DRK Helferin gasmask with canister named to Hildegard Ebbmeyer

Beautiful field blue repainted canister complete with the M38 gasmask and the short carrying strap. The canister is in great condition and retains most of its blue field paint. The inside of the lid features a label named to DRK Helferin Hildegard Ebbmeyer. – Feldp. Nr. 03654M. the same name is engraved into the surface of the canister. Beautiful named and unit ID’ed example in great condition which would be impossible to be upgrade!

Feldpostnummer 03654M indicates:

(28.4.1940-14.9.1940) Hafenkapitän Calais,
(15.9.1940-31.1.1941) Hafenkommandant Calais,
(1.2.1941-11.7.1941) Kommandant der Seeverteidigung Calais,
(12.7.1941-26.1.1942) Hafenkommandant Calais,
(15.7.1942-24.1.1943) Hafenkommandant Calais u. Bezirks-Zoll-Kommissariat (G) Calais,
(24.3.1944-6.11.1944) 7.7.1944 Hafenkommandant Calais.

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