Manuals & Paper items
Showing 241–257 of 257 results
Waffen-SS Deathcard Karl Golfranz KIA 7.4.1943
€90.00Waffen-SS Deathcard Karl Golfranz KIA 7.4.1943
Waffen-SS Deathcard Josef Schuh KIA 15.3.1945 Sankt Pölten
€80.00Waffen-SS Deathcard Josef Schuh killed in action 15.3.1945 in Sankt Pölten.
Waffen-SS Deathcard Panzerfunker Franz Braunstein KIA 10.12.1943
€90.00Waffen-SS Deathcard Panzerfunker Franz Braunstein killed in action 10.12.1943 at Mechiritechka whilst serving with the SS Panzerabteilung Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler.
Rare poster Neemt dienst als Wachtman
€595.00Rare and 79,5 x 55 cm large original poster reading Neemt Dienst als wachtman in Nederland. Vrije kost en inwoning, kleding en geneeskundige hulp. Bij gehuwden zijn ook de familieleden tegen ziekte verzekerd. Grondsalaris per dag f 4.50 Kindertoeslag voor elk kind beneden 16 jaar f 0.34 Bovendien inzetgeld dagelijks f 1.65, bij ongehuwden per dag f 1,- Vraagt nadere inlichtingen Wachabteilung Zeist. Desirable original poster with vivid colours!
Wehrpass named Johannes Fröhmer Westfeldzug 1940
€155.00Wehrpass to Johannes Fröhmer who fought in the 1939 and 1940 campaigns in various Artillerie and Grenadier units. He was promoted to a Gefreiter and later to a Obergefreiter and was awarded the Iron Cross second class and the wound badge in silver.
Fallschirmjäger parachute packing book or Fallschirm-Pruffschein
€95.00Fallschirmjäger parachute packing book or Fallschirm-Pruffschein in very good, unissued condition.
SS frontbrochure Fröhliche Gabe Für die SS-Kameraden an alle Fronten (1943/1944)
€135.00SS frontbrochure Fröhliche Gabe Für die SS-Kameraden an alle Fronten (1943/1944) in very good condition!
Imperial post card lot
€95.00Interesting lot of first world war post cards with interesting stories on the back.
Rare poster Koenraad van den Arbeitsdienst
Sale! €350.00Rare and 130 x 76cm large original poster reading Meldt U aan bij gemeentehuis, Arbeidsbureau of aanmeldingen bureau van den N.A.D. zegt Koenraad van den Arbeidsdienst. Desirable original poster with vivid colours!
Manual: Zeichnung und Skizze by Luitpold Kamm, 1935
€125.00Very nice period manual: Zeichnung und Skizze or “drawings and sketches”. The manual is written by Leopold Kamm in München in 1935. Nice example with a number of tactical lessons!
Manual: Sa. Fi. or Sandkastenfibel
€125.00Nice original German army issued tactical booklet/manual or Sa. Fi. “Sandkastenfibel”. Original and interesting example!
Manual: Das buch vom Deutschen Unteroffizier
€125.00Very nice period book: Das buch vom Deutschen Unteroffizier or “The book from the German Corporal”. This book was given to a Unteroffizier within I.R. 37 (Infanterie-Regiment 37), most likely when he became an Unteroffizier. Nice period book!
H. Dv. 240 Schießvorschrift 1937
€65.00Nice Heer issued shooting prescription or Schießvorschrift – (H. Dv.) Heeres Dienstvorschrift 240. This example is for the use of the rifle, light machine gun and pistol. The guide is published in 1937 and is in good condition.
Group of 9 Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie
€200.00Excellent big group of 9 training booklets for infantry troops. All the booklets are original and dated! The group is consisting out of the following parts: Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie 1, Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie 2, Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie 6/6A, Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie 8/8A, Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie 9/9A, Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie 12/12A, Taktische Zeichen des Heeres 13/13A, Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie 14 & Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie 15/15A. There are some real interesting parts which are great for Research or information such as Taktische Zeichen des Heeres 13/13A!
Fernmeldetechnik im Heere H. Dv. 125/3
€40.00Nice Heer issued telecommunication technology guide or Fernmeldetechnik im Heere – Heeres Dienstvorschrift 125/3. The guide is published in 1939 in is in good condition.
Heer Sturmgeschütz/ Panzergrenadier portrait postcard size
€20.00Great original large portrait picture on a postcard size 13x19cm. The soldier is seen wearing the field grey wrapper with insignia for Sturmgeschutz/Artillerie or late war Panzergrenadier. Very hard to make out the exact Waffenfarbe on a black and white picture.
Original private pictures 5×8 cm ‘ Feldzug Im Osten ‘
€45.00Interesting original private pictures. Great set images typical to the invasion of Russia in 1941 better known as the Feldzug im Osten. Nice details such as Panzers about to attack, a snowed in bunker and columns of Russian prisoners. Pictures are nicely written on on the back with places, dates or details.
Showing 241–257 of 257 results