Unique reinforced Waffen-SS prototype field blouse



Scarce unissued prototype Waffen-SS field blouse. Late war variant jacket made from single and double layered fine gaberdine material. The shoulders, the belt portion, the elbows and some of the breast are double layered as a reinforcement. These field blouses were issued on a small scale for field testing but were never produced in large numbers. Allthough this design does not follow the exact cut of the SS M43 field blouse with two holes and 5 buttons; there is no suggestion that these garments were made for any other branch then the Waffen-SS. An equivalent was made in Blurred Edge camouflage pattern in the exact same cut with a 6 button front. This is one of those things that I will most likely hardly be able to acquire again and would most probably be one of those items to complete a collection!

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