ber 1944 at the Truppenübungsplatz Gruppe in West Prussia from the 580. Volksgrenadier-Division, which was in the process of being raised there. In early November 1944, it was transferred to the Western Front and positioned in the Mehring–Bernkastel area along the Mosel River as an OKW reserve for Heeresgruppe B. On 5 December 1944, the division was placed under the command of OB West as a reserve and redeployed to the area south of Holstum–Irrel–Schleidweiler.
By 15 December, the division was subordinated to the LXXX. Armeekorps as part of the 7. Armee. Although the division was considered fully reinforced, it was poorly trained. Beginning on 16 December, it took part in the Ardennen-Offensive from the Wallendorf area. The division’s axis of advance was aimed toward Luxembourg City. By 19 December, it had advanced as far as Christnach and still maintained a bridgehead on the western heights of the Sauer River near Dillingen. The division suffered heavy losses during these days.
On 24 December 1944, the division was struck by the beginning of the American counteroffensive. As a result, it withdrew to the Westwall. The evacuation of the Dillingen bridgehead proved extremely difficult, as the only bridge over the Sauer was under enemy artillery fire. By 28 December, the division had returned to its original positions from 16 December.
On 2 January 1945, the division received orders to redeploy to the Vianden area under the LIII. Armeekorps to support the 5. Fallschirmjäger-Division. Together with the Führer-Begleit-Brigade, it became engaged in heavy fighting in its new area of operations, where it suffered severe losses. By 8 January 1945, the combat strength of the three Grenadier-Regimenter had dwindled to about 300 men.
On 21 January 1945, the division was positioned along the Drauffelt–Weidingen–Kautenbach line in Luxembourg. At the beginning of February 1945, its combat strength was still around 2,300 men. On 4 February 1945, it received orders to move to the Trier area for refitting. It was to be replaced by the 79. Volksgrenadier-Division. However, the redeployment to Trier and the planned refitting were canceled after American forces broke through near Brandscheid and advanced on Prüm. The division was redeployed to counter this penetration along the Westwall and managed to hold its positions at Brandscheid.
Losses during this action were so severe that the remnants of Grenadier-Regiment 751 and Grenadier-Regiment 752 of the 326. Volksgrenadier-Division had to be combined into a Kampfgruppe and subordinated to the division. Its own Grenadier-Regimenter were also dissolved due to heavy casualties. On the night of 13 February 1945, the remnants of the division withdrew to the so-called Prüm-Stellung.
Only two days later, the division was ordered to relieve the elements of the 340. Infanterie-Division deployed in the Sevenig–Dahnen sector of the Westwall. On 22 and 23 February 1945, American troops attacked the division’s positions from Binscheid and Daleiden. Only weak elements were able to withdraw across the Prüm River. There, the remnants of the 276. Volksgrenadier-Division were combined with remnants of the 340. Infanterie-Division and other alarm units into Kampfgruppe 988. The divisional staff was pulled out of the front line, initially across the Kyll River and then, in early March, to the Mosel River area. There, the staff received orders to reorganize the remaining elements of the division.
By the end of February, the division’s combat strength had declined to about 20–25% of its original numbers. These remnants were redeployed in early March 1945 to the area northwest of Boppard on the Rhine. On 14 March, an American attack crossed the Mosel River near Winningen and Treis, hitting the weakened positions of the 276. Volksgrenadier-Division. As a result, the remaining elements of the division withdrew on 16 and 17 March 1945 across the Rhine at Brey and Boppard. Afterward, the remnants were deployed in the Koblenz area.
By this time, the division’s infantry strength had been reduced to between 300 and 400 men. On 23 March 1945, U.S. forces managed to cross the Rhine near Braubach and Osterspai within the division’s sector. In the following days, the 276. Volksgrenadier-Division was destroyed in the subsequent fighting.
A interesting Ardennes Offensive related Soldbuch which would be a great base for further research!