British press photo; British Paratroopers captured at Arnhem; size 25×17 cm
Large British press photo; British Paratroopers captured at Arnhem; size 25×17 cm. The photograph is marked;
Hoffmann picture serviced by Pressens Bild shows according German caption Parachutists captured, Holland presumably at Arnheim – Shanke
The back reads;
Radiophoto New York
British paratroopers captured at Arnhem, Holland. According to the German caption accompanying this photo, Radioed today from Stockholm, these are British paratroopers who were captured by the Germans in the Arnhem pocket. Two of the ‘Troopers assist one of their wounded comrades as they are marched off by their captors. Nazis estimate that they captured 6,400 prisoners in the Arnhem region. Credit Acme Radiophoto 9/28/44
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