Paperwork, documents and photographs
Showing 301–360 of 431 results
Luftwaffe Gefreiter Hermann Goring division portrait
Postcard sized Luftwaffe Gefreiter Hermann Goring division portrait
Heer portrait Gefreiter with M40
€20.00Nice postcard sized portrait for a Gefreiter der Infanterie. Nice pictures with great details!
Heer portrait picture with full tropical uniform
€30.00Heer postcard sized portrait picture of a soldier in full tropical uniform.
Heer portrait to Panzerjägerabteilung 8 with Afrika medal
€20.00Nice postcard sized portrait for a Gefreiter in Panzerjägerabteilung 8.
Heer portrait with Waffenrock for Unteroffiziersschule
Heer postcard sized portrait with Schirmmütze and Waffenrock for August Wenzel in the 2. Kompanie Heer Unteroffiziers Schule.
Kriegsmarine Schnellboot S12
Kriegsmarine photograph of Schnellboot S12 in a nice postcard size.
Heer portrait M43 cap with T-shaped eagle
€25.00Nice postcard sized portrait for a Unterofiziersanwarter der Infanterie. Nice pictures with great details!
Heer Unteroffizier portrait with Helmet and M36 tunic
Early postcard sized portrait for a Unteroffizier with early pointed style shoulderstraps.
Heer portrait with M43 cap with metal eagle
€25.00Heer portrait for a Gefreiter der Pioniere wearing a M43 cap with metal eagle. Great detailed shot!
Heer Sturmgeschütz wrapper portrait
Heer Panzergrenadier or Sturmartillerie portrait wearing a Sturmgeschütz wrapper.
Heer Leutnant with Friedrich-August Kreuz, EK1 and VWA
€25.00Heer postcard sized portrait with Friedrich-August Kreuz, EK1 and VWA.
Küstenartillerie portrait by E. van der Horst Nijmegen
Kriegsmarine Küstenartillerie portrait made by Eduard van der Horst, St.-Jorisstraat 13-15, Nijmegen.
Luftwaffe Hermann Göring regiment portait
Beautiful postcard sized portrait for a Luftwaffe Feldwebel in the Hermann Göring regiment.
Heer portrait picture with M43 cap with T-shaped eagle
€25.00Typical postcard sized Heer portrait with M43 cap with T-shaped eagle.
Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait for Gbj.Regt. 99
€55.00Stunning pre war portrait for a Gebirgsjäger of Gebirgsjägerregiment 99. Textbook pre war setup with early light-colored insignia and pointed cyphered shoulderstraps for Gebirgsjägerregiment 99.
Heer postcard portrait
Nice heer postcard sized double portrait in good condition.
Luftwaffe wedding portrait with white cap and Deutsches Schwerathleten-Sportabzeichen
€35.00Nice original postcard sized Luftwaffe wedding portrait with white cap and Deutsches Schwerathleten-Sportabzeichen.
Heer portrait with Dutch reissued tunic
Nice postcard sized Heer portait with a reissued Dutch tunic.
Heer Gefreiter portrait with M35 helmet and pointed shoulderstraps
Heer Gefreiter postcard sized Portrait with Mantel, pointed shoulderstraps and M35 helmet.
Large Heer Feldwebel portrait
€35.00Large 11 x 17 cm Heer portrait for a Feldwebel der Infanterie. Large and decorative portrait!
Heer portrait with Maschinengewehr-Abteilung shoulderstraps
€20.00Heer postcard sized portrait with Waffenrock, Schirmmutze and shoulderstraps for Maschinengewehr-Abteilung 13.
Heer portrait with M43 and stacked insignia
€20.00Original Heer postcard sized portrait with a M43 cap with stacked insignia.
Küstenartillerie portrait with visor, KVK, SA and Marineartillerieabzeichen
€25.00Original 11 x 7,5cm sized portrait of a Hauptfeldwebel Spiess der Küstenartillerie awarded with the Kriegsverdienstkreuz II klasse.
Heer portrait with ASA, VWA and Pionier Lehrabteilung insignia
Heer postcard sized portrait with ASA and shoulderstraps for Pionier Lehrabteilung 1.
Feldgendarmerie deathcard to Karl Pfister KIA Rshew 31.7.42
Rare large Feldgendarmerie deathcard with a gorget in the portrait. Karl Anton Pfister served in Feldgend. Trupp a (Mot.) 187.
St. Vith deathcard to Eugen Frielingsdorf KIA 18.1.1945
€70.00Interesting deathcard to Eupen Fielingsdorf, killed in action near Sankt Vith. Eugen was 18 years old and was killed in his first major battle by a enemy handgrenade. This is a interesting deathcard with a lot of information that could be a good base for further research.
Aachen deathcard to Obergefreiter Straubing KIA 12.10.44
€55.00Interesting original deathcard to Obergefreiter Georg Alfred Straubing, KIA 12.10.1944 during the fierce fighting for Aachen.
Normandy Panzer deathcard Unteroffizier Huber KIA Caen 12.7.44
Original Heer Panzer deathcard to Unteroffizier Franz Huber, Killed in action 12.7.1944 south west of Caen, it states Hostot on the deathcard which could be translated to Hottot-les-Bagues, which is a area fought over by Panzeraufklärungs-Lehr-Abteilung 130, Panzer Lehr Division. A interesting deathcard which could be a good base for further research!
Normandy deathcard SS-Sturmmann Biberger KIA Grainville 29.6.44
Original Normandy deathcard to SS-Sturmmann Josef ‘Seppi’ Dorfner, killed in action 2.7.1944. His remains are buried at La Cambe.
Normandy deathcard SS-Sturm. Biberger KIA Grainville 29.6.44
Original Normandy deathcard to SS-Sturmmann Johann Biberger, killed in action 29.6.1944 south of Grainville which is near Rouen, France.
Normandy deathcard to Hauptmann Werner Thiele, KIA Cherbourg 13.6.1944 GrenRegt 739
Deathcard to Hauptmann Werner Thiele, Killed in action 13.6.1944 in Cherbourg. Thiele served in Festungs-Grenadierregiment 739. Thiele was awarded the Eisernes Keuz II u. I klasse, Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in silber, Verwundetenabzeichen im Schwarz and the Goldenes Hitlerjugend Ehrenabzeichen. Very nice and impressive deathcard that could be a nice base for further research.
Falaise pocket deathcard Alois Bär KIA 19.8.1944
€55.00Deathcard to Alois Bär, killed in action in the Falaise Pocket 19.8.1944. Bär served as a Obergefreiter in a Stabs-Batterie.
Normandy deathcard Pz.Gren.Regt. 2 Johann Geier KIA 14.6.44 Villers Bocage
Normandy deathcard to Johann Geier, Obergefreiter in Panzergrenadierregiment 2 killed in action, 14.6.44 western Villers Bocage. Judging by the area of operations it can be said that Geier most probably served in the 2. Panzerdivisionor the Panzer Lehr Division. This has been further researched and his full information can be seen on the archive card. A nice detail to his photograph is that it fully shows his awards. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
Wehrpass Heeresgruppe Nord KIA 17.10.44 Lettland
Wehrpass to Wilhelm Levin, killed in action 17.10.1944 in Lettland. Levin served in Artillerie Regiment 122 which was a part of the 122. Infanterie Division. He was awarded the Ostmedaille and Eisernes Kreuz II klasse. He fought at a number of interesting battles under others Leningrad, Nowgorod, crossing of the Düna, and more. This is a nice Wehrpass with possibilities for further research!
Heer portrait with transitional helmet
Large 8×10,5 cm Heer portrait with a transitional double decal helmet. Nice sharp photograph!
Heer portrait with Panzerkampfabzeichen and Afrika ribbon
Excellent Heer postcard sized portrait of a Heer Gefreiter awarded with the Deutsch-Italienische Erinnerungsmedaille an den Afrika-Feldzug, Panzerkampfabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber and Ostmedaille. The soldier is wearing a M43 cap with a T-shaped trapezoid.
Large Heer photograph with winter camouflage helmet
Stunning large postcard sized Heer portrait with a winter camouflage helmet with . He was awarded the Eisernes Kreuz II klasse, Ostmedaille, Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz and the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen in Silber.
Luftwaffe portrait with Flugzeugführer and Frontflugspange
Nice original postcard sized portrait photograph for a Luftwaffe Unteroffizier der Fllieger awarded with the Flugzeugführer and Frontflugspange.
Kriegsmarine bearded U-Boot portrait
Original Kriegsmarine postcard sized portrait in good condition. The portrait is a nice example with a dark colored sidecap, a tropical shirt with a Eisernes Kreuz II klasse ribbon and a added embroided breast eagle. The most interesting fact to the photograph is that the individual soldier is sporting a beard which was only(!) allowed for U-boot personnel.
Second pattern Arbeitsbuch – Anna Meyer
Second pattern Arbeitsbuch issued to Anna Meyer, born 29.8.1922 in Wien. Marked with the Arbeitsamt Wien. She worked at the Schrauben- und Schniedewaarenfabriks-Actiengesellschaft Brevillier & Co. und A. Urban & Söhne Wien.
Heer portrait picture
€25.00Original Heer postcard sized portrait with a M36 tunic and piped sidecap.
Heer Gefreiter portrait picture
€30.00Original Heer Gefreiter awarded with the Westwall medal postcard sized portrait in good condition.
Large Panzer portrait photograph
Excellent large portrait sized 12×8.5cm of a Unteroffizier in a Panzer unit showing a ribbon bar, Eisernes Kreuz II klasse and a Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber. The back of the photograph reads Russland 1943.
Wehrpass grouping to Oberleutnant F. Nadrowski Eisenbahn Pionier, Don, Kuban, Nahkampftagen
Excellent Wehrpass grouping to Oberleutnant Franz Nadrowski serving in a Eisenbahn-Pionier-Bataillon. The grouping consists of his wartime and post war Wehrpass with additional paperwork. The Wehrpass has MANY interesting entries of units he served in with the addition of a long list of battles fought ranging from the 1939 campaigns in the east, the 1940 campaigns in the west, Kanalkuste, Litauen, Leningrad, Don, Kuban and more. He served in a Eisenbahn-Pionier-Bataillon which is a very rare unit to find. He was awarded the Eisernes Kreuz II and I klasse, Ostmedaille, Verwundetenabzeichen Schwarz. Nadrowski was probably also awarded the Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen due to the noted Nahkampftagen at the Don and Kuban but this was not noted in the Wehrpass. A very interesting Wehrpass grouping that would be a great base for further research.
(Mobilmachung-1.1.1940) Stab Eisenbahn-Pionier-Bataillon z.b.V.
(2.1.1940-27.4.1940) Stab II Eisenbahn-Pionier-Regiment 1
(1.3.1942-7.9.1942) Eisenbahn-Pionier-Bataillon Stab z.b.V. 9
(8.9.1942-11.3.1943) Eisenbahn-Pionier-Regiment z.b.V. 9,
dann Eisenbahn-Pionier-Regiment Stab z.b.V. 9 u. Stahlbauzuge
Stumpf 31 (= 51),
Krupp-Druckenmuller 33 (= KD) u. Kolsch-Fulzer (= KF),
dann Regimentsstab Eisenbahn-Pionier-Regiment 3 u. Stahlbauzuge
Stumpf 31 (= ST),
Krupp-Druckenmuller (= KO) 33 u. Kolsch-Fulzer (= NF),
dann Regimentsstab Eisenbahn-Pionier-Regiment 3,
[Stahlbauzuge 31 wurden Fp.Nr. 33234 ST, 33 = Fp.Nr. 33234 KD u.
39 (Kolsch-Fulzer) = Fp.Nr. 33234 KF]. -
Award document Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze 16. Pz. Div.
Original document for the Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze, awarded to Panzergrenadier Gefreiter Werner Röder serving in 8. Kompanie Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 64. Awarded on 2.6.1944, most probably after battles in the Tarnopol area.
DRK Personalausweis to Ruth Siewert (famous opera singer)
Unique original DRK Personalausweis to famous opera singer Ruth Siewert.
Deutsches Reich Kennkarte to Ida Riefenstahl
Original German third reich era ID card or Kennkarte to Ida Riefenstahl.
Soldbuch to Georg Brandt 167 VGD Ardennes / Kubanschild
Original Soldbuch to Obergefreiter Georg Brandt who served in Pionier Ersatz Battalion 167 which is a part of the 167 Volksgrenadierdivision who fought in the Ardennes, namely near Bastogne and Luxembourg. Brandt was awarded the Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz, Kriegsverdienstkreuz, Kraftfahrerabzeichen ánd the Kubanschild.
Luftwaffe portrait with Spanienkreuz
€85.00Nice original postcard sized portrait photograph for a Luftwaffe Fllieger awarded with the Spanienkreuz
Large Kriegsmarine NCO portrait
€55.00Nice large original postcard sized portrait 15×11,5 cm of a Kriegsmarine NCO awarded with the Eisernez Kreuz II und I klasse, Minensucherabzeichen and Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz.
Portrait Konteradmiral Hermann von Bredow – Commandant of Sea-Fortifications Kristiansand
Original postcard sized portrait for Konteradmiral der Kriegsmarine Hermann von Bredow who commanded of Sea-Fortifications Kristiansand
Wehrmacht Führerschein – Paul Enderling
Original Wehrmacht Führerschein for Paul Enderling who was trained in Infanterie Ersatz Battalion 46.
Wehrmacht Führerschein – Herbert Kittel
Original Wehrmacht Führerschein for Herbert Kittel who served in Kraftfahrabteilung 7. The permit was marked with Feldpostnummer 10180 indicating 10180
(Mobilmachung-1.1.1940) Stab III Kranken-Transport-Regiment 605
(2.1.1940-27.4.1940) Stab III mit Erkundungs-Zug
Kranken-Transport-Regiment 605
(15.9.1940-31.1.1941) Stab III Kranken-Transport-Regiment 605
(27.1.1942-14.7.1942) Stab Kranken-Transport-Abteilung III/605. -
Heer Knights cross and Deutsches Kreuz in gold photograph Major Werner Ebeling
Id’ed Heer Deutsches Kreuz in gold and Ritterkreuz bearer photograph sized 10 x 7 cm. The photograph has a black line in the right which probably is a leak in the shutter of the camera. The back reads Major Ebeling und Hauptmann Brenkhalm am Gefechts stand 3. Batterie Artillerie Regiment 158 in Viwikoma Zür Besichtigung des in ausbilding stehenden Ersatzes. Foto Perters Retinette. Ebeling was awarded the oak leaves to his Knights cross in February 1945.
Heer knights cross General photograph
€65.00Original Heer photograph with a Ritterkreuzträger or knights cross bearer sized 9 x 12 cm. Regrettably unidentified; but IMO with a bit of work you should be able to find out who it was exactly.
Heer knights cross General photograph
€55.00Original Heer photograph with a general and Ritterkreuzträger or knights cross bearer sized 8.5 x 12.5 cm. Regrettably unidentified; but IMO with a bit of work you should be able to find out who it was exactly.
Kriegsmarine Werner Hartmann knights cross photograph
€60.00Original Kriegsmarine photograph with Ritterkreuzträger Werner Hartmann or knights cross bearer sized 7 x 10 cm.
Bombed Rotterdam Photograph 1940 – Maasstation
Original photograph sized 6x9cm resembling bombed out Rotterdam around the infamous Maasstation which was one of the one key points during the battle for Rotterdam in 1940.
Bombed Rotterdam Photograph 1940 – ruins
Original photograph sized 6x9cm resembling bombed Rotterdam, on the right a portion of the Bijenkorf can be seen.
Bombed Rotterdam Photograph 1940 – C&A
Original photograph sized 6x9cm resembling bombed out Rotterdam around the C&A shopping mall which is showing the traces of battle.
Showing 301–360 of 431 results