Showing 14641–14700 of 16606 results
M44 Heer field blouse with shoulder straps and printed breast eagle
Nice original Heer M44 field blouse with matching shoulderstraps. The garment has a typical original insignia setup with a set of late war grey Einheitslitzen and a printed breast eagle which are neatly restored. The garment is in near mint condition and comes with a set of belt hooks and shoulderstraps with yellow Waffenfarbe for Nachrichten. Textbook late war garment in near mint condition with a rare printed breast eagle and matching shoulderstraps!
M40 NCO Heer Pionier Unteroffizier shoulderstraps
A very nice pair of M40 Heer NCO shoulder boards for a Unteroffizier der Pioniertruppen with subdued (!) tresse.
First pattern hidden stitch Y-straps dated 1943
Hard to find 1943 dated Y-straps in nice used condition. The Y-strap is nice and supple and would be a nice addition to any early mannequin!
Matching K98 bayonet marked CLC 43
Hard to upgrade matching bayonet marked clc44 indicating production by Richard Abr. Herder, Solingen. The bayonet is matching to its scabbard with the serial H5278 and has nice clean bakelite grips. The bayonet is in very good uncleaned and matching condition with a original late war skeleton frog.
Infantry assault badge in bronze üü Wiedmann
Fantastic original infantry assault badge or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen marked üü indicating production by Wiedmann. The badge retains virtually all of its original bronze finish and is the best one I’ve had to offer yet. The badge is a very nice and variant with typical hardware for this maker.
Clear mapcase insert
Clear mapcase insert. These where issued with map cases and used to keep maps dry in the rain and folded on the right place. These where also used to draw on to the smooth see through surface to keep the maps unmarked.
Matching K98 bayonet marked P. Weyersberg 1939
Hard to upgrade matching bayonet marked P. Weyersberg 1939 ndicating production by Paul Weyersberg u. Co., Waffenfabrik, Solingen. The bayonet is matching to its scabbard with the serial 3747b and has nice clean bakelite grips. The bayonet is in very good uncleaned, unsharpened and matching (!) condition.
Clear mapcase insert
Clear mapcase insert. These where issued with map cases and used to keep maps dry in the rain and folded on the right place. These where also used to draw on to the smooth see through surface to keep the maps unmarked.
EU-Deactivated P38 CYQ complete with mint holster JWA
Nice and fully matching numbers original Spreewerk made P38 deactivated to the new EU specifications with proofmarks and certificate. The P38 can be cocked and has a moving trigger and hammer. The magazine is detachable and nicely marked P38. The grips are lightly used but undamaged. A very nice near mint holster marked JWA 4 indicating production by Moritz Stecher, Lederwerk, Freiburg. Very nice completely matching display piece!
Heer Infantry shoulder boards for a Hauptmann Infanterie Regiment 80
A great pair of original shoulder boards for a Oberleutnant inInfanterie Regiment 76. IR76 was a part of the 34. Infanterie Division which was formed in 1936 and entered the war in Poland in 1940 followed by battles in Luxemburg, Belgium and France. In 1941 the conquest to the eastern front began and later they where moved to Italy where they where used as a coastal defense unit near Col-de-Ferro, Grimaldi, Ventimiglia and San Remo.
Heer Infantry shoulder boards for a Hauptmann Infanterie Regiment 80
A great pair of original shoulder boards for a Oberleutnant inInfanterie Regiment 76. IR76 was a part of the 34. Infanterie Division which was formed in 1936 and entered the war in Poland in 1940 followed by battles in Luxemburg, Belgium and France. In 1941 the conquest to the eastern front began and later they where moved to Italy where they where used as a coastal defense unit near Col-de-Ferro, Grimaldi, Ventimiglia and San Remo. A very nice lightly worn shoulder boards with loads of patina!
Stunning salty shoulderstraps of a Waffen-SS Hauptsturmführer der Infanterie-Truppen
A very nice pair of shoulder boards for a Waffen-SS Hauptsturmführer der Infanterie. The shoulder boards are nicely bordered with white wool indicating Infantry. A Hauptsturmführer being a officer serving on the front lines with the men it is really nice to see this set in salty and obviously combat worn condition. Exceptional set.
CXN marked MGZ scope with original eyecup
Stunning tan MGZ40 sight for the MG34 and MG42 Lafette. The sight is clear and in working condition. The rear lens in the eyepiece has a crack, but is still serviceable. Otherwise the lenses are 100% usable. The original rubber eyecup is still present. Perfect usable piece in full original finish!
Eastern front death card SS Rottenführer Totenkopf
Death card of SS Rottenführer Hans Raith. Killed in action in Dolmatowka / Krassnoje Schwarzes Meer /
Michajlowka südl.Chersson/Kaganowitschi. Raith was 21 years old and was killed 1.8.1943 in Dolmatowka and is missing. -
Westfront death card 10.11.44 Morville France
Death card of Unteroffizer und Zugführer Berhnard Toppmöller. Killed in action in Morville, Belgium. Toppmöller was 37 years old and was killed 10.11.1944 in Morville and is buried in Andilly.
Luftwaffe Wehrpass KG27 Boelcke
Nice original Wehrpass to Oberfeldwebel Alfred Herrmann, 1. Kompanie Kampfgeschwader Boelcke nr. 27. Hermann served from 1938 to 1945 in Kampfgeschwader Boelcke which saw its first service in September 1939 in Poland. He was awarded the Sudeten Errinnerungsmedaille, KVK2 and Medaille Kreuz Zeug gegen Kommunismus.
Tropical Coconut canteen marked HRE 41
A nicely used coconut canteen marked HRE 41 indicating production by Heinrich Ritter, Esslingen. The canteen is in good used condition together with its HRE41 marked cup. Hard to upgrade textbook coconut canteen!
Pre war A-frame bag
Dated 1938, very hard to upgrade with all aluminum hardware.
Late war LP42 flare pistol marked wa 184419
A nice late war Leuchtpistole 42 or LP42 flare pistol. Nicely marked wa indicating production by Waffenfabrik Hugo Schneider AG, Leipzig. The pistol still retains the original red brown grips, wartime finish on the metal and has not been refinished or reissued postwar. The serial is 184419. Very nice example!
These flare guns are legal and free to own without permit in the Netherlands for everyone over 18 years of age. Please conduct your local laws before purchasing this product. I can only ship this item within the Netherlands. -
Sanitäter pouch insert
A very nice original cardboard insert for the Sanitäter pouches. Very hard to find spare and often missing!
Sanitäter pouches W. Homann Berlin
A nice pair of Sanitäter pouches by produced by W. Homann Berlin. The pouches are complete with their original paper labels which are often missing.
M31 Messkit marked L&SL 1936
A very nice L&SL 36 marked M31 messkit indicating production by Linnepe & Schiffer, Lüdenscheid. A very nice pre war messkit with 95% of its original factory paint remaining, very hard to find a better one!
NS64 M35 Heer handpainted geometrical camouflage helmet
Nice original early M40 Heer geometrical camouflage helmet marked NS64 indicating production by Vereinigte Deutsche Nikelwerke, Schwerte. The helmet is a nice example of a combat worn early Heer M40 helmet with a reinforced aluminum liner and a worn handpainted camouflage pattern with lots of patina. The helmet retains its factory paint and decal which is topped off with a nice handpainted three-tone camouflage pattern which has the decal peaking through the paint. The helmet retains its liner and chinstrap which are original to the helmet. The helmet is a very nice example of a very early M40 helmet which has been throughout the war and has a nice camouflage pattern to it at a very good price!
Wehrpass 4. Panzerdivision Poland/France/Italy
Nice Wehrpass to Kurt Hühne, Unteroffizier in Schutzen Regiment 12, 4. Panzerdivision. The Wehrpass indicates Kurt took part in the following battles;
1939 – Poland invasion
1940 – France
1943 – southern France
1943 – Italy
1944 – Italian invasion areaKurt was shot through the lung on 18th of September 1939, awarded the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz and the Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwerter 2. Klasse.
All in all a very nice Wehrpass with a impressive list of attended battles and a great base for further resource.
Mint iron cross second class marked 40 – Berg & Nolte
Mint Iron cross second class or Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse. Nicely marked 40 indicating production by Berg & Nolte. The cross retains most of its original finish, paint and ribbon. Very nice textbook example.
Infantry assault badge Schauerte und Höhfeld
Nice original hollow Infantry assault badge in silver or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber. Unmarked but the design indicates production by Schauerte und Höhfeld.
Panzer assault badge in bronze by Frank & Reif
Nice original Panzer assault badge or Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze. The badge is nicely marked Frank & Reif. Typical hardware – a textbook badge for Panzergrenadierein great condition.
Infantry assault badge Schickle
Nice original hollow Infantry assault badge in silver or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber. Unmarked but the design indicates production by Schickle.
General assault badge Alois Rettenmaier
A very nice original general assault badge or Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen. Nice example with 99% of its original finish remaining. Unmarked but most made by Alois Rettenmaier.
Infantry assault badge Rudolf Karneth
Nice original infantry assault badge or Infanterie Sturmabzeichen by Rudolf Karneth. The badge is in good lightly used condition with most of its original finish remaining.
Heer EM M42 field blouse
Nice original Heer EM M42 field blouse in very good condition. Still retaining most of the nap in the wool and not shortened or tailored. The blouse has a neatly restored set of machine sewn Einheitslitzen and machine resewn breast eagle.
Pre war Heer belt and buckle
Nice original named belt and buckle.
EF66 M35 Heer double decal helmet in unissued condition
A double decal Heer M35 helmet in unissued condition. The helmet is marked EF66 indicating production by Emaillierwerke A.G., Fulda. The reinforced liner is original to the helmet and comes with a nice and clear 1939 domestamp. The chinstrap is nicely marked 1940. The helmet still retains 99% of its original Pocher decals and paint. Very hard to find a EF M35 helmet with factory Pocher decals! I picked the helmet straight out of the woodwork – this is the best one I’ve ever found in Germany! The helmet is truly one of the best apple green M35 helmets that I’ve seen out there and would be a crown in any helmet collection. Simply a textbook M35 in the best possible condition – for sure the best one on the market today!
Heer Stone grey M36 trousers
Rare pre war stone grey Heer M36 trousers dated 1938. The trousers are in very good used, not a bused condition. If you’re looking for a textbook pair in very good used condition; this is it.
Short Pioneer shovel or Minierspaten
Rare short German pioneer shovel or Minierspaten. This short type was issued to the Sturmpioniere, as they only required short shovels to bury mines. These shovels came in three separate lengths, this one being the rarest.
Berchtesgaden Death Card KIA 8.5.45 SS-Rottenführer
Original death card to SS-Rottenführer Markus Müller born 7.12.1919 and killed in action 8.5.1945 in Berchtesgaden. Killed in action on the day the Americans seized Berchtesgaden.
Luftwaffe blue webbing K98 bayonet frog
Scarce early Luftwaffe tropical k98 bayonet frog. The frog is in very good, lightly work condition. Textbook construction and very hard to upgrade.
Wehrpass ObGf. Normandy, Lothringen, Oberrhein 243 ID
Nice Wehrpass to Josef Mouhler, Pionier in Pionier Btl 243, 243 Infanterie Division. The Wehrpass indicates Josef took part in the following battles;
6.6.44 Invasionsfront
.44 France
.44 Lothringen
.45 OberrheinAll in all a very nice Wehrpass with a impressive list of attended battles and a great base for further resource.
Gebirgsjäger boot crampons size 42
A nice set of issue Gebirgsjäger steel crampons complete with straps and carrying bag. Hard to find item for a Gebirgsjäger mannequin!
Bring back M43 Waffen-SS cap insignia
Stunning original and field worn Waffen-SS cap insignia pinned (easily removable) to a piece of paper. A great example of a wartime bringback by most probably a Canadian soldier. The BeVo cap insignia is in clearly cap removed condition and would be very hard to find in matching condition like this. A very nice and scarce set!
Heer EM M40 field blouse
Nice original Heer EM M40 field blouse in very good condition. Still retaining most of the nap in the wool and not shortened or tailored. The tunic has a neatly restored set of machine sewn Einheitslitzen and resewn breast eagle. The left breast pocket is adorned with a set of period sewn award loops; a great tunic for a combat veteran!
Early pattern tropical equipment belt
A perfect tropical belt in mint condition. The belt is minty and near impossible to upgrade.
Dutch pre war M33 camouflaged combat helmet
Exceptional Dutch M33 helmet used by the Dutch army, Küstenartillerie or Schutzmannschaft. Typical may 1940 example where the lion insignia was removed from the front of the helmet. The helmet was camouflaged with a coarse paint in typical red and green tones. A very nice and rare Dutch M33 camouflage helmet in very good, lightly worn condition!
Dutch BeVo pattern Waffen-SS cufftitle Nederland
Stunning mint Dutch BeVo Waffen-SS cufftitle Nederland for the SS Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Brigade Nederland. The cufftitle is executed in typical late war BeVo construction with the back showing the typical weave. The cufftitle is a typical late example with unfinished ends and in its full 42,5cm length. A rare original Dutch Waffen-SS cufftitle that would be a very nice match with a Dachau made volunteer sleeve shield.
MG34 Petroleum-kasten 1939
Nice original case for Oil and Gasoline canisters as issued with the MG34 machine-gun. The case is fully in its original wartime paint with a white painted M.G. öl on top indicating Petroleumkasten. Hard to find early ammunition can nicely dated 1939!
Late war unissued helmet chinstrap RBNr. 0/0250/0795
Mint late war helmet chinstrap nicely marked RBNr. 0/0250/0795
Kriegsmarine photo album from Breda, The Netherlands
Stunning photo album to Kriegsmarine troops stationed in Breda, the Netherlands. A very nice album with over 51 large photographs all taken in, or the vicinity of the Dutch town of Breda. The album is in very good condition and comes with nice clear photographs. No missing photos!
Early rubberized Gascape in unissued condition dated 1940
Nice typical rubberized gas cape pouch with a pressed paper Gasplane dated 1940. The Gasplane is in good used condition.
ET64 field repainted M35 helmet for Heer / Küstenartillerie
Very nice and aesthetic combat helmet. Field repainted in field grey on top of a reissue on top of the factory apple green paint. The helmet shows two stacked Heer and Kriegsmarine decals under the field grey repaint. There are traces of gold and silver decals. The helmet retains its original liner and chinstrap. The helmet is a very nice example of a helmet that was first issued in the Heer and later transferred to a Küstenartillerie unit. The grey top colour is typical for coastal artillery. The helmet retains its original non-reinforced liner which has a small label sewn inside the liner. It reads Brünahl 4. Battr. Art. Regt. 2.
Short pre war complete M38 gasmask
A very nice pre war complete M38 gasmask. The mask is complete with all straps, filter, mask and cleaning cloth. Very nice pre war example with 99% of its original paint remaining!
M44 breadbag with strap marked RB-Nr. 0/0750/0072
Late war M44 breadbag in mint condition with brown leather nicely marked RB-Nr. 0/0750/0072.
Mint condition helmet chinstrap marked RF.Nr. 0/0494/0008
Mint condition original German helmet chinstrap marked RF.Nr. 0/0494/0008.
Minty early M31 Zeltbahn 1940 with brown pre war strap
Very nice 1940 dated Zeltbahn in near mint condition. The Zeltbahn retains most if not all of its originally sewn buttons and is nicely dated 1940. The Zeltbahn is executed in early Splittertarn pattern on a yellow spotted background. Superb early Zeltbahn complete with a very nice brown equipment strap!
Waffen-SS Officer’s Belt and Buckle by Emil Jüttner
Exceptional original Waffen-SS officers belt and buckle by Emil Jüttner. The belt and buckle are in equal good, lightly worn condition and where found together. The buckle is a very nice example with most of its silver wash remaining and a typical example by Emil Jüttner. The belt is a very good size 109 fitting most if not all mannequins. The belt and buckle are a very nice set that would be very hard to upgrade.
Soldbuch grouping to 269ID, Holland, Belgium, France, Lithuania, Leningrad, Norway
Sale!Large Soldbuch, Wehrpass and document grouping to Werner Gunkel, Hauptfeldwebel in the 269 Infanterie Division. Gunkel enlisted to Infanterie Reigiment 16 before the war on 28.10.1937. He was transferred to the staff of the 269 Infanterie Division on 26.8.39 with the stammrollnumber 1 right until 8.5.45. The Wehrpass indicates Gunkel took part in the following battles and operations in The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Denmark and Norway.
8.9.39 Securing of the German western border
10.5.40 Battle for Maastricht
10.5.40 Crossing of the Maas
11.5.40 Crossing of the Albertkanaal west of Maastricht
13.5.40 Following battles in eastern Belgium and over the Albertkanaal
13.5.40 Taking of the town of Lüttich
14.5.40 Battles of Lüttich fortifications
15.5.40 Battles of Namur fortifications
16.5.40 breakthrough through the Dyle fortifications
16.5.40 Taking of the town of Namur
20.5.40 Battle of the Schelde
20.5.40 Battles for the fortifications of St. Amand.
5.6.40 Battles for France
11.6.40 Battles for Cote d’Or
14.7.40 Transport to Denmark
7.8.40 Taking of Denmark
22.6.41 Battles for Lithuanian border
25.6.41 Breaktrough at the Lithuanian border line
26.6.41 Tank battle at the Dubysa river
27.6.41 Crossing of the Düna river.
2.7.41 Breakthrough through the Latvian/Russian border
8.7.41 Breakthrough through the Russian Border and battles south of lake Ilmen
12.7.41 Battle for Schelon
14.7.41 Attack and defense of Luga
15.8.41 Battles for Luga
24.8.41 Taking of Luga
25.8.41 Breaktrough of the Luga defenses
29.8.41 Break into the Leningrad surroundings
13.9.41 Taking of Krasnogwardeisk
17.9.41 Taking of Puschkin
26.9.41 Defensive battles for Leningrad
7.12.41 Defensive battles for Krasnogwardeisk
17.12.41 Attack on Pogostje and Olomna
28.12.41 Battles between lake Ilmen and Ladoga.
30.12.41 Defense at Pogostje
13.1.42 Defense against Russian Wolchow offensive for release of Leningrad
9.3.42 Defensive battles at Schala and Konduja
10.5.42 Trench battles at Wolchow and Pogostje area
1.11.42 Transport to Norway
16.11.42 Taking of Norway24.11.40 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwerter
23.6.42 Verwundetenabzeichen im Schwarz
18.4.43 Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse mit SchwerterThe grouping comes complete with the Soldbuch, Wehrpass, military and civilian drivers licenses and some post war POW papers. A very nice group that would be a very nice base for further research.
Pre war Straight E-tool with leather carrier dated 1938
Scarce 1936 dated straight E-tool with 1938 dated carrying case. The leather is supple and the E-tool can easily be moved in and out of the piece. Very hard to find a pre war one in good condition!
Excellent untouched M36 Heer EM field blouse
A stunning Heer M36 EM Feldbluse in mint/unissued condition. The tunic is not shortened or restored in any way. The green Einheitslitzen are period factory sewn to the collar. The breast eagle is period factory sewn on the top, flipped and finished. The tunic comes with a set of wool piped M36 type EM infantry shoulder straps in mint condition that have been with the tunic. This is really a stunning textbook EM M36 tunic in mint condition, surely the best one I’ve ever had to offer!
Stone mint US M1 helmet with Hawley liner
Stone mint US M1 helmet with Hawley liner and original factory paper wrap. Impossible to upgrade and a genuine must have for any US M1 helmet collector. The helmet retains its original factory stacking paper that I’ve never seen before. For sure the best M1 helmet I’ve had to offer and is arguably the best condition M1 helmet on the market today.
Officers M43 Heer field cap
Sale!Nice original Heer officers field cap in good, lightly worn condition. The cap retains its original factory sewn trapezoid and buttons which are interestingly RZM marked examples. The cap is in good lightly worn condition which shows in the liner. Outside the nap is still nearly fully present. The cap is marked inside RBNr. 0.0560/0117 and dated 1944. The cap is nicely sized 57 which is a great average mannequin size. Inside the bill of the cap, a small area has a small glue stain, see the last picture. Original and attractive Heer officers M43 field cap in great condition!
M31 messkit marked MN 44
A nice M31 messkit marked MN44 indicating production by Metallindustrie GmbH. Neunkirchen-Saar (MENESA) in 1944. The messkit still retains up to 85% of its original paint.
Showing 14641–14700 of 16606 results