US items
Showing 1–60 of 717 results
US Taylor wrist compass – liquid filled
€190.00US Taylor wrist compass – liquid filled in good used condition.
US Dog Tag Felix Huttler 32461218 Next of Kin
€50.00US Dog to Tag Felix Huttler 32461218 with next Next of Kin. He enlisted 20 August 1942 and came from Essex, New Jersey.
US Dog Tag Winnemore John C 33807233
€40.00US Dog Tag Winnemore John C 33807233, enlisted 5 December 1943.
US Dog Tag Wadsworth, William L. 33476195
€45.00Single US Dog Tag to Wadsworth, William L. 33476195, enlisted 20 December 1942 from Philadelphia.
US Dog Tag Warren Collins 32062465 Next of Kin
€50.00Single US Dog Tag Warren Collins 32062465 Next of Kin, enlisted 9 march 1941.
US Dog Tag Paul Harrison Jr 0-1646086
€40.00Single US Dog Tag Paul Harrison Jr 0-1646086
US Combined glider parachute officers cap patch
€90.00US Combined glider parachute officers cap patch in good condition. Hard to find variant!
US Combined glider parachute officers cap patch
€90.00US Combined glider parachute officers cap patch in good condition. Hard to find variant!
US parachute artillery garisson cap patch
€55.00Textbook parachute artillery Garisson cap patch in unissued condition.
Rare US plastic canteen flask marked Mack Molding Co. 1943
€275.00Rare US plastic canteen flask marked Mack Molding Co. 1943 in very good condition.
US canteen flask dated 1943 with 1942 dated cover with flatcap
€110.00US canteen flask dated 1943 with 1942 dated cover with flatcap in good condition. The cap has a crack. Nevertheless a rare variant!
US canteen flask dated 1918 with 1942 dated cover named Graham 2749
€90.00US Canteen flask dated 1918 with 1942 dated cover named Graham 2749 in good condition.
US steel canteen cup marked BECO 1943
€40.00US steel canteen cup marked BECO 1943
US army medical officers case
€200.00Excellent US army medical officers case (surgical roll) in good condition. The pouch is complete with most if not all of its original contents.
US Navy (USN) hemostatic forceps case
€250.00Original US Navy (USN) hemostatic forceps case marked M.D.-U.S.N. for Medical Department – US Navy. A nice set to complete a corpsman’s equipment or a display!
US Navy (USN) medical pocket case
€150.00Original US Navy (USN) medical kit, marked M.D.-U.S.N. for Medical Department – US Navy. A nice set to complete a corpsman’s equipment or a display!
US Navy (USN) medical pocket case
€200.00Original US Navy (USN) medical kit, marked M.D.-U.S.N. for Medical Department – US Navy. A nice set to complete a corpsman’s equipment or a display!
US Navy (USN) medical pocket case
€225.00Original US Navy (USN) medical kit, marked M.D.-U.S.N. for Medical Department – US Navy. A nice set to complete a corpsman’s equipment or a display! Nice in OD colour pouch!
Complete US Medic harness set
€750.00Complete US Medic webbing with long and short cantle strap sets, two bags and the rare shoulder yoke in very good condition. Hard to find in one go!
Rare US ‘Utah Beach’ medic backpack
€475.00Original and rare US ‘Utah Beach’ medic back pack in good used condition. These bags were made and issued to Medics in the 4th Infantry division during the D-day landings. These bags are large although consensus is these carried two large tins of bandages there is no documentation describing the issued contents. This is a very rare D-Day related piece!
USAAF AN-H-15 Large flight cap with leather chincup
€180.00Original USAAF AN-H-15 flight cap in the size small in good condition.
US M7 assault gasmask bag
€225.00US M7 assault gas mask bag in unissued condition. Complete with all straps, supple rubber and working pressstuds! The bag has one square repair which is probably a factory or depot repair – but pre 1945.
US M7 assault gasmask bag
€250.00US M7 assault gas mask bag in unissued condition. Complete with all straps, supple rubber and working pressstuds!
US M1 bayonet marked A.F.H.
€185.00Textbook US M1 bayonet in good used condition! This example is nicely marked A.F.H. indicating production by American Fork and Hoe.
US M1 Garand bayonet marked OL 1942 (Oneida, Limited)
€250.00Textbook US M1 bayonet marked OL 1942 indicating production by Oneida, Limited. Out of millions produced M1 bayonets, Oneida produced only 60.000 pieces.
US Cartridge belt marked BOYT -44-
€140.00Textbook OD US Cartridge belt in good used condition marked BOYT 44.
Modified US shoulder holster
€235.00Modified US shoulder holster. This modification was a typical USAAF modification because pilots preferred to wear the holsters from the belt in stead of underneath the harness and life preserver. Hard to find!
US parachute infantry garisson cap badge
€55.00 -
US First Aid pouch with contents
US army issue first aid pouch manufactured in dark green OD7. The pouch is complete with its original red carlisle model first aid kit.
US Infantry overseas cap, 143 Infantry Regiment, 36th Div
€150.00US Infantry overseas cap, 143 Infantry Regiment, 36th Div in good condition. Nice example with screwback unit DUI. This regiment fought in Africa, Italy, Southern france, Vosges, Siegfried line and onto the Rhine in Germany. Nice cap with a laundry code!
US Airborne Infantry overseas cap
€200.00US Airborne Infantry overseas cap in unisued condition. Beautiful example!
USMC canteen with 1943 dated flask and cup named Ollie
€240.00USMC canteen with 1943 dated flask and cup named Ollie in used condition. The attatchment webbing for the belt hook is missing and was replaced by placing the hook directly trough the cover.
US M1 fixed bale helmet with Hawley liner
€725.00Combat worn US M1 fixed bale helmet with Hawley liner. Textbook salty example with loads of character that would be hard to upgrade!
USAAF flak M4A2 helmet
€425.00US Airforce flak helmet M4A2 manufactured by Industrial Canvas Prod. Corp. So. Bend, In in good condition. The helmet is in excellent condition with full original chinstrap.
US M1C paratrooper helmet liner chincup
€200.00Textbook Kahki canvas chincup for the world war two M1C paratrooper helmet liner. Hard to find spare example!
US Army tropical officer ‘Crusher’ visor cap size 7
€165.00US tropical officer ‘Crusher’ visor cap size 7 in good lightly worn condition. The cap is not named or maker marked but the size mark 7 can be seen. This is a ‘crusher’ visor cap without internal reinforcement or thick stiffener one sees in most visors.
US Stainless canteen flask marked Swanson 1945
€25.00US Stainless canteen flask marked Swanson 1945
US Stainless canteen flask marked Swanson 1945
€25.00US Stainless canteen flask marked Swanson 1945
US Stainless canteen flask marked Swanson 1945
€25.00US Stainless canteen flask marked Swanson 1945
US Stainless canteen flask marked G.P.&F.Co 1945
€30.00US Stainless canteen flask marked G.P.&F.Co 1945
US Stainless canteen flask marked S.M.Co 1943
€40.00US Stainless canteen flask marked S.M.Co 1943
US Stainless canteen flask marked S.M.Co 1943
€40.00US Stainless canteen flask marked S.M.Co 1943
US Stainless canteen flask marked S.M.Co 1943
€30.00US Stainless canteen flask marked S.M.Co 1943
US Stainless canteen flask marked Vollrath 1943
€40.00US Stainless canteen flask marked Vollrath 1943
US Stainless canteen flask marked Vollrath 1943
€40.00US Stainless canteen flask marked Vollrath 1943
US Stainless canteen flask marked Vollrath 1943
€40.00US Stainless canteen flask marked Vollrath 1943
US Aluminium canteen flask marked A.G.M. Co 1942
€40.00US Aluminium canteen flask marked A.G.M. Co 1942
US Aluminium canteen flask marked A.G.M. Co 1945
€25.00US Aluminium canteen flask marked A.G.M. Co 1945
US Aluminium canteen flask marked A.G.M. Co 1944
€40.00US Aluminium canteen flask marked A.G.M. Co 1944
US Aluminium canteen flask marked S.M.Co 1945
€25.00US Aluminium canteen flask marked S.M.Co 1945
US Aluminium canteen flask ID’ed JH Koon and Malakoff
€45.00US Aluminium canteen flask ID’ed JH Koon and Malakoff and various other initials. Nice decorated piece!
US Aluminium canteen flask marked F.&C. 1918 ID’ed F0949
€40.00US Aluminium canteen flask marked F.&C. 1918 ID’ed with the laundry number F0949.
US Stainless canteen cup marked K.M.Co 1944
€35.00US Canteen cup marked US K.M. Co. 1944 which is a less common maker for cups and canteens.
US Stainless canteen cup marked B.E.Co 1945
€30.00US Stainless canteen cup marked B.E.Co 1945
US Stainless canteen cup marked S.M.Co 1945
€30.00US Stainless canteen cup marked S.M.Co 1945
US Aluminium canteen cup marked E.A.Co 1945
€30.00US Aluminium canteen cup marked E.A.Co 1945
US Aluminium canteen cup ID’ed W1469
€30.00US Aluminium canteen cup ID’ed W1469. The manufacturer markings are very hard to read or void in all.
US Aluminium canteen flask marked A.G.M.Co. 1945
€30.00US Aluminium canteen flask marked A.G.M.Co. 1945 with period privately made added wool cloth cover.
US Canteen marked A.G.M.Co 1945
€65.00US Canteen marked A.G.M.Co 1945 in good used condition.
US Aluminium canteen named ‘Dickinson’
€80.00US Aluminium canteen named ‘Dickinson’ in good used condition.
Showing 1–60 of 717 results