Manuals & Paper items
Showing 121–180 of 257 results
Rare manual; Die Panzertruppen
€700.00Rare original German army Panzer manual Die Panzertruppenby von Kügelgen 1944. The manual is a well illustrated basic guide for panzer troops. It sums up the basic tactics, models and maintenance. A very rare late war printed manual in colour, as issued to armoured troops!
€250.00Rare Panzerkampfwagenbuch which is a instruction manual for tactical movement of armoured vehicles. It features many examples on the best and right way to fight in armoured vehicles. Rare to find manual in good condition!
Collection of Polizei, RAD and NSKK documents and portraits
€70.00Collection of Polizei, RAD and NSKK documents and portraits in good condition. A nice selection.
Large collection of Heer portraits
€180.00Large Collection of Heer portraits in good condition. Approximately 55 separate portraits with interesting details such as badges, headgear and uniforms. A nice case study for any collector and a good price at approximately 3 euro per photo.
Large Collection of Heer portraits
€200.00Large Collection of Heer portraits in good condition. Approximately 65 separate portraits with interesting details such as badges, headgear and uniforms. A nice case study for any collector and a good price at approximately 3 euro per photo.
Voggenreiter manual; Die Gasmaske 30; G1/1a
€20.00Voggenreiter manual; Die Gasmaske 30; G1/1a in good condition. Nice manual with in depth information in how to adjust and wear the M30 gasmask.
Grouping of 17 period press photographs of Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 80
€225.00Grouping of period press photos of Pionier-Ersatz-Bataillon 80 in good condition. These, large format shots are all in good condition. Well shot, lighted and focussed images showing loads of details. The rear of the images show some press markings and a written note in the back. Several images show the inside of the Pioneer-Kaserne in Klosterneuburg which was the base of this unit. Also shown is the Nordbahnbrücke which was blown up during the retreat from the Soviets in 1945.
Rare Imperial grouping to Schwere Festungs Scheinwerferzug 60
€180.00Rare Imperial grouping to Schwere Festungs Scheinwerferzug 60. This was a first world war search light unit; one of the hardest units to find. Very hard to find, nice grouping for further research with loads of photographs!
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Tentoonsteling van het Nederlandse Arbeitsfront’
€75.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Tentoonsteling van het Nederlandse Arbeitsfront’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Kameraadschapsavond hoofdkwartier, Waffen-SS, WA en Jeugdstorm te Utrecht’
€185.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Kameraadschapsavond hoofdkwartier, Waffen-SS, WA en Jeugdstorm te Utrecht’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Luftwaffe Soldbuch Karl Heinz Teckenburg, Schw. Flak. Abt. (mot) 37
€150.00Luftwaffe Soldbuch to Karl Heinz Teckenburg, serving with Schwere Flak. Abteilung (motorisiert) 37. The Soldbuch has many entries but missing the first and second page. He was awarded the black wound badge and iron cross second class.
A nice Solbuch with many entries, good for further research.
Leitfaden der flugnavigation dated 1940 marked 10. K.G. 2
€90.00Very nice original Luftwaffe guide/training book: Leitfaden der flugnavigation. Interestingly the guide is marked on the inside with red pencil; 10. K.G. 2 which indicates Kampfgeschwader 2, a unit which saw action during a lot of the bigger air operations in the early years of the war. Nice example!
Rare paper binder for Luftwaffe Schiessakte
€100.00Rare and interesting paper binder for Luftwaffe Schiessakte. The binder is nicely named to Dr. (doctor) Ott. It is unclear which kind of documents exactly where carried inside of this binder.
Postcard with Adolf Hitler and Anton Mussert, written to a Dutch SS volunteer
€95.00This historical postcard captures a momentous meeting between Adolf Hitler and Anton Mussert. On the reverse side, it bears two stamps: one reading ‘Gemachtigde van den leider voor Zeeland’ (Authorized by the Leader for Zeeland) and another with a heartfelt message that reads, “Comrade, to your distant frontline position, greetings from Zeeland. I hope you and the other comrades are well. Do you have a ‘hachje’ for this photo?” The postcard is addressed to SS-Schütze A.E. Jongenius.
Dutch Postcard of ‘De Nieuwe Mensch’ by Henri van de Velde
€275.00This postcard showcases the artwork “De Nieuwe Mensch” by the painter Henri van de Velde. On the front side, you’ll find the stamp from the NSB exposition “Herlevend Nederland,” accompanied by two Dutch Waffen-SS postage stamps. This print is exceptionally rare and remains in excellent condition.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Uitreiking v.h. WA Strijdersteeken aan oud Indië strijder door Cor Zondervan’
€150.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Uitreiking v.h. WA Strijdersteeken aan oud Indië strijder door Cor Zondervan’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Vergardering voor verpleegsters in S en A ziekenhuis te Utrecht’
€75.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Vergardering voor verpleegsters in S en A ziekenhuis te Utrecht’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘De Leider spreekt tot de familieleden v. Frontstrijders in Schouwburg, Utrecht’
€75.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘De Leider spreekt tot de familieleden v. Frontstrijders in Schouwburg, Utrecht’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Heer issue Reibert manual; Der Dienstunterricht im Heere, Ausgabe für den Schützen der Schützenkompanie
€70.00Heer issue Reibert manual; Der Dienstunterricht im Heere, Ausgabe für den Schützen der Schützenkompanie. These manuals are very thorough and they talk over every single aspect the German soldier was taught in. The book contains German history, Drills, Mannerisms, squad formations, weapons handling, shooting and maintenance, airplane recognition, horse riding, ranks, how to behave/write/talk, heavy weapons and so on. These where brought out in different versions, this one being the variant for the “Schützen der Schützenkompanie” or simply riflemen. This example is the 1938-1939 print and is in overall very good, readable condition!
Press photo; Christmas rations
€55.00Press photo; Christmas rations. Nice original photograph depicting a German soldier with the rations he was supplied with.
Press photo; Atlantikwal
€45.00Press photo depicting a camouflaged bunker on the Atlantikwal
Press photo; Atlantikwal
€40.00Press photo depicting a camouflaged position on the Atlantikwal
Press photo; Brazilian General Dutra with British airborne troops 13.10.1944
€50.00Press photo; Brazilian General Dutra with British airborne troops 13.10.1944
Press photo; Training the British parachute Troops – 22.10.1941
€50.00Press photo; Training the British parachute Troops – 22.10.1941
Frankreich 1:80.000 Sonderausgabe Lisieux
€80.00Frankreich 1:80.000 Sonderausgabe Lisieux in good condition.
Frankreich 1:80.000 1943 St. Vaast – La Hougue
€100.00German map of Frankreich 1:80.000 1943 St. Vaast – La Hougue – just north of Utah Beach. A interesting area of operations during the Normandy campaign!
Frankreich 1:200.000 Brest map
€120.00German wartime map of Frankreich 1:200.000 Brest which is a interesting area of operations during the Normandy Invasion.
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€30.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting Schwere Mörser in Nordabschnitt der Ostfront in Stellung
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Auf dem Marsch zum Einsatz
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€30.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Italienische Panzer im Gebiet der Talsenke von El Kattara
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm – Das Brennende Stalingrad
€45.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Das Brennende Stalingrad
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€30.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Englische Soldaten in Tunesien auf dem Weg zum Gefangenen-Sammellager
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€30.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Im umwegsamen Gelände der Lapplandfront sind die finnischen Pullka das einzige Transportmittel unserer Soldaten
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Im Süden der Ostfront gehen unsere Grenadiere zum Gegenstoss vor
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Im vordersten Graben am Terek
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Nach schweren Häuserkämpfen im Kampfraum Weichsel sammeln sich die Infanteristen
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€85.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Schwere Maschinengewehre sichern die Brennpunkte der Hauptkampflinie. A great close up image that has a lot of character.
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€30.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Infanteristen im weiteren Vordringen in Stalingrad zur Wolga
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€30.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Links: Im Laufschritt zum vordersten Graben. Rechts: Luftwaffenbaukompanie beim stellungsbau um einen Flughafen
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm – El Alamein
€50.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Von den Kämpfen an der El Alamein-Front; Italienische Infanteristen arbeiten sich an die Feindstellungen heran
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Über vereistes Gelände führt der Weg der Männer eines feutschen Stosstrupps
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting – Links: Das Zelt ersetzt im tunesischen Kampfraum das Dach über den Kopf. Rechts: Panzer-Spährwagen auf Erkundung in Tunesien
German press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00German press photo size 18 x 24 cm depicting Während Deutsche Panzer am Terek in vormarsch rollen, halten RAD-Männer die Strassen in Ordnung.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€55.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting a frontline position on the eastern front with many interesting details.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting a section of SS soldiers in Slovenia
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€55.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting a Panzerjäger Nashorn on the eastern front.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€55.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting a Italian Autoblindas 40/42 armoured car. The photo is dated march 1944. A photo of the same armoured car here;
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€75.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting Erwin Rommel leaving a aircraft in Italy or North Africa. There are some pin holes to the photo which undoubtedly found a very prominent place on a wall during the war.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€35.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting a Pioneer preparing a defensive line.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€50.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting a Panzerjäger Marder II.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€40.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting a Russian tank breaching the German lines on the eastern front.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€70.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting a Panther tank on the eastern front.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€30.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting two Waffen-SS soldiers manning a 2cm Flak gun at the Adriatic coast.
Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm
€30.00Period French propaganda press photo size 18 x 24 cm by Photographie du service de propagande Allemand depicting two SDKFZ 250 halftracks and a late Pz. IV.
Original Gebirgsjäger Funker photo with Torn. Fu. G.
€180.00Original Gebirgsjäger Funker photo with Torn. Fu. G. sized 12,5 x 17,5 cm. The photo is clear and shows numerous interesting details!
Original tropical Heer MG42 photo
€200.00Original tropical Heer MG42 photo sized 12,5 x 17,5 cm. The photo is clear and shows numerous interesting details!
Original Fallschirmjäger patrol photo
€250.00Original Fallschirmjäger patrol photo sized 12,5 x 17,5 cm. The photo is clear and shows numerous interesting details!
Original Fallschirmjäger Flak photo
€275.00Original Fallschirmjäger Flak photo sized 12,5 x 17,5 cm. The photo is clear and shows numerous interesting details!
Original Fallschirmjäger MG42 Lafette photo
€275.00Original Fallschirmjäger MG42 Lafette photo sized 12,5 x 17,5 cm. The photo is clear and shows numerous interesting details!
Der Soldatenfreund 1941 pocket book
€125.00Excellent original pocket note book dated 1941 in very good condition. This small pocket book contains a lot of interesting information on ranks, insignias Etc. Nice example!
Showing 121–180 of 257 results