
Showing 14701–14760 of 16574 results

  • S.F. 14 tripod marked CME in original tan colour

    Very nice original heavy wooden tripod for the Scherenfernrohr 14. Whilst the optics itself are fairly easy to obtain, it is extremely hard to find in full original condition. Perfect for display and in good working condition.

  • Tan presstoff fuze setting pouch GMN 1944

    Rare late war fuze setting pouch marked gmn 1944 indicating production by Phillipp Riebel & Söhne, Sattlerwaren- u.Sportartikelfabrik. The pouch is made from tan Presstoff and is in clear mint, unissued condition.

  • Rubber Rubberized gas cape pouch marked gek R41/41

    Nice original rubberized gas cape pouch marked gek R41/41. 

  • Pre war Heer belt and buckle by Gebr. Kugel & Fink

    Nice original named belt and buckle by Gebr. Kugel & Fink. The buckle is nicely named to Klemm Feldw. (Feldwebel).

  • 10×50 power binoculars marked Dienstglas blc

    Nice original wartime binoculars marked blc indicating production by Carl Zeiss, Jena. These binoculars where favored by combat officers, as they gave a long and clear range. The binoculars are in great working condition.

  • German helmet liner dated 1944 size 57

    A nice original liner in mint condition. Dated 1944, sized 57 fitting for size 64 shells. Hard to find spare complete with the original drawstring.

  • Luftwaffe black suede Kanaljacke

    Very nice original Luftwaffe Kanaljacke. The jacket is in very good condition and is without damages or repairs. Both the plastic RiRi zippers on the sleeves and the brass Zipper in the middle are in great working condition. The jacket is in very good condition and would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Classic three-tone Normandy camouflage gasmask canister named to Panzergrenadier

    22392A very nice original three-tone or Normandy camouflage gasmask canister. The canister is nicely named to Obergefreiter Villwock. The canister retains its original camouflage paint up to 75% and is in very nice vibrant condition. The canister still retains the original strap but no mask. The canister is nicely named to a Panzergrenadier with imo the feldpost number 22392 which indicates Panzergrenadier-Regiment 114. If you’d take more time to decypher the canisters writings it would be a nice piece for further investigation.. The canister is a very nice one looker original camouflage gasmask and would be a very nice attribution to any helmet collection!

  • Minty M40 Heer tunic with factory sewn insignia

    A stunning Heer M40 EM Feldbluse in unissued condition. The garment was manufactured by Gebr. Klein, Mönchengladbach and accepted in the depot in Amsterdam in 1941.  The grey Einheitslitzen are period factory sewn to the collar. The breast eagle is period factory zig-zag sewn. The picture coming after the breast eagle shot shows the stitch line, underneath the lining. The shoulderstraps are white rayon piped indicating Infanterie. The garment was most probably kept for walking out and has not been shortened or tailored in any way. This is really a stunning and textbook EM M40 tunic in minty condition with a set of original Infantry EM shoulderstraps that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Hauptfeldwebel shoulderstraps

    Very nice and decorative shoulderstraps for a Hauptfeldwebel in a Fallschiurmjäger unit. The straps have a nice pair of red loops most probably for a Offiziersanwarter.

  • Black mapcase marked 0/0323/0003 named Morck

    Very nice original black mapcase marked 0/0323/0003 and named to Morck. The mapcase is in very good near mint condition and comes with a number of original pencils.

  • Short pioneer wire cutters with short tan presstoff pouch

    A extremely rare short tan presstoff carrier complete with the short wire cutters. The pouch is made of presstoff and nicely marked dated 1943. The short wire cutter pouches made out of tan Presstoff are considered extremely rare!

  • Period interlinking maps of Leningrad and Novgorod area

    Two original maps showing the area between Leningrad and Novgorod. The place where some of the fiercest battles on the eastern front where fought. The maps are drawn onto and show the HKL or HauptkampfLinie. Very hard to find original maps of Leningrad with drawn in positions and most interestingly; the maps are interlinked. They can be placed on top of each other with a interlinking line of positions.

  • Ardennes Death Card KIA Kesfeld Eifel 2.2.45 – 212. VGD

    Death card of Gefreiter Josef Greineder. Killed in action during the Ardennes battles at Kesfeld / Eifel. Greineder was 19 years old and was killed 22.1.1945 in Kesfeld / Eifel and is buried in Daileden, Germany. The database at the graveyard indicates his Erkennungsmarke read 2659 – St.KP.G.EB. 423. indicating Grenadier-Ersatz-Bataillon 423. This battalion was the unit supplying replacements for the 212. Volks-Grenadier-Division. 

  • Ardennes Death Card KIA Cherain

    Death card of Obergefreiter Josef Schmalzl. Killed in action during the Ardennes battles at Cherain. Schmalzl was 35 years old and was buried 10.2.1945 in Charem, Belgium. Later to be reburied in Recogne.

  • Ardennes Death Card KIA St. Vith/ Rohrbusch FJR9

    Impressive death card to Georg Schmerold, Obergefreiter and Gruppenführer in a Fallschirmjäger-Panzerjäger unit. Killed in action 17th of January 1945 as a member of the 14. Kompanie of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 9.

    Schmerold‘s death is mentioned in Opfergang Deutsche FallschirmjägerRudi Frühbeisser page 290; Nördlich von Iveldingen im Bereich der 13. Kp. kommt es zu einem schweren Rückzugsgefecht. Der Kp.-Chef Obltn. Schenk kann den ständig anstürmenden Amerikaner nicht lange aufhalten. Der alter Ogfr. Scharanowski fällt dabei. 17 Mann unter ihnen der Fähnrich Max Ursprung werden vermißt. Bei der 14. Kompanie, die an die 13. Kompanie anschließt, fällt der Jäger Bach während des Angriffs durch Herzschuß und Obergefreiter Schmerold durch Kopfschuß. Aus den Rückzugsbewegungen ist zu ersehen, daß der Amerikaner unbedingt in Schoppen eindringen will. 800 Meter westlich von Schoppen an der Straße nach Faymontville liegt genau gegenüber der Höhe 548 links eine kleine Waldparzelle. Dort wird der angreifende Amerikaner aber von der “Kampfgruppe Schenk” abgewehrt.


    Schmerold was killed by a bullet to the head at 26 years of age.

  • Original waffen-ss photograph Totenkopf Rottenführer

    Very nice original field photograph of a Waffen-SS Totenkopf Rottenführer. The photograph is sized 7x10cm.

  • Original waffen-ss photograph Totenkopf Hauptsturmführer

    Nice original Waffen-SS picture of a tired looking Waffen-SS Totenkopf Hauptsturmführer. The photograph is sized 7x10cm. Nice original Waffen-SS field photograph!

  • Original photograph cufftitle Ärztliche Akademie in wear

    Nice original photograph depicting two Waffen-SS Officers one wearing the incredibly rare cufftitle of SS-Ärztliche Akademie. The photograph is sized 7x10cm.

  • Original waffen-ss photograph with crashed Il 2 Sturmovyk

    Nice original Waffen-SS picture of men standing around a crashed Russian Il 2 Sturmovyk. The photograph is sized 7x10cm.

  • Original waffen-ss photograph Totenkopf Demag SDKFZ 10

    Nice original Waffen-SS picture of a tired looking Waffen-SS Demag SDKFZ 10. The photograph is sized 7x10cm. Nice original Waffen-SS field photograph with a halftrack with Totenkopf divisional insignia on the fender!

  • Original waffen-ss photograph SS TK officers standing next to train

    A very nice set of two 7x10cm pictures of Waffen-SS Totenkopf officers drinking coffee and alcohol next to a parked train. Nice clear images with many details!

  • Heer Panzer portrait on a postcard size 8,5×14 cm

    Nice clear period postcard showing a Heer Panzer soldier size 8,5x14cm.

  • Set of 6 Waffen-SS photographs Poland

    Nice original pictures showing Waffen-SS soldiers marching and posing in and in front of wooden barracks and buildings. The back reads about a award ceremony 19.11.1941.

  • Large photograph of frontline MG34 on Lafette with ammunition

    A very nice original Photograph size 8×12 CM showing a dug in MG34 somewhere on the front line with ammunition. Very decorative picture!

  • Panzer assault badge in bronze by Friedrich Linden

    Nice original Panzer assault badge or Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze. The badge is nicely marked FLL 43 indicating production by Friedrich Linden, Lüdenscheid. Typical soldered hardware – a textbook badge for Panzergrenadiere in great condition.

  • General assault badge flatback

    A very nice original general assault badge or Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen. Nice example with 99% of its original finish remaining. Unmarked but most probably made by Biedermann & Co.

  • Infantry assault badge M.K.4.

    Nice original Infantry assault badge in silver or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber. Nicely marked M.K.4 indicating Metall & Kunstoff 4.

  • Infantry assault badge in Silber unmarked RSS

    Nice original hollow infantry assault badge or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber by RSS. The badge is in good lightly used condition with most of its original finish remaining.

  • Infantry assault badge in bronze Rudolf Karnet

    Nice original Bronze infantry assault badge or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Bronze by Rudolf Karnet. The badge is in good lightly used condition with most of its original bronze finish remaining.

  • Ardennes Death Card KIA Wallendorf 15.2.45

    Death card of the Robert Denz. Killed in action during the Ardennes battles at Wallendorf. Denz was 22 years old and was buried 15.2.1945 in Sandweiler, Luxembourg.

  • Eifel Death Card KIA Rheinland 5.3.45

    Death card of the Unteroffizier Hubert Ortner. Killed in action during operation Nordwind at 25 years old on 5th of March 1945 in Meisburg, Rheinland. Ortner is buried in Bitburg, Germany.

  • Death card Normandy MG-Schütze Saint-Lo 2.7.44

    Death card of the Gefreiter Alfons Thalhammer. Killed in action during the Normandy battles 20 years old on 2nd of July 1944 in Saint-Lo. Koller is buried in Orglandes, France.

  • Cased War merit cross first class marked 1 for Deschler

    Very nice original cased War merit cross first class or Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwerter marked 1 indicating production by Deschler & Sohn in München. The cross is in very good condition with most if not all of its original finish. The case is a typical type which is correct for this cross. A very nice set!

  • Cased Luftwaffe air gunner badge B&NL

    Stunning cased original Luftwaffe air gunner badge or Fliegerschützenabzeichen mit Blitzbündel. The badge is nicely marked B&NL indicating production by the company of Berg & Nolte AG, Lüdenscheid. The badge is constructed out of the early Tombak material and lightly marked on the back with a name on the back. The badge is in good condition without damage or repairs. The case is in very good condition with working button and most if not all of the blue finish externally. Very nice and collectible badge, hard to find in good condition!

  • Cased War merit cross first class marked 65 Klein und Quenzer

    Very nice original cased War merit cross first class or Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwerter marked 65 indicating production by Klein und Quenzer. The cross is in very good condition with most if not all of its original finish. The case is a typical type which is correct for this cross. The case is marked 1.9.1944 which most probably was the date of issue for the wearer. The case also has the rare and most desirable square shaped closing button.

  • Cased Iron cross first class marked 1 for Deschler

    Very nice original cased iron cross first class marked 1 indicating production by Deschler & Sohn in München. The cross is in very good condition with most if not all of its original finish. The case is a typical type which is correct for this cross. A very nice set!

  • Cased Iron cross first class marked 26 for B. H. Mayer

    Very nice original cased iron cross first class marked 26 indicating production by B. H. Mayer’s Kunstprägeanstalt Pforzheim. The cross is in very good condition with most if not all of its original finish. The case is a textbook example with working closing button. A very nice set!


  • Wehrpass grouping Panzergrenadier Lithuania, Stalinlinie and Leningrad

    Nice Wehrpass to Walter Hain, Panzergrenadier in Schützen Regiment 113 which was part of the 1. Panzerdivision. Walter Hain was born 29.8.1911 in Siegen, Nordrhein Westfalen. He had a drivers license and was awarded the S.A. Sportabzeichen. He was drafted 2.4.1941 to Schützen Ersatz Regiment 81. Received training for the rifleman and radio operator. He was promoted to Gefreiter 1.11.1942 and to Obergefreiter 1.12.1943. He was awarded the Panzerkampfabzeichen in bronze in 1941 with the 1. Panzerdivision. He was wounded 29.8.1941 noted as Paksplitter Linkerarm indicating he received shrapnel to the left arm while he was in Leningrad! He was awarded the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz 2.2.1942.

    The Wehrpass indicates Hain took part in the following battles;
    22.6.41 breach of Lituanian border at Tauroggen
    23/24.6.41 Following battles of southern Lithuania
    25.6.41 Tank battle of Rossienie (Visiliskis)
    26-29.6.41 Raid to Duena; taking of Jakobstadt
    Crossing the Duena
    Battles of the Duena bridgehead at Jakobstadt
    1-3.7.41 following battles through the south of Latvia.
    4.7.41 breakthrough through Stalin Line and taking of Ostrow
    5-6.7.41 Tank and defensive battle of Ostrow
    7-8.7.41 Attack on Pleskau
    Leningrad area
    9-14.7.41 Breakthrough battles to the Luga
    15.7-7.8.41 battles of Luga bridgehead near Sabsk.
    8-13.8.1941 breakout of Luga Bridgehead near Sabsk.
    14-28.8.41 Breakthrough at Luga
    29.8-18.9.41 Attack and battles in the fortifications of Leningrad.

    All in all a very nice Wehrpass with a impressive list of attended battles!

  • NSB ring Goud om Staal 1940

    Nice original ring for members of the Dutch National Socialist Movement. As the moment was low on funds in 1940 they started a campaign where members could trade in precious metals as gold or silver for this ring. Nice small period item!

  • War merit cross first class by Julius Bauer

    A very nice original War Merit Cross first class without swords or Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwerter first class by Julius Bauer.

  • First model Danzig skull

    Very nice original first pattern Danziger skull. Both prongs on the back are intact. Very nice and decorative insignia.

  • MG34 ruptured cartridge remover

    Nice original MG34 ruptured cartridge remover. This tool is a standard component from the MG tool kit!

  • Heer EM/NCO belt and buckle marked C.W. Motz & CO. 1941

    Exceptional example of a Heer EM/NCO belt and buckle marked C.W. Motz & CO. 1941 Brandenburg. The buckle retains up to 99% of its original wartime paint and would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Uniform removed Küstenartillerie EM/NCO BeVo breast eagle

    Very nice original machine sewn BeVo Küstenartillerie breast eagle in uniform cut condition. Very hard to find as uniform cut!

  • MG42 ruptured cartridge remover

    Nice original MG42 ruptured cartridge remover marked hoz WaA14 indicating production by Bernhard Zade, Berlin. This tool is a standard component from the MG tool kit! Unlike the MG34 example the MG42 variant is very hard to find!

  • Early Wehrmacht/Waffen-SS winter hood

    Rare early pattern knit winter hood. Issued together with the typical ringed knit gloves. These hoods are the typical early winter hoods prior to the later tube Schauschal. One of the rarest winter garment pieces to find!

  • Mint iron cross second class

    Nice near mint Iron cross second class or Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse. The cross remains most of its original finish, paint and ribbon. Very nice textbook example.

  • Rare Philips knijpkat torch marked Wehrmachtseigentum

    Rare Philips Knijpkat flashlight marked Wehrmachtseigentum. These flashlights where made utilizing forced labour from Konzentrationslager Herzogenbusch. Unlike most of the wartime used flashlights the knijhpkat doesn’t have a battery but uses a small internal dynamo. Normal civilian privately purchased examples can be found regularly but the German army issue type is very rare!

  • MG34 AA spider sight

    Nice original MG34 anti-aircraft spider sight that is a basic component in any MG pouch. Hard to find spare!

  • Matching RG34 marked Hawig

    A nice RG34 marked Hawig. The set is in good used condition with all parts marked Hawig as it should!

  • Late war Flugzeugführer by FLL

    Textbook Flugzeugführer abzeichen by FLL indicating Friedrich Linden, Lüdenscheid. Hard to upgrade piece with lots of details and frosting !

  • Wound badge in silver

    A very nice original wound badge or Verwundetenabzeichen im Silber. 

  • Heer EM/NCO BeVo breast eagle

    Nice original Heer EM/NCO BeVo breast eagle.

  • Luftwaffe Flakhelfer der Hitlerjugend cap

    The cap is nicely marked inside and with its (imo resewn) original Hitlerjugend insignia. Inside it is marked RB-Nr. 0/9501/0015The cap is in size 56. A very nice original blue Hitlerjugend cap.

  • MG34 and MG42 wrench

    Nice original MG34 and MG42 wrench marked bhm indicating production by Gustav Auerswald, Besteckfabrik, Grünhain/Sa. This tool is a basic component in the MG tool kit.

  • NSDAP cap eagle marked RZM M1/72

    A very nice original cap eagle marked RZM M1/72 indicating production by Zimmermann.

  • Dutch Staatspolitie cap badge

    Rare original wartime cap badge for member of the Dutch Staatspolitie. Hard to find cap insignia in very good condition!

  • Demjansk campaign shield

    A very nice original Demjansk campaign shield. Backed on field grey uniform wool indicating wear for troops of the Heer and Waffen-SS. The shield is in very good, unissued condition with 95% of the original finish remaining. One of the better ones I’ve seen!

  • Mint Infantry assault badge in silver FZS

    Nice original infantry assault badge or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber. Nicely maker marked FZS indicating production by Fritz Zimmermann, Stuttgart. One of the best assault badges I’ve been able to offer.

Showing 14701–14760 of 16574 results