Rare grouping to serving with Infanterie Regiment 71 in Stalingrad
Extensive grouping to Otto Heinz, serving in Infanterie Regiment 71. Heinz served from the begin to the end of the war. The grouping consists of his Soldbuch, Wehrpass, Arbeitsbuch, 4 awards documents, a large citation, a three-piece medal bar, a wound badge in black and his Erkennungsmerke and pouch. The Soldbuch is heavily worn; it shows how a field used Soldbuch should look. There is many interesting details including his awards, furloughs and units. Heinz carried a Italian 6.5mm rifle and was issued a a Belgian 9mm pistol in 1945. He was promoted to Gefreiter 1.4.1940, to Obergefreiter 1.10.1940, to Stabsgefreiter 1.3.1943 and Unteroffizier 1.5.1945. He served in the Blitzkrieg in Poland, Belgium and France. 22.6.1941 his unit broke through the Russian border, fought at Minsk, Dnjepr, Smolensk, Beresina, Scosh, Gomel, Brjansk, Orel, Rjasan, Tula, Don and Stalingrad. He survived the ordeal in Stalingrad and broke out; his Wehrpass mentions it is a replacement example for a member of the former 6th Army. The grouping is a nice set that would be a great base for in depth research. The group was sourced straight from the son of the veteran and was always kept in a small wooden box that comes with it. Historical grouping!
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