German helmet
Showing 9721–9780 of 16646 results
Matching Luftwaffe Unteroffizier Flak shoulderstraps
A very nice matching pair of early red coloured wool piped shoulderstraps for a Unteroffizier der Flak Artillerie. The backing of the straps are a little different but it seems to be a original matching set!
Matching Luftwaffe EM signals shoulderstraps
Uncommon Luftwaffe Luftnachrichten EM shoulderstraps with light yellow piping in very good condition.
Late war M43 EM Luftwaffe Flak shoulderstraps
Textbook EM Luftwaffe flack shoulderstraps. Late war M43 pattern without underlay and red rayon piping. Uncommon and matching late war pair!
Single Heer EM M40 shoulderstrap for Infanterie
Single Heer EM shoulderstrap for infantry or Infanterie troops. Textbook M40 construction with rayon piping.
Single M36 modified Heer Pionier shoulderstrap
Single M36 Heer shoulderstrap for a Pionier EM. Nice piece with a uncommon unit specified band.
Regimental Cypher shoulderstrap slip-ons Infanterie-Divisions-Nachschubführer 34
Nice original slip-ons for Infanterie-Divisions-Nachschubführer 34.
Heer Einheitskragenlitzen
Original grey Heer EM/NCO collar tabs or Einheitskragenlitzen as first issued in May 1940. These collar tabs were factory sewn to all Heer EM/NCO field blouses right until the end of the war. Although these were general issue; finding original examples is quite hard. One pair only!
Heer artillery officer collar tabs
Textbook BeVo like Heer collar tabs for Offiziere der Artillerie. Nicely marked DRGM on the back.
Luftwaffe EM/NCO Flak collar tabs
Luftwaffe Flak collar tabs or Kragenspiegel in very good condition with four gulls for a Hauptgefreiter or Oberfeldwebel.
Luftwaffe EM/NCO Flak collar tabs
Luftwaffe Flak collar tabs or Kragenspiegel in very good condition with two gulls for a Gefreiter or Unterfeldwebel.
Luftwaffe EM/NCO Flak collar tabs
Luftwaffe Flak collar tabs or Kragenspiegel in very good condition with a single gull for a Flieger or Unteroffizier.
Dachau made Waffen-SS Edelweiss insignia
Textbook Dachau made Waffen-SS Edelweiss insignia in good most likely unissued condition.
Unissued Kriegsmarine BeVo cap eagle
Textbook original Kriegsmarine BeVo pattern cap eagle. The cap eagle is unissued, unfolded and in mint condition.
Unissued Kriegsmarine BeVo cap eagle
Textbook original Kriegsmarine BeVo pattern cap eagle. The cap eagle is unissued, unfolded and in mint condition.
BeVo Gebirgsjäger Edelweiß insignia
€45.00Textbook BeVo Edelweiss sleeve insignia for Gebirgsjägertroops in mint unissued condition.
BeVo Gebirgsjäger Edelweiß insignia
€45.00Textbook BeVo Edelweiss sleeve insignia for Gebirgsjägertroops in mint unissued condition.
BeVo Gebirgsjäger Edelweiß insignia
Textbook BeVo Edelweiss sleeve insignia for Gebirgsjägertroops in mint unissued condition.
BeVo Gebirgsjäger Edelweiß insignia
Textbook BeVo Edelweiss sleeve insignia for Gebirgsjägertroops in mint unissued condition.
BeVo Gebirgsjäger Edelweiß insignia
Textbook BeVo Edelweiss sleeve insignia for Gebirgsjägertroops in mint unissued condition.
Heer EM/NCO cap cockade
€25.00BeVo type Heer EM/NCO overseas/M43 cap Cockade in mint and unissued condition.
Heer Schirrmeister proficiency arm patch
Equipment administration or Schirrmeister troops proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen. The arm patch has a hand applied silver coloured border which suggests it was worn by a NCO. The proficiency arm patch is in good in my opinion tunic removed conditition.
Heer Feuerwerker proficiency arm patch
Artificer or Feuerwerker troops proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen. The proficiency arm patch is in mint unissued condition.
Luftwaffe administrative NCO proficiency arm patch
€15.00Luftwaffe administrative NCO or Verwatlungs Unteroffizier proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen. Nice example in mint unissued condition.
Luftwaffe air raid warning proficiency arm patch
Luftwaffe air raid warning or Flugmeldedienstes proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen. The patch still retains an original paper label on the backside and is in mint unissued condition.
Luftwaffe motor transport equipment administrator proficiency arm patch
Luftwaffe motor transport equipment administrator or Geräteverwalter für Kraftfahrzeuggerät proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen. Nice example in mint unissued condition.
Luftwaffe Flak artillery proficiency arm patch
Luftwaffe FLAK artillery proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen. Nice example in mint unissued condition.
Luftwaffe weapons maintenance proficiency arm patch
Luftwaffe weapon maintenance or Unterwaffenmeister proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen. Nice example in mint unissued condition.
Tunic removed Heer Funker proficiency arm patch for Infanterie troops
Radio-operator or Funker proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen intended for pioneer or Pionier troops. The arm patch is in good used and tunic removed condition.
Heer Funker proficiency arm patch for Feldgendarmerie troops
Radio-operator or Funker proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen intended for field police or Feldgendarmerie troops. The arm patch is in mint unissued condition.
Heer Funker proficiency arm patch for Artillerie troops
Radio-operator or Funker proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen intended for artillery or Artillerie troops. The arm patch is in mint unissued condition.
Heer Funker proficiency arm patch for Pionier troops
Radio-operator or Funker proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen intended for pioneer or Pionier troops. The arm patch is in mint unissued condition.
Heer Funker proficiency arm patch for Artillerie troops
Radio-operator or Funker proficiency arm patch or Tätigkeitsabzeichen intended for artillery or Artillerie troops. The arm patch is in mint unissued condition.
Heer portrait to Panzerjägerabteilung 8 with Afrika medal
€20.00Nice postcard sized portrait for a Gefreiter in Panzerjägerabteilung 8.
Heer portrait with Waffenrock for Unteroffiziersschule
Heer postcard sized portrait with Schirmmütze and Waffenrock for August Wenzel in the 2. Kompanie Heer Unteroffiziers Schule.
Kriegsmarine Schnellboot S12
Kriegsmarine photograph of Schnellboot S12 in a nice postcard size.
Large Heer Leutnant portrait with crusher
Large 14,5×10 cm heer portrait of a Leutnant with a crusher cap. Great shot!
Heer portrait M43 cap with T-shaped eagle
€25.00Nice postcard sized portrait for a Unterofiziersanwarter der Infanterie. Nice pictures with great details!
Heer Unteroffizier portrait with Helmet and M36 tunic
Early postcard sized portrait for a Unteroffizier with early pointed style shoulderstraps.
Heer portrait with M43 cap with metal eagle
€25.00Heer portrait for a Gefreiter der Pioniere wearing a M43 cap with metal eagle. Great detailed shot!
Heer Sturmgeschütz wrapper portrait
Heer Panzergrenadier or Sturmartillerie portrait wearing a Sturmgeschütz wrapper.
Heer Leutnant with Friedrich-August Kreuz, EK1 and VWA
€25.00Heer postcard sized portrait with Friedrich-August Kreuz, EK1 and VWA.
Küstenartillerie portrait by E. van der Horst Nijmegen
Kriegsmarine Küstenartillerie portrait made by Eduard van der Horst, St.-Jorisstraat 13-15, Nijmegen.
Luftwaffe Hermann Göring regiment portait
Beautiful postcard sized portrait for a Luftwaffe Feldwebel in the Hermann Göring regiment.
Heer portrait picture with M43 cap with T-shaped eagle
€25.00Typical postcard sized Heer portrait with M43 cap with T-shaped eagle.
Heer Gebirgsjäger portrait for Gbj.Regt. 99
€55.00Stunning pre war portrait for a Gebirgsjäger of Gebirgsjägerregiment 99. Textbook pre war setup with early light-colored insignia and pointed cyphered shoulderstraps for Gebirgsjägerregiment 99.
Heer postcard portrait
Nice heer postcard sized double portrait in good condition.
Luftwaffe wedding portrait with white cap and Deutsches Schwerathleten-Sportabzeichen
€35.00Nice original postcard sized Luftwaffe wedding portrait with white cap and Deutsches Schwerathleten-Sportabzeichen.
Heer portrait with Dutch reissued tunic
Nice postcard sized Heer portait with a reissued Dutch tunic.
Heer Gefreiter portrait with M35 helmet and pointed shoulderstraps
Heer Gefreiter postcard sized Portrait with Mantel, pointed shoulderstraps and M35 helmet.
Large Heer Feldwebel portrait
€35.00Large 11 x 17 cm Heer portrait for a Feldwebel der Infanterie. Large and decorative portrait!
Heer portrait with Maschinengewehr-Abteilung shoulderstraps
€20.00Heer postcard sized portrait with Waffenrock, Schirmmutze and shoulderstraps for Maschinengewehr-Abteilung 13.
Heer portrait with M43 and stacked insignia
€20.00Original Heer postcard sized portrait with a M43 cap with stacked insignia.
Küstenartillerie portrait with visor, KVK, SA and Marineartillerieabzeichen
€25.00Original 11 x 7,5cm sized portrait of a Hauptfeldwebel Spiess der Küstenartillerie awarded with the Kriegsverdienstkreuz II klasse.
Heer portrait with ASA, VWA and Pionier Lehrabteilung insignia
Heer postcard sized portrait with ASA and shoulderstraps for Pionier Lehrabteilung 1.
Matching Waffen-SS shoulderstraps for a Unterscharführer der Panzergrenadiere
Matching lightly worn original pair of Waffen-SS NCO shoulderstraps for a Unterscharführer der Panzergrenadiere. The shoulderstraps are well executed and show the textbook mid war M40 construction one would expect. The straps are in very good, lightly worn condition and would easily match to a worn tunic. The straps feature the typical tresse and green rayon piping. These straps are the lowest NCO rank for sure seeing lots of action on the front line. A very nice matching pair that is highly sought after and only scarcely encountered nowadays!
Rare SEst64 M35 Heer single decal helmet
Rare Heer single decal M35 helmet marked SEst64 in near mint condition. The helmet was offered to me directly through a veteran family and has never been in a collection before. The helmet is marked SEst64 indicating production by Sächsische Emaillier und Stanzwerke A.G. The helmet marking SEst64 was only manufactured for a very short period in 1936! The reinforced liner is original to the helmet and the chinstrap is nicely marked R.Z.f.H. 1942. The helmet still retains 95% of its original Pocher decal and factory paint. The helmet is truly one of the Heer single decals M35 helmets that I’ve seen out there and would be a crown in any helmet collection. Simply a textbook M35 with extremely rare SEst markings – for sure the best one on the market today!
Period wooden toy Kfz.67a
Original period toy model for the 6 wheeled armoured command car or Kfz.67a, later to be renamed Sd.Kfz.232. The model is completely made from wood and has movable wheels and turret.
Italian made EM/NCO Heer M43 field cap
A original Italian made late war double button Heer M43 field cap. One of several collectible and rare to encounter variants. This variant, with machine sewn embroided insignia is made fully out Italian made materials. The buttons, fabric and insignia are all Italian made. A rare to find original M43 field cap!
Reversible Sumpftarn parka trousers in hard edged ’43 Sumpftarn pattern
Textbook reversible hard edged “43” Sumpftarn parka trousers or Wendehose in unissued condition. The trousers are nicely marked RBNr. but its unreadable. Nice mint /unissued example with strong and vivid colours that would be hard to upgrade!
Heer M42 Drillich field blouse for a Unteroffizier
Stunning untouched M42 Heer field blouse for a Unteroffizier der Nachschub. It’s complete with the original shoulderstraps that has in my opinion always been with the jacket with the same Unteroffizierstresse and sewing. The blouse is a very nice early M42 pattern Drillich field blouse with a 6 button front. There is a small repair to the sleeve and the lower pockets have been sewn flat. The garment retains all of its originally sewn insignia. A nice garment in very good lightly worn condition.
Showing 9721–9780 of 16646 results