. Reserve
Nice and filled in Soldbuch for a Leutnant der Reserve. He was awarded KVK II, EK2, KVK 1.
Soldbuch grouping Kanonier Wolfgang Scheuermann
Soldbuch grouping to Kanonier Wolfgang Scheuermann serving in Leichte Artillerie Abteilung 173. A very late war unit, mobilized 16 april 1945!
Deathcard Nahkampfspange KIA 20.7.1944
€60.00Deathcard Nahkampfspange KIA 20.7.1944 to Franz Kasenbauer, a nice piece for further research with a clear photograph with Nahkampfspange!
Deathcard Albert Englmann, Granatwerfer, Krimschild
€45.00Deathcard Albert Englmann, Granatwerfer, Krimschild
Deathcard Panzervernichtiger, KIA Orel 29.7.1943
Deathcard Panzervernichtiger Franz Haberl, KIA Orel 29.7.1943. He was awarded two Panzervernichtigungsabzeichen and served in 1.Kompanie Panzer Jäger Abteilung 7
Deathcard Panzervernichtiger, KIA 15.10.1943
€80.00Deathcard Panzervernichtiger, KIA 15.10.1943 Franz Maier, 10 Komp Gren Regt 690. On the other side Josef Sporrer who was KIA in Finnish waters with Netzsperrgruppe Mitte – which is a rare unit.
Deathcard SS-Rottenführer Panzer KIA 22.4.1944
Deathcard SS-Rottenführer Friedrich Spiker Panzer KIA 22.4.1944 im Osten.
Leibstandarte Deathcard Josef Pannholzer, KIA 1.3.1943 Krementschug Ukraine
Leibstandarte Deathcard Josef Pannholzer, KIA at Krementschug, Ukraine 1.3.1943
Leibstandarte Deathcard with grave picture KIA 5.7.1943.
Deathcard to SS-Unterscharführer Franz Waltenberger, KIA 5.7.1943 at Bÿkowka. Waltenberger served with Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, SS- PanzerGrenadier regiment 2. He died with a hand grenade fragment in the chest.
Deathcard SS Deutschland Josef Filcher KIA Raun 22.9.1941
Deathcard SS Deutschland Josef Filcher KIA Raun, Ukraine 22.9.1941.
Deathcard SS Deutschland Sepp Würdinger KIA 21.1.1942
€75.00Deathcard SS Deutschland Sepp Würdinger KIA 21.1.1942.
Deathcard Das Reich KIA 16.8.1943
€75.00Deathcard Das Reich KIA 16.8.1943 Sepp Niklas, serving in the Das Reich division.
Deathcard SS-Panzergrenadier KIA 16.1.1944 Kirowograd
Deathcard SS-Panzergrenadier KIA 16.1.1944 at Kirowograd. A good piece for further research.
Deathcard Totenkopf Grenadier Kompanie 1 KIA 29.7.1943
€100.00Deathcard Totenkopf Grenadier Kompanie 1 KIA 29.7.1943.
Deathcard SS-Kanonier KIA 19.12.1942
Deathcard SS-Kanonier KIA 19.12.1942. A good piece for further research.
France Deathcard SS-Panzergrenadier KIA Fresnaye 4.8.1944
€100.00France Deathcard SS-Panzergrenadier KIA Fresnaye 4.8.1944. A good piece from a soldier serving on the Invasionsfront.
Marching song postcards
€60.00A nice instant collection of various popular Marschlieder in very good condition. Instant collection!
Marching song postcards
€60.00A nice instant collection of various popular Marschlieder in very good condition. Instant collection!
Gottfried Klein Postcard
€110.00Gottfried Klein Postcard in very good condition.
Reichsparteitag Nürnberg Postcard
Reichsparteitag postcard sent from the Reichsparteittag der NSDAP in Nürnberg.
Gottfried Klein Postcard
€100.00Original postcard by Gottfried Klein in very good condition.
Gottfried Klein Postcard
Original postcard by Gottfried Klein in very good condition.
Gottfried Klein postcard
€110.00Original postcard by Gottfried Klein
Adolf Hitler postcard by H. Knirr
Original Adolf Hitler postcard in very good condition.
Gottfried Klein postcard
Rare postcard by Gottfried Klein depicting a helmet, sword, oak leaves and EK2.
Adolf Hitler postcard; NSDAP in den Niederlanden
Rare, Dutch issued Adolf Hitler postcard. Rare Dutch variant for the Arbeitsbereich der NSDAP in den Niederlanden.
7 Panzer Postcards
€100.00A nice set of 7 original postcards, mostly with interesting depictions in very good condition!
Adolf Hitler postcard
Original Adolf Hitler postcard, uncommon angle!
Kameraden postcards; 3 variants
€125.00The well known card of Kameraden by Tschech Will, the colorized variant is uncommon and the one on the left is extremely rare.
Heer Leutnant portrait with EK1, ASA, DRL and OST
Nice original portrait for a Leutnant with ASA, EK2, OST and DRL.
Heer portrait with EK2
€25.00Heer postcard sized portrait with freshly awarded EK2 and a interesting shot showing his shoulderstraps worn upside down.
Heer portrait with EK2
€25.00Heer Pioneer portrait with a freshly awarded EK2.
Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait
Original postcard sized Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait
Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait
€30.00Original postcard sized Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait
Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait
€25.00Original postcard sized Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait
Deathcard Uffz. Bernard Koenen KIA 27.5.44 at Monte Cassino
Original deathcard to Bernhard Koenen, KIA 27.4.44 at Monte Cassino. The deathcard comes with a period newspaper clipping stating his death.
Gebirgsjäger deathcard Uffz. Karl Nickmann KIA 2.4.44 Monte Cassino
Deathcard to Unteroffizier Karl Nickmann, serving in Stabskomp. Geb. Jäg. Regt. 85. Nickmann was killed in action 2.4.44 at Monte Cassino.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard KIA 16.5.44 Monte Cassino
Original deathcard to Berhard Kohl, KIA 16.5.44 at Monte Cassino. Kohl served in a Fallschirmflakabteilung.
Luftwaffe portrait with EK1 and Flugzeugführer
Nice postcard sized portrait of a Luftwaffe Unteroffizier with EK1 and Flugzeugführer.
Luftwaffe portrait with EK1 and radio operator/ air gunner badge
Nice original postcard sized portrait with the Eisernes Kreuz I Klasse and radio operator/ air gunner badge.
Heer portrait picture with full tropical uniform
€30.00Heer postcard sized portrait picture of a soldier in full tropical uniform with the infamous early tropical cap.
Waffen-SS deathcard to Karl Wild
Original Waffen-SS deathcard to Karl Wild, who died in a Russian POW camp.
Waffen-SS Deathcard to SS-Sturmbanführer Alfred Arnold KIA Kurland 10.10.44
€135.00Original deathcard to SS-Sturmbanführer Alfred Arnold, killed in action in Kurland 10.10.1944 whilst leading a SS Grenadier Battalion. Alfred Arnold had the SS membershipsnr. 267381, NSDAP membershipsnr. 1483630 and wore the SS Totenkopfring. He was posthumously awarded the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold.
Waffen-SS Deathcard Oberjäger Hans Bells KIA 13.12.44
Original deathcard to SS-Rottenführer Hans Bells, killed in action 13.12.1944 on the southern front. Bells was a well decorated man wearing the Golden Hitlerjugend Ehrenzeichen, ISA, Ostmedaille and more.
Waffen-SS Deathcard SS-Oberscharführer Hans Schnellinger KIA Lothringen 25.10.44
€65.00Original deathcard to SS-Oberscharführer Hans Schnellinger, killed in action 25.10.1944 in Coweningen, Lothringen (France). He rests in the German military burial site of Zweibrücken.
Waffen-SS Deathcard SS-Rottenführer Josef Reichart
Original Waffen-SS deathcard for SS-Rottenführer Josef Reichart, killed in accident 10.3.1944 in the west.
Waffen-SS Deathcard SS Unterscharführer Hans Zweckberger
Original SS Deathcard for SS-Unterscharführer Hans Zweckberger who died 26.11.1944 in a Lazarett.
Waffen-SS portrait for a Waffen-SS Untersturmführer
Excellent postcard sized portrait for a Waffen-SS Untersturmführer.
Waffen-SS Panzer portrait
Excellent Waffen-SS portrait sized Panzer portrait in very good condition. The portrait has a bit of lightly applied pencil to the swastika on the front that could be easily removed without damage. It’s hardly visible as of now.
Waffen-SS portrait Standarte 1. Deutschland
Excellent postcard sized portrait for a Waffen-SS soldier serving in SS-Standarte 1 „Deutschland“. The large portrait shows many interesting details such as a reissued Waffen-SS double decal helmet, a set of bordered collar tabs with the unit designation ‘1’, a shirt and last but not least the absence of a collar button indicating the man in question is wearing the rare, pre war SS-VT blouse. Excellent portrait that would be very hard to upgrade!
Waffen-SS portrait in camouflage clothing
Nice early war postcard sized portrait in full camouflage uniform. There are some glue remnants to the front and back, otherwise a killer portrait named Karl with a birth date and a date killed in action in 1943. Feldpost number 21354 indicating the following units;
(Mobilmachung-1.1.1940) Stab III mit Nachrichten-Staffel
Polizei-Infanterie-Regiment 1
(28.4.1940-14.9.1940) Stab III mit Nachrichten-Staffel u. 9.-12.
Kompanie Polizei-Infanterie-Regiment 1
(25.9.1940-15.2.1941) Stab III u. 9.-12. Kompanie
Polizei-Infanterie-Regiment 1
(16.2.1941-18.7.1941) Stab III u. 9.-12. Kompanie
SS-Polizei-Infanterie-Regiment 1
(10.2.1943-23.8.1943) Stab III u. 9.-12. Kompanie
SS-Grenadier-Regiment 1 (Polizei-Division)
(24.8.1943-5.4.1944) 11.2.1944 Stab III u. 9.-12. Kompanie
Panzergrenadier-Regiment 7 (SS-Polizei-Division)
(6.4.1944-9.11.1944) 14.7.1944 gestrichen. -
Waffen-SS Totenkopf portrait
Original portrait sized Waffen-SS Totenkopf portrait. The portrait has a repair to the front and back which was done with a piece of tape at some point. Otherwise a great and large portrait!
Large 18×24 cm(!) Original Waffen-SS press photo with Sepp Dietrich
Original Waffen-SS Press photograph with Sepp Dietrich in his staff car, somewhere in Russia 1943. The photograph is sharp and shows loads of details. The back has a small newspaper snippet from when it was published!
Heer portrait with M40 helmet
Excellent postcard sized Heer portrait with a M40 style helmet and a minty tunic.
Waffen-SS Totenkopf Portrait
Excellent postcard sized Waffen-SS portrait with Totenkopf collar tabs, Infanterie Sturmabzeichen and a EK2 ribbon.
Young Heer portrait with Hitlerjugend-Leistungsabzeichen made in Deventer, the Netherlands
Nice original Heer portrait for a young Heer soldier wearing the Hitlerjugend–Leistungsabzeichen. Interestingly this picture was made by D. Hekker, Deventer.
Heer portrait with DD helmet
Heer postcard sized portrait with a double decal helmet and early M36 pattern greatcoat.
Showing 181–240 of 431 results