Showing 6961–7020 of 14142 results
Unique netted camouflage helmet with period picture
Unique, untouched netted M35 or M40 helmet with wartime applied camouflage paint. The helmet is complete with a wartime photograph showing this very helmet and the net, unmistakingly identifying it. The helmet is marked ET66 indicating production by Eisenhuttenwerke Thale with lot number 425. The helmet is a killer example of a wartime camouflage helmet with thick concrete paint completely embedding the liner pins and airvents. This would be a impeccable helmet for any helmet collector, impossible to upgrade and textbook Rautarn and Tarnnetz camouflage helmet complete with a wartime photograph of the wearer AND the helmet itself.
Waffen-ss portrait picture for a Pionier SS-Sturmmann
Excellent postcard sized portrait picture for a Waffen-SS Sturmmann named Herbert Grässler.
Waffen-ss portrait picture for a SS-Sturmmann
Excellent postcard sized portrait picture for a Waffen-SS Sturmmann.
Waffen-ss portrait picture of a SS-Sturmmann
Excellent postcard sized portrait picture for a Waffen-SS Sturmmann.
Rare reversible winter parka recognition armbands
Rare original German reversible winter parka recognition sleeve armbands in unissued condition. These sleeve armbands proved useful on the eastern front where the German and Russian winter camouflage uniforms looked alike and men needed to be able to tell friend from foe in seconds. These armbands can be worn with the dark or red side outwards and are made of screen printed red fabric. I’ve found a few pairs of armbands which is a rare opportunity to buy a original set of recognition armbands – before they run out!
Unissued brown Gebirgsjäger rucksack strap connectors
Nice original set of Gebirgsjäger carrying strap connectors. These are virtually missing from most if not all Gebirgsjägerrucksacks and connect the carrying straps to the ammunition pouches.
SS-Pz.Gren. Regt. D.F. deathcard SS-Uscha. Hermann Gruber KIA 2.2.43 Wodjanoj
Original deathcard to SS-Unterscharführer Hermann Gruber, killed in action 2.2.43 in Wodjanoj, 10 km north of Krassnodon. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
Orel deathcard SS-Sturmmann Anton Krieger KIA 14.1.43
Original deathcard for SS Sturmmann Anton Krieger, killed in action 17.1.43 east of Orel. The deathcard has a nice large picture with full insignia.
Panzer III photograph
Nice original Heer Panzer photograph of a Panzer III 8.5 x 6 cm in size.
Postcard Wehrmacht Bildserie ‘Der Flammenwerfer’
Period postcard from the Wehrmacht Bildserie ‘Der Flammenwerfer’.
Heer Leutnant portrait picture EK2, ASA, VWA and modified crusher cap
Excellent wartime postcard sized photograph for a Leutnant awarded the Eisenez Kreuz II klasse, Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen, Verwundetenabzeichen im Schwarz and his Crusher cap with a added visor cord. Great picture with good details!
US M1 Garand bandoleer
Textbook US M1 Garand bandoleer in mint condition.
US M1 Garand bandoleer
Textbook US M1 Garand bandoleer in mint condition.
US M1 Garand bandoleer
Textbook US M1 Garand bandoleer in mint condition.
US M1936 suspenders
US M1936 suspenders in good used condition.
US M1936 suspenders
US M1936 suspenders in good used condition with period metal wire repair.
US M1926 Life preserver belt
Original US Life preserver belt in good supple condition. These belts were Iconic for the D-Day invasion. Nicely marked and dated Jun 20 1944.
US TL-122-A torch by USA LITE
Superb early pattern US TL-122-A torch made by USA LITE. Early brass construction in good used condition.
US TL-122-A torch by USA LITE
Superb early pattern US TL-122-A torch made by USA LITE. Early brass construction in good used condition.
US Gauze Bandage, Camouflaged color June 24, 1943
One original box of one dozen US bandages Gauze Bandage, Camouflaged color, 6 yards June 24, 1943. You receive a full box with 12 smaller boxed bandages.
US Gauze Bandage, Camouflaged color June 24, 1943
One original box of one dozen US bandages Gauze Bandage, Camouflaged color, 6 yards June 24, 1943. You receive a full box with 12 smaller boxed bandages.
US Gauze Bandage, Camouflaged color June 24, 1943
One original box of one dozen US bandages Gauze Bandage, Camouflaged color June 24, 1943. You receive a full box with 12 smaller boxed bandages.
US M1 Garand cartridge belt
Textbook US M1 Garand cartridge belt in good used condition.
US M1 Garand cartridge belt Hinson MFG 1943
Textbook US M1 Garand cartridge belt marked Hinson MFG 1943.
US M1 Garand cartridge belt dated 1942
Excellent unissued US M1 Garand cartridge belt without any damage or wear.
US pistol belt marked Nasco Awnings 1942
Original M1936 US pistol belt in unissued condition marked Nasco Awnings 1942.
US pistol belt marked Nasco
Original M1936 US pistol belt in unissued condition marked Nasco.
USUS pistol belt marked named WELSBROD
US M1936 pistol belt marked WELSBROD
Heer Obergefreiter portrait picture with ISA, EK2, OST, KRIM and Österreich Silberne Tapferkeitsmedaille
Excellent wartime large postcard sized portrait for a Obergefreiter der Infanterie awarded with the Eisernez Kreuz II Klasse, Österreich Silberne Tapferkeitsmedaille, Ostmedaille, Infanterie Sturmabzeichen im Silber and the Krimschild. Excellent portrait picture showing lots of decorations.
US 1st infantry division patch
Original 1st infantry division patch better known as the big red one in good uniform removed condition.
Ardennes deathcard Uffz Ernst Fehr 24.12.44 KIA Luxembourg
Original Deathcard to Ernst Fehr, Unteroffizier in a Flakabteilung killed in action 24.12.1944 in Luxemburg. Fehr was awarded the Eisernez Kreuz II klasse, Flakkampfabzeichen, Erdkampfabzeichen and the Verwundetenabzeichen. He was buried in Hosingen later to be reburied in Sandweiler.
Heer portrait picture with DD helmet
Original Heer postcard sized portrait with a DD helmet, M35 tunic with pointed style shoulderstraps.
Luftwaffe portrait picture with DD helmet
Original Luftwaffe postcard sized portrait with a DD droop tail helmet and early piped Fliegerbluse.
Heer portrait picture with DD helmet
Original Heer postcard sized portrait with a DD helmet, M40 tunic and shoulderstrap loops for a Unteroffiziersanwärter.
Untouched Heer M40 NCO field blouse
Untouched combat worn Heer M40 NCO field blouse. The garment is a combat veteran worn down to the bare thread of the wool. The garment retains factory sewn insignia. The breast eagle is factory sewn to the piece, machine sewn on top finished by hand. Really hard to find a genuine combat tunic with factory sewn insignia.
Heer EM M42 field blouse
Textbook combat worn Heer EM m42 field blouse badged for a Obergefreiter. The garment is lightly shortened which is a typical wartime modification. The breast pocket has a set of loops for a badge and the left sleeve is adorned with a Obergefreiterwinkel. The breast eagle and the Kragenlitzen are in my opinion restored to the jacket.
Rare Heer twill wool M43 EM Keilhosen
Textbook Heer M43 Keilhosen in very good worn condition. The trousers are a nice medium size fitting most modern mannequins. The trousers are named on the back of the fly. The trousers are made out of the uncommon late war twill wool that is most probably a Italian fabric. The trousers would be a nice addition to a late war Heer mannequin.
Waffen-SS issue EM/NCO M43 keilhosen
Scarce original pair of Waffen-SS M43 Keilhosen for enlisted man and non commissioned officers in good worn condition. The trousers retain most if not all of their originally sewn buttons and full leg ties. There are several period well-executed period repairs on the trousers. The trousers are otherwise in good, used condition. The inside of the trousers are nicely finished with herringbone rayon material typical for Waffen-SS issue garments. The cut is typical for Waffen-SSissue Keilhosen with straight cut pockets and the back reinforcement ending at the inside leg seam. Not to be confused with Heer/Kustenartillerie trousers! A textbook Waffen-SS M43 Keilhosen, much harder to find then a pair of Erbsentarn camouflage trousers!
Waffen-SS Oakleaf Zeltbahn
Excellent original Waffen-SS oakleaf camouflage Zeltbahn in good used condition condition. The Zeltbahn retains most of its period sewn buttons and has the typical late war simplified buttonholes. The Zeltbahn has one or two period repairs and retains its bright and vibrant colours.
Waffen-SS Oak C (!) camouflage zeltbahn
Minty late war Waffen-SS Zeltbahn in Eichenlaubmuster or Oak A,B ánd mostly C camouflage. The camouflage on this zeltbahn is said to be Oak C, which is slightly different to B. Oak C is mostly unknown but gets accredited in Waffen-SS Camouflage Uniforms [1]. The Zeltbahn is in very good condition and has most if not all of its originally sewn buttons. The camouflage material used is in good, bright and vibrant condition. This is one of the rarest Waffen-SS Zeltbahns in Oak “C” Camouflage!
1. Silvestri, L. (2016) Waffen-SS Camouflage Uniforms Volume 2. Schiffer Publishing
Rare Waffen-SS Zeltbahn in Blurred Edge camouflage
Possibly the rarest of Waffen-SS Zeltbahns is this type in Blurred Edge or Rauchtarnmuster camouflage. The Zeltbahn is in strong used condition and has some clear wear to it. There are a few holes here and there, there are a few buttons missing but it retains its strong and vibrant colours.
M31 Heer Splittertarn Zeltbahn
Nice late war Heer Splittertarn Zeltbahn in a strong used condition. The Zeltbahn retains most of its originally applied zinc buttons. The Zeltbahn has some small repairs and damages but this isn’t really disturbing. Nice and honest Heer Splittertarn Zeltbahn.
M31 late war Heer Splittertarn Zeltbahn RBNr.
Nice late war Heer Splittertarn Zeltbahn in a strong used condition. Nicely ink stamped with an unreadable RBNr. The Zeltbahn retains most of its originally applied steel buttons. The Zeltbahn has some small repairs and damages but this isn’t really disturbing. Nice and honest Heer Splittertarn Zeltbahn.
Unique German Splittertarn B paratrooper smock
A nice original and combat worn German paratrooper smock or Knochensack. Manufactured from heavy material with parts out of Splittertarn B smock material. The smock is unique; as it is made from double sided Splittertarn B material. Most probably due to a error in the printing factory during the war the material was printed on both sides, not just the outside. This is a unique feature and I’ve never ever seen a second one that has this feature. The smock retains 5/6 of its period sewn buttons and functional press studs. The zippers are marked Rapid and are all in functioning condition. The smock retains nice and vibrant colours with a nice light use just perfect for a combat mannequin. The breast eagle is period removed. The smock is a nice large size fitting for most if not all mannequins. This smock was surely worn during the war and has loads of character. Hard to upgrade original Fallschirmjäger Knochensack in good worn condition! The smock is a unique piece that would probably fit right into the most advanced collections.
German-Russian soldiers dictionary
Wehrmacht issued dictionary for German to Russian translation. The small pocket size dictionary is complete and in an undamaged condition.
German-French soldiers image dictionary
Wehrmacht issued image dictionary for German to French translation. The small pocket size dictionary is complete and in an undamaged condition.
German-Russian soldiers image dictionary
Wehrmacht issued image dictionary for German to Russian translation. The small pocket size dictionary is complete and in an undamaged condition.
Luftwaffe combat boot knife or Stiefelmesser marked L5
A very nice original Luftwaffe combat boot knife or Nahkampfmesser. Nicely marked with the Luftwaffe 5 Waffenamt. The knife is in good sharp condition. Perfect combat mannequin accessorie!
Q62 M40 Luftwaffe single decal helmet
A nice honest Luftwaffe M40 helmet marked Q62 indicating production by Quist. The helmet retains its original factory applied liner and chinstrap. The helmet retains its factory paint and decal up to 85%. The helmet is in very good, uncleaned condition.
US collapsible bucket
US collapsible bucket marked John B. Rogers Producing Co. 1943.
US M1936 pistol belt marked British Made 1944
Original US M1936 pistol belt marked British Made 1944.
Unissued M1 Garand bayonet Oneida, Limited 1943
Mint US M1 bayonet marked OL 1943 indicating production by Oneida, Limited. Out of millions produced M1 bayonets, Oneida produced only 60.000 pieces.
M44 breadbag marked RBNr. 0/0750/0072
Mint late war M44 breadbag in mint condition with various shades of brown and black leather. The breadbag is nicely marked RBNr. 0/0750/0072. It is in a stone mint condition which would be impossible to upgrade.
Tropical M31 breadbag
Very nice original tropical breadbag in a light used condition. The breadbag is nicely marked on the back of a the middle strap but the marking is unreadable. The belt loops are featuring bakelite Italian made buttons!
Breadbag strap marked RBNr.
Textbook mid to late war breadbag strap in excellent condition. The strap is nicely RBNr. marked and in unissued condition. Hard to find as a spare!
Pre war A-frame bag Franz Brehme
Typical pre war A-frame bag with aluminum hardware and marked Franz Brehme. The pouch is in good used condition with period resewn tie straps.
Tropical equipment belt size 88
Near mint tropical equipment belt in size 88. Textbook construction with a steel hook and leather tongue.
CZ 27 black pebbled leather holster marked RBNr.
Typical late war holster for the CZ 27 pistol made out of pebbled leather. The holster is nicely RBNr. marked on the carrying loop but because the pebbled material the RBNr. is not readable.
Heer/Waffen-SS tunic Collar liner or Kragenbinde
Very nice original Heer/Waffen-SS Collar liner or Kragenbinde. Standard in any tunic!
Wehrmacht Toque
A nice original Wehrmacht Schlauschal or Oma or toque in good condition.
Showing 6961–7020 of 14142 results