Showing 241–300 of 327 results
Luftwaffe flying personnel/paratrooper Viertaschenrock for a Obergefreiter
Nice original Luftwaffe Viertaschenrock or four pocket tunic for a Obergefreiter of the flying personnel/paratroopers or Flieger/Fallschirmjäger. The garment has no shoulderstraps attached to it. All the insignia is period hand-applied and original to the garment.
Paratrooper badge by Assmann & Söhne
Nice original paratrooper badge or Fallschirmjägerabzeichen by Assmann & Söhne, Lüdenscheid. Zinc construction Fallschirmjäger badge with gold finished eagle. The bage is in good worn condition with the finish and lacquer on the eagle lightly due to light wear.
Matching Luftwaffe Feldwebel shoulderstraps
Beautiful matching set of Luftwaffe shoulderstraps in good slightly used condition. Textbook rayon yellow piped examples intended for a Feldwebel for Fallschirmjäger and flying personnel. Mid war production which would be perfect to complete an Fliegerbluse.
Kreta; Sieg der Kühnsten
Original illustrative book KRETA; SIEG DER KÜHNSTEN. This book illustrated the siege and victory of the infamous battle by Fallschirmjäger for the island of Kreta. The book is in good condition and as far as I can see still has all the pages. A nice book with beautiful and large photographs that should be in every collectors library!
Rare Erkennungsmarke Fallschirmjägerregiment 1
Stunning early Fallschirmjäger Erkennungsmarke marked 63127 indicating 11./Fallschirmjäger-Ersatz-Reg 1 which supplied reinforcements for Fallschirmjäger Regiment 1. This unit is well known for the battles throughout the war. Some of their most famous battles were the Festung Holland, Moerdijk Bridgehead, Dordrecht bridgehead, Waalhaven airport, Rotterdam bridgehead, Narvik, Kreta, Leningrad, Witebsk, Smolensk, Kursk, Orel, Sicily, Napels, Salerno, Monte Cassino, Anzio, Nettuno and Bologna. Textbook original Erkennungsmarke in good condition with its original cord.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard to Franz Große
€40.00Original deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Franz Große.
Normandy deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Joh. Loibl KIA 11.7.44
Original deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Obergefreiter Johann Loibl, Hermannsried killed in action in Normandy, France. 11.7.44. Loibl is buried in La Cambe.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard to Max Stampfer KIA Nettuno 12.2.44
€65.00Original deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Max Stempfer KIA 18.2.44 in Nettuno. Stempfer served in 7. Kompanie Fallschirmjäger Regiment 11. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard Hans Surauer
Original deathcard to Hans Surauer who served in 9 Komp Fallsch Jäg Regt 4.
Cloth Fallschirmjäger patch
Textbook original paratrooper badge in cloth or Fallschirmschützenabzeichen in very good condition.
Unique German Splittertarn B paratrooper smock
A nice original and combat worn German paratrooper smock or Knochensack. Manufactured from heavy material with parts out of Splittertarn B smock material. The smock is unique; as it is made from double sided Splittertarn B material. Most probably due to a error in the printing factory during the war the material was printed on both sides, not just the outside. This is a unique feature and I’ve never ever seen a second one that has this feature. The smock retains 5/6 of its period sewn buttons and functional press studs. The zippers are marked Rapid and are all in functioning condition. The smock retains nice and vibrant colours with a nice light use just perfect for a combat mannequin. The breast eagle is period removed. The smock is a nice large size fitting for most if not all mannequins. This smock was surely worn during the war and has loads of character. Hard to upgrade original Fallschirmjäger Knochensack in good worn condition! The smock is a unique piece that would probably fit right into the most advanced collections.
Single Luftwaffe tropical shoulderstrap for a Unteroffizer
Single tropical NCO Luftwaffe shoulderstrap for a Unteroffizier in the Fallschirmjäger or flying personnel.
Single Luftwaffe tropical shoulderstrap for a Unteroffizer
Single tropical NCO Luftwaffe shoulderstrap for a Unteroffizier in the Fallschirmjäger or flying personnel.
Matching Luftwaffe Unteroffizier shoulderstraps
Matching Luftwaffe shoulderstraps in very good condition. Textbook yellow piped examples for a Unteroffizier in the Fallschirmjäger and flying personnel.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard to Augustin Zisselsberger KIA 28.10.1943
Original Fallschirmjäger deathcard to August Zisselsberger, Gefreiter in einem Fallschirmjägerregiment. Nice detailed picture with equipment and a Fallschirmjäger badge pinned through his smock.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard Max Grübl KIA 20.2.1943 Demidlow
Original deathcard to Max Grübl, Obergefreiter in einem Fallschirmjägerregiment. Killed in action at Ssapscho-See north of Demidow on 20.2.1943. Max was a veteran of the Kreta, Balkan and Russian campaigns and was killed by a bullet to the heart.
Normandy Fallschirmjäger deathcard KIA St. Lô 16.6.1944
Original deathcard to Georg Stadler, Obergefreiter und Geschützführer in einem Fallschirmjägerregiment, Teilnehmer an sämtlichen Feldzügen. Killed in action 16.6.1944 in St. Lô, Normandy.
Holland Fallschirmjäger Deathcard KIA Hien, 29.1.1945
Original Fallschirmjäger deathcard for Offiziersanwärter in einem Fallschirmjägerregiment Edgar Stegmeyer, killed in action 29 January 1945 during a reconnaissance mission at Hien, the Netherlands.
ET68 M38 single decal paratrooper helmet shell
Rare original M38 Fallschirmjäger helmet shell marked ET68. The helmet shell is a textbook example produced by Eisenhuttenwerke Thale. The helmet shell still retains up to 75% of its original finish and decal. The helmet shell is marked ET68 with lot number 4863.
ET66 M38 paratrooper helmet liner
Rare original M38 Fallschirmjäger helmet liner in used condition. Mid to late war pattern, complete with the cushion on top. The helmet’s leather was at some point partially removed, a feature I’ve seen with other helmets trying to enlarge the size. The helmet liner is a size 66 fitting size 66 helmet shells. Although it might not be a perfect liner; it could still be used in combination with a shell for display on a mannequin. Rare original helmet liner!
ET68 M38 single decal Paratrooper helmet
Textbook combat worn M38 Fallschirmjäger helmet marked ET68. Excellent original example in good, combat used condition. The helmet is marked ET68 indicating production by Eisenhuttenwerke Thale. The helmet retains up to 95% of its textured factory finish and decal externally and comes with its original liner that has always been with the helmet. The liner is a medium size 57 and is original to the shell. Typical colour and condition of a blood soaked liner with brown discoloring and crackle on the top. The liner was professionally restored at some point with the top of the leather being reinforced with Splittertarn material. This is not visible from inside the helmet, but you can see the edges if you look closely. The chinstrap is also original to the helmet, with some stitching at the side of the buckle professionally restored. This helmet came out of a big, well curated collection and is a excellent example in good worn condition. These helmets are hard to find, with most on the market being late war no decal examples.
Cloth Fallschirmjäger patch in uniform cut condition
Textbook original paratrooper or Fallschirmjäger patch in very good uniform cut condition.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard Hans Hauschildt KIA 17.3.1944 Monte Cassino
Decorative and large size (A5) original deathcard of Unteroffizier Hans Hauschildt. Hauschildt served in a Fallschirmjäger-Regiment and was killed during the fierce battles for Monte-Cassino in Italy. He was
killed on March 17, 1944 and was buried in Roccasecca two days later. -
Cloth Fallschirmjäger patch
Textbook original paratrooper badge in cloth or Fallschirmschützenabzeichen in very good condition.
Gebirgsjäger Windjacke in good used condition
Textbook original Heer Gebirgsjäger Windjacke in good used condition. The garment is a normal Heer issue example but this one comes with a catch; it’s wartime unit marked for 3. Battalion Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2. The garment is a nice original example in light used condition with one period depot repair to the sleeve.
Textbook Waffen-SS BeVo Götz von Berlichingen cufftitle
Textbook original Waffen-SS cufftitle for the 17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Götz von Berlichingen. The Götz von Berlichingen division was the only Waffen-SS division to have served exclusively at the western front. They have seen heavy actions in Normandy fighting besides the infamous Fallschirmjäger regiment 6. Tunic removed condition piece with light wear that would be hard to upgrade!
Summer Luftwaffe work tunic for a Oberleutnant
Typical Luftwaffe issue work tunic or Drillichanzug for a Oberleutnant der Fallschirmjäger or flying personnel. These garments are meant for wear with enlisted men and rarely saw use with officers. The garment is in good worn condition with full wartime added insignia albeit the breast eagle was denazified post war. Still a nice display tunic in nice used condition!
Fallschirmjäger death card Uffz. Josef Zieglmeier KIA 7.4.1945
Late war deathcard to Unteroffizier Josef Zieglmeier, killed in action 7.4.1945 in Feldbach.
Ardennes Death Card KIA St. Vith/ Rohrbusch FJR9
Impressive death card to Georg Schmerold, Obergefreiter and Gruppenführer in a Fallschirmjäger-Panzerjäger unit. Killed in action 17th of January 1945 as a member of the 14. Kompanieof Fallschirmjäger Regiment 9.
Schmerold‘s death is mentioned in Opfergang Deutsche Fallschirmjäger – Rudi Frühbeisser page 290; Nördlich von Iveldingen im Bereich der 13. Kp. kommt es zu einem schweren Rückzugsgefecht. Der Kp.-Chef Obltn. Schenk kann den ständig anstürmenden Amerikaner nicht lange aufhalten. Der alter Ogfr. Scharanowski fällt dabei. 17 Mann unter ihnen der Fähnrich Max Ursprung werden vermißt. Bei der 14. Kompanie, die an die 13. Kompanie anschließt, fällt der Jäger Bach während des Angriffs durch Herzschuß und Obergefreiter Schmerold durch Kopfschuß. Aus den Rückzugsbewegungen ist zu ersehen, daß der Amerikaner unbedingt in Schoppen eindringen will. 800 Meter westlich von Schoppen an der Straße nach Faymontville liegt genau gegenüber der Höhe 548 links eine kleine Waldparzelle. Dort wird der angreifende Amerikaner aber von der “Kampfgruppe Schenk” abgewehrt.
Schmerold was killed by a bullet to the head at 26 years of age.
Cloth Fallschirmjäger badge in mint condition
Textbook original cloth paratrooper badge or Fallschirmschutzenabzeichen in mint condition.
Fallschirmjäger grenade bags with white plastic RiRi zippers marked R.B.-Nr. 0/0836/0025
A superb set of Fallschirmjäger grenade bags with working white plastic RiRi zippers. Nicely marked R.B.-Nr. 0/0836/0025.
Normandy death card Fallschirmjäger 11.6.1944 KIA Berigny
Original death card to Fallschirmjäger Obergefreiter Heinz Jäger who was killed in action 11.6.1944 at Berigny, 5 km east of Saint Lo.
Cloth Fallschirmjäger patch in uniform removed condition
Textbook original paratrooper or Fallschirmjäger patch in very good uniform removed condition.
Nordwind Fallschirmjäger Death card KIA Wineckerthal 1.1.1945
Death card of Fallschirmjäger Ludwig Kambichler who was killed in action during the Nordwind offensive. Kambichler was 30 years old and was killed in action in Wineckerthal, France on 1.1.1945, first buried in Andilly, later to be reburied in Niederbronn, France.
Large Death card Fallschirmjäger 4.1.1945
Death card of Fallschirmjäger Manfred Rauffus who was heavily wounded in action 4.1.1945 and died 31.1.1945. Rauffus was 17 years old and is buried in Wittlich, Germany.
Mint Hungarian quilted parka
Stone mint quilted winter parka as worn by Fallschirmjäger on the eastern front. Surely the nicest one I’ve seen yet!
Single Luftwaffe EM shoulderstrap
€50.00Nice original single EM shoulderstrap for a Fallschirmjäger or flying personnel. Nice variation with its tongue lined in oilcloth.
Cloth Fallschirmjäger patch in uniform removed condition
Textbook original paratrooper or Fallschirmjäger patch in very good uniform removed condition.
Rare Erkennungsmarke marked 62899 for Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2 and 4
Rare original Luftwaffe Erkennungsmarke or ID tag marked 62899 which was the MOB code used for troops in 12. Kompanie Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2 and 4. The tag is in good condition with its original cord and is a early example manufactured from aluminum. This base material dates the Erkennungsmarke to around 1940. Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2 was dropped over Den Haag at airfield Ypenburg in 1940.
Erkennungsmarke 9.Kompanie 3.Batalion of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6
A very nice steel late war Erkennungsmarke or ID disc marked 215715 190 indicating the soldier was drafted in 9.Kompanie 3.Batalion of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6. This regiment was a famous Fallschirmjäger unit that fought in the battle of Normandy, Holland and the Battle of the Bulge!
Erkennungsmarke 6.Kompanie 2.Batalion of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6
A very nice steel late war Erkennungsmarke or ID disc marked 256175 91 A indicating the soldier was drafted in 6.Kompanie 2.Battalion of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6. This regiment was a famous Fallschirmjäger Regiment that fought in the battle of Normandy, Holland and the Battle of the Bulge!
Erkennungsmarke 11.Kompanie 2.Batalion of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6
A very nice steel late war Erkennungsmarke or ID disc marked 215717 88 indicating the soldier was drafted in 11.Kompanie 2.Batalion of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 6. This was a famous Fallschirmjäger regiment that fought in the battle of Normandy, Holland and the Battle of the Bulge!
Textbook Waffen-SS BeVo Götz von Berlichingen cufftitle
Textbook original Waffen-SS cufftitle for the 17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Götz von Berlichingen. The Götz von Berlichingen division was the only Waffen-SS division to have served exclusively at the western front. They have seen heavy actions in Normandy fighting besides the infamous Fallschirmjäger regiment 6. Mint condition piece that would be impossible to upgrade!
Paratrooper badge by Assmann & Söhne
Nice original paratrooper badge or Fallschirmjägerabzeichen by Assmann & Söhne, Lüdenscheid. Zinc construction Fallschirmjäger badge with gold finished eagle. The bage is in worn condition with the finish and lacquer on the eagle having faded over the years. The badge is in undamaged and unprepared condition.
Partial Fallschirmjäger M38 helmet chinstrap
Textbook original left side paratrooper helmet chinstrap in used condition. Missing the buckle but still impossible to find as a spare and better then nothing!
Stone mint Sumpftarn Fallschirmjäger smock R.b.Nr. 0/1337/0015
Superb and unissued late war Fallschirmjäger smock in stone mint condition. The smock is a textbook late war example as used and issued for the Ardennes offensive. The smock is a typical late war example executed in thin material. This Fallschirmjäger smock was never issued. The breasteagle is period factory sewn to the smock, not through the breast pocket. The smock is a large size easily fitting most if not all mannequins. This piece really is superb and would be very hard to upgrade.
ET66 single decal M38 paratrooper helmet
Superb example of a single decal M38 paratrooper helmet. Nicely marked ET66 indicating production by Eisen- u. Huettenwerke, Thale, Harz. The helmet has a size 66 shell and a large size 56 liner. The liner is the mid war steel type with dark grey padding material. The helmet retains all 4 of its original early type vented bolts and their nuts. Excellent Fallschirmjäger helmet in great condition!
Gravity knife lanyard
Very hard to find original lanyard for the Gravity knife as issued to Fallschirmjäger.
Matching first pattern earliest known MP38 pouches
Super rare first pattern MP38 magazine pouches in light used condition. These first pattern pouches was made prior to 1940. Interesting and typical to the construction of these pouches is the white webbing ammunition belt material used for the belt loops and D-ring. These pouches are extremely scarce to find, especially in this good, undamaged condition. These pouches are seen typically with Fallschirmjäger along with the 6 cell variant of these pouches. The pouches where found last year on the French/Belgium border together with a green FJ helmet cover and a Gasmask canister attributed to 63213 Stab. Kompanie Fallschirmjager-Ersatz- u. Ausbildungs-Regiment 2. For sure the rarest type of MP38 magazine pouches in very good matching and lightly used and undamaged condition – but most importantly a pair which was found together!
Fallschirmjäger bandoleer marked Anton Kiefer 1942
Superb mint condition Fallschirmjäger bandoleer marked Anton Kiefer 1942. The bandoleer is in very good unissued condition with all press studs and pockets in tact. Hard to find original Fallschirmjäger from the maker Anton Kiefer !
First pattern earliest known MP38 pouch
Sale!Super rare first pattern MP38 magazine pouch in combat used condition. This first pattern pouch was made prior to 1940. Interesting and typical to the construction of these pouches is the white webbing ammunition belt material used for the belt loops and D-ring. These pouches are seen typically with Fallschirmjäger along with the 6 cell variant of these pouches. For sure the rarest type of MP38 magazine pouch in very good combat used condition!
Late war tan Luftwaffe paratrooper k98 bandoleer
A nice original late war tan Fallschirmjäger bandoleer in good used condition. A typical example with many different materials and presstuds used. A small damage to one of the press stud covers, other then that a nice used example with all press studs in working condition!
Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger Hauptfeldwebel shoulderstraps
Very nice and decorative shoulderstraps for a Hauptfeldwebel in a Fallschiurmjäger unit. The straps have a nice pair of red loops most probably for a Offiziersanwarter.
Ardennes Death Card KIA St. Vith/ Rohrbusch FJR9
Impressive death card to Georg Schmerold, Obergefreiter and Gruppenführer in a Fallschirmjäger-Panzerjäger unit. Killed in action 17th of January 1945 as a member of the 14. Kompanie of Fallschirmjäger Regiment 9.
Schmerold‘s death is mentioned in Opfergang Deutsche Fallschirmjäger – Rudi Frühbeisser page 290; Nördlich von Iveldingen im Bereich der 13. Kp. kommt es zu einem schweren Rückzugsgefecht. Der Kp.-Chef Obltn. Schenk kann den ständig anstürmenden Amerikaner nicht lange aufhalten. Der alter Ogfr. Scharanowski fällt dabei. 17 Mann unter ihnen der Fähnrich Max Ursprung werden vermißt. Bei der 14. Kompanie, die an die 13. Kompanie anschließt, fällt der Jäger Bach während des Angriffs durch Herzschuß und Obergefreiter Schmerold durch Kopfschuß. Aus den Rückzugsbewegungen ist zu ersehen, daß der Amerikaner unbedingt in Schoppen eindringen will. 800 Meter westlich von Schoppen an der Straße nach Faymontville liegt genau gegenüber der Höhe 548 links eine kleine Waldparzelle. Dort wird der angreifende Amerikaner aber von der “Kampfgruppe Schenk” abgewehrt.
Schmerold was killed by a bullet to the head at 26 years of age.
Photos of Fallschirmjäger field graves Narvik 1940
Photograph showing the field grave of Fritz Wild KIA in Narvik, 28 may of 1940. Sized 9,5 x 6,5 cm. The picture show multiple graves with double decal M38 helmets
First pattern Fallschirmjäger six cell MP38 u. 40 magazine pouch
Super rare first pattern six cell MP38 u. 40 magazine pouch in light used condition. This first pattern pouch was made prior to 1940. Interesting and typical to the construction of these pouches is the white webbing ammunition belt material used for the belt loops and D-ring. The pouch is extremely scarce to find, especially in this good, undamaged condition. These pouches are seen typically with Fallschirmjäger along with the 3 cell variant of these pouches. The pouch comes with a dark blue webbing sling for ammunition pouches.For sure the rarest type of MP38 magazine pouch in very good lightly used and undamaged condition!
Late war tan Luftwaffe paratrooper k98 bandoleer
A nice original late war tan Fallschirmjäger bandoleer in good used condition. A typical late war example in tan colour with black press studs. The bandoleer is nicely marked 0/0510/0052 and dated 1944 with all press studs in working condition!
Black leather mapcase named Objg. Zimmermann Fallschirmjaeger Regiment 5
Scarce ID’ed mapcase to Oberjaeger Zimmermann with the Feldpostnummer 52261 indicating Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 5. The mapcase is in very good, lightly used condition without damages. The mapcase is nicely marked bml 42. Finding a better mapcase with a better unit ID and name would be very hard!
Feldpostnummer 52261
(8.9.1943-22.4.1944) 1.10.1943 Stab II u. 5.-8. Kompanie
Fallschirmjäger-Regiment 5,
(23.4.1944-24.11.1944) 26.7.1944 Regimentsstab
Fallschirm-Grenadier-Regiment 16 Hermann Göring,
(23.4.1944-24.11.1944) 24.11.1944 Regimentsstab
Fallschirm-Grenadier-Regiment 3 Hermann Göring,
(25.11.1944-8.5.1945) 19.12.1944 Regimentsstab
Fallschirm-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 3 Hermann Göring. -
Splitter pattern Fallschirmjäger bandoleer marked 0/0510/0052 1943
A very nice mint condition Fallschirmjäger bandoleer marked 0/0510/0052 1943. The bandoleer is in very good unissued condition with all press studs and pockets in tact. Hard to find original Fallschirmjäger bandoleer in unissued condition !
Late war tan Luftwaffe paratrooper k98 bandoleer
A nice original late war tan Fallschirmjäger bandoleer in good used condition. A typical example with many different materials used. A small damage to one of the flaps, other then that a nice used example with all press studs in working condition!
Showing 241–300 of 327 results