Showing 9481–9540 of 14085 results

  • Double claw brown officers belt or Zweidorn

    Textbook brown leather issue double claw or Zweidornkoppel in very good condition. The belt is in beautiful brown leather with functional buckle and loop. The belt is nicely marked and sized 90-105 which is a perfect mannequin size.

  • Mint pre war boxed and cased motorcycle goggles

    Superb and mint boxed and cased pre war motorcycle goggles. The goggles are complete with spare straps and spare / tinted filters. These are textbook examples that can be seen on many 1940 campaign pictures. The goggles are mint and I’ve never really seen them in this condition.

  • Dutch pre war M33 helmet

    Textbook Dutch M33 helmet with period removed front plate. The helmet is a nice and typical example in good used condition. The front plate was soldered onto the helmet but often removed due to myths about it being less bulletproof.  Beautiful and typical example as used in the may 1940 battle in the Netherlands!

  • Two tone tall M38 camouflage gasmask canister

    Beautiful original tall M38 gasmask canister in two tone hand brushed camouflage pattern. The canister was originally found in Zeeuws Vlaanderen over 20 years ago. The canister was found with a French gasmask and filter and I will leave it with the canister. The canister is a beautiful example and would be very hard to upgrade and a great addition to any camouflage collection!

  • SE62 Luftwaffe M35 double decal helmet

    Textbook example of a M35 Luftwaffe helmet in excellent condition. The shell is marked SE62 indicating production by Sächsische Emaillier und Stanzwerke A.G. The helmet is a early example with a reinforced aluminum liner with square swivels. The chinstrap is a textbook chocolate brown Luftwaffe example. The helmet retains its factory applied smooth blue paint up to 95% with both decals in very good condition. Inside the dome of the helmet are multiple large unit markings. This is a very nice original double decal Luftwaffe helmet that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Deckungswinkelmesser J.D. Möller

    Deckungswinkelmesser or Indirect fire calculator made by J.D. Möller G.m.b.H., Wedel. This little device helps to calculate distances and hight differences in terrain. This tool was a issue piece in the mapcase and very hard to find. The Duckungswinkelmesser is in very good condition. The top swivel is a period replacement.

  • Published Waffen-SS helmet with original oak leaf cover with Normandy provenance

    Superb and surely stunning original Waffen-SS helmet with the original Waffen-SS oakleaf cover it was found with in the 1976 in a farm in BarbonneFayel, France which is the sector of 17. SS Panzerdivision Götz von Berlichingen. The helmet and its cover both show the same wear, patina and the cover surely is a exact fit. The cover retains the shape without the helmet and the helmet or its cover have not been cleaned after the find. The cover is a textbook oakleaf example with anodized aluminum hooks finished with single needle sewing machine. The helmet is a textbook Q66 marked example indicating production by Quist. The skirt of the helmet retains a scratched name. The helmet retains its original Quist Waffen-SS decal up to 70%. The helmets shell shows imprint of the cover and the hooks. The helmet cover was published in Militaria Magazine’s famous issue about the SS-Hitlerjugend in august 1988. One can find a SS helmet and or a cover; but finding a original set that has always been together is near impossible. A real conversation piece that would be a nice base for further research!

  • Untouched Luftwaffe issue belt and buckle J. Schmole & Comp

    Very nice original Luftwaffe issue belt with its original Schmole & Comp marked tabbed buckle.

  • Battledamaged ET64 double decal M35 Heer helmet

    Typical wartime battlefield relic that was picked up shortly after the battles. The helmet is marked ET64 indicating production by Eisenhuttenwerke Thale and the helmet retains up to 75% of of both original factory applied decals. The helmet retains a large battle damaged area on top of the helmet showing multiple large cracks. Most likely a explosion was near the helmet which cracked the shell. The helmet no longer retains a liner, chinstrap and rivets.

  • Mint Luftwaffe flying goggles Wagener & Co model 295

    Superb, mint and impossible to upgrade complete Luftwaffe issued flying goggles by Wagener & Co., Rathenow. The goggles are complete with all accessories and in the original issue box dated 1942.

  • Second pattern Afrikakorps tropical pith helmet

    A nice second pattern Afrikakorps pith helmet in unissued condition. The helmet is dated 1942 and is size 57. The helmet is complete with its chinstrap and its zinc insignia.

  • Prussian WW1 EM Pickelhaube

    Excellent world war one Pickelhaube in very good condition. The Pickelhaube is marked PB27 indicating Pionier Battalion 27 and dated 1916. The helmet is a textbook and complete with all components as they should be. Pionier Battalion 27 was under the 31. Infanterie division who fought throughout world war one at the following battles; 1914 Lothringen, Lagarde, Lauterfingen, Nancy, Somme, St.-Quentin. 1917 Stellungskämpfe in Flandern, 1918 Kemmel, Flandern, Maas/Mosel, Mihiel-Bogen. Superb Pickelhaube that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Deckungswinkelmesser dhq H/6400

    Deckungswinkelmesser or Indirect fire calculator made by J.D. Möller G.m.b.H., Wedel. This little device helps to calculate distances and hight differences in terrain. This tool was a issue piece in the mapcase and very hard to find. In good working condition.

  • 6×30 monocular marked RLN


    Rare late war monocular marked RLN indicating production by Carl Zeiss, Jena.

  • Silver painted Heer belt buckle

    Original mid to late war silver painted Heer belt buckle.

  • Cased EK1 Paul Meybauer, Berlin

    Beautiful EK1 by Paul Meybauer, Berlin. The Ek1 is a beautiful example in very good near mint condition with its original matching case.

  • Late war Heer Pionier tape measure marked Heereseigentum

    Minty late war tape measure that came with the Pionier equipment. It is a main component in the axe carrier and is would be very hard to upgrade. Nicely marked WaA and H-1943.

  • Erkennungsmarke 1. I.E.B. 120 Mot. (Feldhernhalle)

    Nice original Erkennungsmarke marked 1. I.E.B. 120 Mot. indicating Infanterie Ersatz Battalion 120 (Motorisiert) which after 1943 supplied replacement troops for Panzer-Grenadier-Ersatz- und Ausbildungsbrigade Feldherrnhalle.

  • German reissued Dutch pre war M33 helmet

    A very nice Dutch pre war helmet reissued in the Wehrmacht. These helmets where used and worn by secondary troops such as eastern volunteers but most of them got issued to members of the Schutzmannschaft. The helmet comes with its wartime converted and assembled German M31 liner.

  • US army issue baseball bat Hillerich & Bradsby CO A&B Louisville Kentucky

    Original US army issue baseball bat in as found condition. Originally found in the southern part of the Netherlands, the piece is marked Hillerich & Bradsby CO A&B Louisville. KY and is surely a relic from the war.

  • German red cross belt buckle JFS

    A very nice original german red cross belt buckle marked JFS indicating production by Josef Feix & Sohne.

  • Saxon WW1 EM Pickelhaube

    Excellent world war one Saxon or Sachsen Pickelhaube in very good condition. The Pickelhaube is marked BA and dated 1916. The helmet is a textbook and complete with all components as they should be. A beautiful Pickelhaube that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Mint unissued equipment belt marked 43 0/0378/0005 size 90

    Superb unissued equipment belt maker marked 0/0378/0005 1943 in size 90.

  • Luftwaffe equipment belt with droop tail buckle

    Textbook private purchase Luftwaffe equipment belt with droop tail eagle. The belt is a very nice original example in brown leather size marked 115. The belt buckle is a very nice private purchase example with a droop tail eagle front attached with 4 prongs to the box. The belt and buckle where found together and are a nice ensemble that would look great on a mannequin!

  • Mint WWII US paratrooper jump boots Pair-A-Trooper

    Stone mint original WWII US paratrooper jumpboots by Pair-A-Trooper. Nicely maker marked Pair-A-Trooper Quality Brand Georgia Shoe Mfg. PA and size 13-15 which is a good mannequin size. The boots come with their original long laces and would be impossible to upgrade.

  • Erkennungsmarke 4

    Original Erkennungsmarke marked Ld.Schtz.Ers.Btl. 4 indictating 3 Kompanie Landesschützen-Ersatz-Bataillon 4. There is at least one grave with this type of dogtag that is buried on Ysselstein, there are bound to be more. The Erkennungsmarke would be a very nice base for further research.

  • Erkennungsmarke Schw. Flak. Ers. Abt. 37

    Textbook original Erkennungsmarke marked Schw. Flak. Ers. Abt. 37 indicating Schwere Flak Ersatz Abteilung 37.


  • Single shoulderstrap Heer Pionier Unteroffizier

    A nice and textbook original enlisted mens shoulderstrap with the black piping for Unteroffizier der Pioniertruppen.

  • Panzer assault badge in silver marked RK

    Nice original Panzer assault badge or Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber. The badge is nicely marked RK indicating production by Rudolf Karneth. Typical crimped ball hinge pin – a textbook badge in great condition.

  • Control box for the large Entfernungsmesser

    Rare original control box for the lighting of the large Flak Entfernungsmesser. The dial turns nicely, the cable is playable. Hard to find piece that is often missing with most if not all Entfernungsmessers.

  • Mint leather 6×30 binocular rain cover

    Mint original pre war leather binocular rain cover for the 6×30 Dienstglas

  • Mint US M38 Rawlings tanker helmet

    Mint unissued M38 tankers helmet by Rawlings. Complete with the R-14 receivers which are virtually always missing! The helmet is made by Rawlings and is a size 7. Impossible to upgrade.

  • Rare first pattern US compass pouch with compass

    Very rare first pattern compass pouch with compass marked W&L.E. Gurley, Troy, N.Y. The compass is in good working condition and the pouch retains its fully working zipper with pull chain. Something nice and rare from the period that would fit right into any US collection.

  • ET66 single decal M38 paratrooper helmet

    Superb example of a single decal M38 paratrooper helmet. Nicely marked ET66 indicating production by Eisen- u. Huettenwerke, Thale, Harz. The helmet has a size 66 shell and a large size 56 liner. The liner is the mid war steel type with dark grey padding material. The helmet retains all 4 of its original early type vented bolts and their nuts. Excellent Fallschirmjäger helmet in great condition!

  • Late war 10×50 Panzer bmj binoculars

    Nice set in working condition. The binoculars are in good usable and adjustable condition with the Strichplatte in place in the right eyepiece.

  • US army issued baseball mask

    Rare original world war two period baseball mask. Textbook metal wire cage fitted with padding and straps to the back. Something interesting from the period in good condition that would nicely fit in a personal equipment display!

  • M42 canteen up marked CFL 44 in feldgrau colour

    Late war M42 canteen cup nicely maker marked CFL44 indicating production Carl Feldhaus Aluminium und Metallwerke, Lüdenscheid. 

  • Near mint pre war 6×30 Dienstglas by Rodenstock

    Beautiful minty pre war 6×30 Dienstglas marked Dienstglas and G. Rodenstock München. The binoculars are in perfect condition and would be very hard to upgrade. Heavy pre war quality with the Strichplatte in the right ocular.

  • Heer tropical EM/NCO sidecap


    Superb mint example that would be hard to upgrade. The cap is nicely maker marked and dated 1942 and retains its factory sewn insignia.

  • MG34 and MG42 shell extractor

    Nice and typical example that was a standard component of the MG tool pouch.

  • German reissued Dutch pre war M33 helmet shipboard grey

    Typical pre war Dutch M33 helmet reissued by the German army and finished in typical shipboard grey. A typical colour as used by Flak and secondary Küstenartillerie personnel. The helmet is in good condition and named inside the liner.

  • German reissued Dutch pre war M33 helmet shipboard grey

    Typical pre war Dutch M33 helmet reissued by the German army and finished in typical shipboard grey. A typical colour as used by Flak and secondary Küstenartillerie personnel. The helmet is in good condition and is dated 1938.

  • German reissued Dutch pre war M33 helmet shipboard grey

    Typical pre war Dutch M33 helmet reissued by the German army and finished in typical shipboard grey. A typical colour as used by Flak and secondary Küstenartillerie personnel. The helmet is in very good condition and is dated 1933 and named A. Hols.

  • German reissued Dutch pre war M33 helmet

    A very nice Dutch pre war helmet reissued in the Wehrmacht. These helmets where used and worn by secondary troops such as eastern volunteers but most of them got issued to members of the Schutzmannschaft. The helmet comes with its wartime converted and assembled German M31 liner.

  • Single shoulderstrap Heer Infanterie

    Single shoulderstrap Heer Infanterie

  • Single shoulderstrap Heer Infanterie

    Textbook single original Heer Infanterie shoulderstrap with a loose slip on cypher.

  • Single shoulderstrap Heer Pionier

    A nice and textbook original enlisted mens shoulderstrap with the black piping for Pioniertruppen.

  • Single shoulderstrap Hauptfeldwebel der Infanterie

    A nice original Wehrmacht Heer shoulderstrap for Hauptfeldwebel der Infanterie

  • Single shoulderstrap Hauptfeldwebel der Infanterie

    A nice original Wehrmacht Heer shoulderstrap for Hauptfeldwebel der Infanterie

  • Second pattern folding E-tool with rare 1/1200/0169 1943 marked carrier

    Nice original second pattern folding E-tool carrier marked 1/1200/0169 1943. These folding E-tools where only very rarely marked RBNR, it’s the first one I’ve seen personally. The carrier is in good used condition and comes with a nice original folding E-tool marked AGO. Nice set in good condition.

  • Stunning untouched Heer infantry crusher or Feldmütze Alter Art

    Stunning example of a untouched Heer infantry crusher, Feldmütze Alter Art or Knautschmütze. These fieldcaps where incredibly popular with officers during the war. The cap is in great, untouched with a great patina all over. The cap can be formed to fit on a mannequin display but is otherwise folded flat as a envelope. The cap is a small size that should fit most modern militaria mannequins. The crusher bears the Waffenfarbe of the Infanterie. These caps are getting increasingly difficult to find and this one is definitely the nicest one we’ve had on offer. A great example!

  • Late war Tragegestell 43 with Ersatz straps marked htp1944

    Late war Tragegestell 43 ammunition carrying frame with late war Ersatz woven rubber straps. The rack is complete with all(!) of its straps and buckles. The rack is in very good unissued condition with a nice mix of materials for the straps. All main late war strap materials can be observed; woven Rubber, webbing, folded canvas and red line material. The leather sewn to the frame is the typical recycled Italian leather. A very nice and minty late war Tragegestell with the typical and rare rubber carrying straps that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Late war blue Heer belt buckle

    Textbook late war Heer belt buckle or Einheitskoppelschloss. Unmarked late war original in good condition with over 90% its factory finish remaining.

  • Late war Heer M43 Keilhosen

    Superb late war M43 Keilhosen in mint condition. The trousers lack the leg ties but it would be very hard to find a better pair then this one. The trousers are a nice size fitting most modern mannequins and are in stone mint condition. The wool retains the full nap and all of its originally sewn buttons.

  • Pre war Czech shovel with cover

    A nice pre war Czech straight E-tool. The complete stock of Czech uniforms and equipment was taken in by the German army at the beginning of the occupation in 1938. A large portion of these shovels was straightly re-issued into the Waffen-SS which up till 1940 could not rely on the issue of equipment through the OKW. Hence you can see these a lot of pictures of the Waffen-SS in the early campaign. These shovels where used and issued within all branches of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS from 1940 onwards. I’ve included a few pictures of these shovels in German use.

  • Second pattern Waffen-SS helmet cover in plane tree camouflage

    Scarce textbook second pattern Waffen-SS plane tree overprint camouflage pattern cover in combat used condition. The cover is constructed from plane tree overprint material utilizing single and double needle sewing machines. The cover retains all of its originally sewn loops and vibrant colours in the camouflage pattern that really pops in hand. The cover is photographed on a size 64 shell making it good moderate size. The cover is in very good used condition and unlike many “mint” oak covers flooding the market today – this is a actually worn piece with loads of patina that is very hard to find.

  • P38 softshell holster marked jwa 4

    A very nice P38 softshell holster marked jwa 4 indicating production by Moritz Stecher, Lederwerk, Freiburg in 1944. The holster is in mint condition and would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Pre war straight E-tool marked Gusstahl

    Pre war straight E-tool in good used condition.

  • First pattern folding E-tool with carrier marked cvb 1941

    Nice first pattern folding E-tool carrier marked cvb 1941 indicating production by Gebr. Vitte, Priorei i. Westfalen with matching folding E-tool marked AGO. Nice set in very good condition that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Chocolate brown brown P35 (b) FN High Power holster marked dla43

    A beautiful original holster in supple chocolate brown leather for the P35(b). FN High-Power pistol. Nicely marked dla 43 indicating production by Karl Barth, Militäreffektenfabrik, Waldbroehl, Rheinland. This holster would be very hard to upgrade!

Showing 9481–9540 of 14085 results