Deathcard Fallschirmjäger Alfons Toll KIA 6.3.1945 Wesel


Original deathcard of Soldat Alfons Noll. Soldat Noll served in a Fallschirmjäger-Regiment and was killed in action on the 6th of March 1945 near Wesel. The II. Fallschirm-Korps was committed in the Xanten / Wesel area by February-March 1945, this Korps could count on three Fallschirmjäger, three Infantry and one Panzer-Grenadier Division. The 6th, 7th and 8th Fallschirmjäger Divisions fell under the command of the II. Korps, Soldat Noll belonged to one of these three divisions. He was 17 years old when he was killed in action and is buried in Wesel.

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