Wehrpass Karl Matty, KIA 2.8.43 with Gren. Regt. 849 Charkov

Wehrmacht Pionier Wehrpass to Karl Matty, KIA 2.8.43 with Grenadier Regiment 849

He entered the war 7.6.41 guarding the eastern border until 22.6.41 when his then unit (129 Infanterie Division) was the Infanterie Reserve of the 9. Armee. 14.7.42- 14.4.43 he was stationed guarding the coast on the Atlantikwal at the channel.
15.4.43 he was once again moved and went into action with the 282 Infanterie Division until 2.9.43 when he was killed in action.

He was awarded the Verwundetenabzeichen I. Schwarz.

He served with Inf. Ers.Btl. 57 from 5.2.41 until 31.5.41-31.8.41 in Infanterie Regiment 427 when he got wounded. He was treated between 1.9.41-8.1.41 with Genesenden Kompanie Inf. Ers. Btl 57. 9.1.42 to 27.2.42 with 1. Kp. I. Ers. Btl 57. 28.2.42-31.3.42 with 6.Inf. Regt. 544 under Infanterie Division 389. 1.4.42-18.5.42 Genesenden Kompanie Infanterie Ersatz Batalion 483. 19.5.42-12.7.42 with 2./Inf.Ers.Btl. 483. 13.7.42-2.9.43 with 11 or 19 Kompanie Grenadier Regiment 849 when he was killed in action at Merefa, Charkov.

He was wounded two times. Added is a original photo of him when he was hospitalized for shrapnel wounds in 1941. Nice original Wehrpass which can be researched further.

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