Rare Waffen-SS Soldbuch Götz von Berlichingen – wounded in Normandy


Rare Waffen-SS Soldbuch Götz von Berlichingen – wounded in Normandy. The Soldbuch was issued to Alois Stahl who served with Stabsbatterie, SS Artillerie Regiment 17, Götz von Berlichingen. The soldbuch is in good condition containing a number of interesting entries and photo. Alois was wounded 8.7.44 when his unit was fighting at Le Dezert, near Saint Lo and treated at Kriegslazarett 612. He was later wounded 4.8.44 when his unit was fighting at Mortain and treated at Kriegslazarett 680. Alois was 17 when his unit went into combat in Normandy and he turned 18 years old durignt the Bocage fighting. A very interesting soldbuch that has a good possibility for further research!

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