Paperwork, documents and photographs
Showing 241–300 of 431 results
Heer Obergefreiter portrait with visor, ISA, VWA, OST, EK2 and whistle lanyard
Nice original Heer postcard sized portrait with interesting details.
Heer portrait with M42 helmet
Nice original postcard sized Heer portrait with a no decal M42 helmet.
Two brothers in the Heer/RAD portrait
€15.00Nice original postcard sized portrait for two brothers in the RAD and Heer.
Heer Oberpionier portrait
€15.00Original Heer postcard sized portrait for a Oberpionier with what looks to be black piping on his shoulderstraps.
Heer Gefreiter portrait
€15.00Nice original postcard sized Heer Gefreiter portrait.
Heer Gefreiter portrait with GBJ cap and VWS
€20.00Postcard sized Heer Gefreiter portrait with a Gebirsgjäger cap and a Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber.
Luftwaffe Portrait with Beobachter, bomber clasp and Narvik shield
Nice postcard sized Luftwaffe portrait for a Oberfeldwebel with a bomber clasp, Beobachterabzeichen, Eisernes kreuz I Klasse and the Narvik shield.
Waffen-SS Totenkopf Portrait in Krakau
Excellent postcard sized Waffen-SS portrait with Totenkopf collar tabs and a EK2 ribbon. The back reads ‘ Zu Steter Erinnerung an denim Heinz, Krakau 23.7.44
Heer portrait with M43 cap and embroided breast eagle
Late war Heer portrait with interesting details such as a a embroided breast eagle, M43 cap with T-shaped eagle and late war M43 style shoulderstraps.
Waffen-SS portrait with sidecap and overcoat
Original postcard sized Waffen-SS portrait in good condition.
Waffen-SS portrait
€70.00Original postcard sized Waffen-SS portrait in good condition.
Waffen-SS portrait with M43 cap
Original postcard sized Waffen-SS portrait in good condition. Nice details like a metal cap eagle and glass buttons on the M43 cap.
Eastern front Heer Soldbuch Grenadier Regiment 698
Heer Soldbuch to Pionier, later Grenadier Max Schönebeck serving in Grenadier Regiment 698 under the 342 Infanterie division. He was wounded by a bullet may 1944 in the Kowel area, then November 1944 by shrapnel in Baronow. He was awarded the Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber January 1945.
Heer Panzer deathcard KIA 9.7.43 13. Komp. Panz. Rgt. “Großdeutschland”
Heer Panzer deathcard for Gefreiter Rudolf Pemst Killed in action in Werchopenje 9.7.1943. Research shows he served in 13. Komp. Panzer Rgt. “Großdeutschland”. He died from anti tank shell to the head.
Heer Panzer deathcard Orel 19.3.43
Heer Panzer deathcard for Gefreiter Ignatz Putz, died 19.3.1943 whilst serving in 2. Komp. Panz. Jäg. Abt. 2 in Kromÿ south of Orel.
Heer Panzer deathcard KIA 6.3.42 Bereski
Heer Panzer deathcard for Josef Schustereder, killed in action 6.3.1942 in Bereski serving with 17. Kompanie Panzer Grenadier Regiment 69
Heer Panzer deathcard KIA 13.12.1941 Nokrassina Stabskomp II Panz Rgt 11
€35.00Heer Panzer deathcard for Gefreiter August Schmitz, killed in action 13.12.1941 in Nokrassina serving in Stabskomp II Panz Rgt 11
Five Heer Panzer portraits Panzer Regiment 3
Excellent set of 5 postcard sized Heer panzer portraits with cyphered shoulderstraps for Panzer Regiment 3 with clear shots of decorations.
Four Heer panzer portraits
A set of four panzer portraits, the large one is a postcard sized variant wich at some point was glued inside the cover. Excellent and sharp shots!
Heer Panzer portrait with M42 sidecap
Textbook postcard sized Heer portrait for a Panzer crew member with a first pattern wrapper and a M42 pattern sidecap.
Heer portrait Unteroffizier with M35 DD helmet in Infanterie Regiment 10
Early postcard sized portrait for a Unteroffizier with early pointed style shoulderstraps cyphered for Infanterie Regiment 10. The back reads Kriegsweihnacht 1939 Rzeszono(Poland)
Heer portrait Unteroffizier with Krimschild
Early postcard sized portrait for a Unteroffizier with early pointed style shoulderstraps, Krimschild, EK2, ISA, VWA, OST, Sudeten Anschluss & Frontkampfer Ehrenkreuz indicating he served in the first world war too.
Heer portrait Gefreiter with reissue M18 helmet
€20.00Nice postcard sized portrait for a EM in Infanterie. Nice picture with great details such as a very chunky repainted M18 helmet!
Heer portrait Obergefreiter with Reichwehr buckle
Excellent postcard sized Heer portrait for a Obergefreiter with KVK, OST and a Reichswehr belt buckle.
Luftwaffe Flieger portrait
€30.00Original postcard sized Luftwaffe Flieger or pilot/aircrew portrait.
Luftwaffe portrait picture with full tropical uniform Italy 1943
€35.00Excellent Luftwaffe postcard sized portrait picture of a soldier in full tropical uniform.
Heer Unteroffizier portrait picture with full tropical uniform
€30.00Heer postcard sized portrait picture of a soldier in full tropical or bleached DAK/ Afrikakorps uniform.
Kriegsmarine portrait with Minensucherabzeichen
Excellent postcard sized Kriegsmarine portrait with the Minensucherabzeichen.
Kriegsmarine portrait with Minensucherabzeichen
€20.00Excellent postcard sized Kriegsmarine portrait with the Minensucherabzeichen.
Illegal resistance newspaper Ons Volk November 1943
Illegal resistance newspaper Ons Volk November 1943
Gek & Weijs tijdens Seyss
Original brochure Gek en Wijs tijdens Seyss in good condition.
Illegal resistance newspaper De Oranjekrant 1944
Illegal resistance newspaper De Oranjekrant 1944
Brochure Zeg, Weet je het al
Brochure Zeg, Weet je ‘t al? wich was aimed to look like a illegal newspaper but was actually a pro Germany publication by Dr. Erwin Haagn.
Illegal resistance newspaper Het Parool 10 September 1943
Illegal resistance newspaper Het Parool 10 September 1943
Proclamation poster V1 rockets
Rare original proclamation stating the death penalty to any civilians entering V1 bomb sites and also for civilians withholding found parts of the V1 rockets. Rare original proclamation poster in good condition. It was recently found hidden inside a diary, it still has a piece of this diary glued to it. This can easily be removed with steam or water. Or left as is.. A rare poster!
Leaflet de Wervelwind
€5.00Original pamphlet De Wervelwind wich was thrown out of R.A.F. airplanes over occupied territories. This one dating April 1942.
Hoe men den Amerikaanschen militair herkent
€35.00Wartime issued manual for civilians to recognize US military forces by uniform traits. Interesting, late war booklet in good condition.
Liberation newspaper Vrij Nederland 17 mei 1945
Liberation newspaper Vrij Nederland 17 mei 1945
Pen Gun newspaper 6.7.1945 Liberation special
Nice original newspaper that was brought out just after the Liberation in 1945.
Berkeley razor blades
Period US Berkeley razor blades in its original packaging. The price is for all 10 packs with display.
Luftwaffe portrait with Spanienkreuz
€85.00Nice original postcard sized portrait photograph for a Luftwaffe Unteroffizier awarded with the Spanienkreuz
Luftwaffe portrait with Spanienkreuz
€85.00Nice original postcard sized portrait photograph for a Luftwaffe Pionier Feldwebel awarded with the Spanienkreuz
Coastal artillery portrait with Schnellbootabzeichen and Minensucherabzeichen
Rare original postcard sized portrait depicting a Obergefreiter in a Küstenartillerie unit awarded with the Schnellbootabzeichen and Minensucherabzeichen which are rare awards to see on a coastal artillery soldier.
Unique Luftwaffe Pionier Portrait with beaded helmet
Unique Luftwaffe postcard sized portrait depicting a Unteroffizier in a Luftwaffe Pionierabteilung with a beaded(!) helmet.
Stalingrad deathcard Unteroffizier Wilhelm Schwarz KIA 23.12.1942
Original deathcard to Unteroffizier Wilhelm Schwarz, KIA 23.12.1942 during the fierce battles for Stalingrad.
Four Luftwaffe Felddivision photographs in Italy
Four 9×6 cm photographs depicting Luftwaffe Felddivision troops in Zeltbahns, smocks and wearing camouflaged helmets. The back reads Italy.
Four postcards of Field division Obergefreiter
Four postcard sized photographs depicting a Obergefreiter in a Felddivision unit getting married.
Luftwaffe Paratrooper/flight crew portrait
Original postcard sized Luftwaffe portrait in good condition.
Golden wound badge deathcard France 22.10.44
Original deathcard to Stabsgefreiter Alois Pritzl who died 22.10.1944 in Asslingen Hauptverbandplatz which is near Nancy, France. Alois was a well decorated man being awarded the Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze, Verwundetenabzeichen in Gold u. Silver and Ostmedaille. He fought in various campaigns in Poland, Serbia and Russia. He served in the 11. Panzerdivision in 4. Panzer Aufklärungs Abteilung 11. The archive card is not a part of the offering.
Fallschirmjäger deathcard Ludwig Weil, KIA Nettuno 26.4.44
Original Fallschirmjäger deathcard to Fallschirmjäger Ludwig Weitl, serving in 10. Kompanie Fallschirmjäger Regiment 10. Weitl was killed in action fighting in Nettuno, Italy. The archive card is not a part of the offering.
Vosges deathcard Xaver Linder KIA 12.11.44
€45.00Original deathcard to Xaver Linder, Killed in action 12.11.1944 in the Vosges, France. Linder was a Stabsgefreiter in a Gebirgsjäger regiment, awarded the Kriegsverdienstkzeus, Infanterie Sturmabzeichen, Ostmedaille and a Rumanian award. His remains are buried in Andilly.
Panzer deathcard Obgfr. Xaver Schedlbauer
€35.00Original deathcard to Panzer crewmember Xaver Schedlbauer, KIA 4.11.1944 in Lettland. His remains are buried in Saldus, Frauenburg.
Nahkampfspange deathcard Feldw. Hans Weinzierl 20.8.44
€45.00Original deathcard to Feldwebel Hans Weinzierl, Feldwebel in a Grenadier Regiment who died 20.8.44 in Poland.
Heer photograph lot with Danzig skull
Nice and interesting lot of 21 photographs belonging to a single soldier from Danzig who sported the pre war Danzig skull to his caps. There is also a shot of a Splittertarn helmet cover and another few interesting shots. The lot came in a small postwar picture binder which comes with the lot with some post war pictures belonging to the same man. I have not scanned these; but it would be a sin to break up the group just for the one portrait.
Double Heer Leutnant portrait
€35.00Two postcard sized Heer portraits to the same Leutnant.
Two photos with rifle grenade launcher
€25.00Two 8x6cm sized photographs showing a number of soldiers behind their K98 equipped with rifle grenade launchers.
Stalingrad deathcard Gefreiter regiment KIA 16.1.1943
€40.00Original deathcard of Gefreiter Rudolf Lenders. Killed in action 16.1.1943 during the heavy battles at Stalingrad. Lenders served in Stab Mobl Abt 631. The archive card showing more information is not a part of the offering.
Double SS-Polizei portraits
Double large postcard sized SS-Polizei portraits. Nice shots with great details of the same soldier.
Heer portrait picture with M43 Unteroffizier der Infanterie uniform
€25.00Heer portrait picture with M43 Unteroffizier der Infanterie uniform
Heer portrait Obergefreiter with M40
€30.00Nice postcard sized portrait for a OberGefreiter der Infanterie. Nice pictures with great details!
Showing 241–300 of 431 results