Wehrpass Augustin Scherwitzel, Antwerpen, Mittelmeerküste, KIA Krim

Interesting Wehrpass for Augustin Scherwitzel KIA 1.1.1944 on the Landlenge von Perekop, Krim. The Wehrpass is in good used condition with all pages and loads of entries. Scherwitzel drafted in January 1940. He served in the following units; 537 Division, Sperr-Batl. 194, Infanterie Ersatz Regiment 605, Infanterie Regiment 151, Infanterie Regiment 759, Grenadier Regiment 759 and Grenadier Regiment 121. He received training for Sperr- und Sprengdienst, Gewehr 95, L.m.G. 30, Gewehr 98K and M.G. 26 (t). He was promoted to Gefreiter on 1.1.1943 and was awarded the Ostmedaille on 9.1.1943. The entries read Einsatz Jugoslavien 28.3.1941, Abwëhrkämpfe an Wolekow, 3.12.1942 Besatzungstruppe in Belgien Abschnitt Antwerpen, 5.1.1943 Küstenschutz an der Mittelmeerküste, 1.1.1944 Abwehrkämpfe an der Landlenge von Perekop.


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