Scheldt pocket deathcard Georg Kapfhammer KIA 15.9.1944 Breskens

Original Holland related deathcard of Obergefreiter Georg Kapfhammer. Kapfhammer served in an Pionier-Abteilung and was killed in action on September 15, 1944 in the small village of Breskens in the Netherlands. The German forces found themselves trapped during the retreat from France and Belgium between the Dutch/Belgian coast and the West Schelde. Trapped in the so called Breskens Pocket was the German 15. Armee. The German pocket managed to hold out throughout October. Extensive research shows Obergefreiter Kapfhammer served in the 2. Kompanie / Pionier-Btl. 245, part of the 245. Infanterie-Division. He was killed by a “Bombensplitter” – bomb shrapnel and was initially buried in a field grave in Breskens, later his remains where transferred to Ysselsteyn.

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