Wehrpass and Soldbuch to Rudolf Wagner, GBJ Rgt. 856, Lapplandschild


Interesting Wehrpass and Soldbuch to Rudolf Wagner, born October 5th 1913 from Hornbach, Zweibrücken.  He enlisted in 1940 with his training unit Infanterie Ersatz Abteilung 104. He was served with Landesschutzen Bataillon 787, Jagdkommando 6, later Jäger Bataillon 6 and Gebirgsjäger Regiment 856. He served mainly on the northern eastern front with Heeresgruppe Nord. He served in Finland and Norway.

He was awarded the Lapplandschild and eventually promoted to a Obergefreiter in 1944.

A nice ensemble which in my opinion is worthy of further research!

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