Manuals & Paper items
Showing 61–120 of 257 results
Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 7 Juli 1942
€20.00Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 7 Juli 1942 in good condition.
Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Vergadering NSB, NVV, WA, Jeugdstorm en SS’
€75.00Dutch NSB photo grouping ‘Vergadering NSB, NVV, WA, Jeugdstorm en SS’. Original envelope with contact sheets from the NSB Fotodienst. The photographs are clear and have great details. These photographs were a part of the NSB photo archive.
Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen 1944 #1
€125.00Original Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen in very good condition.
Rare Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen 1944 #4/5
€125.00Very rare Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen 1944 #4/5 without the rare coloured insert. Hard to obtain in this complete condition.
Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 3 März 1942
€25.00Germanien, Monatshefte für Germanenkunde – Heft 3 März 1942 in good condition. Complete with its original inlay.
Volksche Wacht – Zomermaand 1942
€17.50Volksche Wacht – Zomermaand 1942 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Volksche Wacht – Geschiedenisnummer -Hooimaand Oogstmaand 1942
€25.00Volksche Wacht – Oogstmaand 1942 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Volksche Wacht – Zaaimaand 1941
€17.50Volksche Wacht – Zaaimaand 1941 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Volksche Wacht – Slachtmaand 1941
€17.50Volksche Wacht – slachtmaand 1941 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Volksche Wacht – Herfstmaand 1941
€17.50Volksche Wacht – Herfstmaand 1941 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Volksche Wacht – Lentemaand 1942
€17.50Volksche Wacht – Lentemaand 1942 – a interesting Dutch collaboration publication by the Publisher ‘Hamer’ in Den Haag. In good condition.
Die Aktion: Kampfblatt gegen Plutokratie und Völkerverhetzung – Holland Sondernummer
€40.00Die Aktion: Kampfblatt gegen Plutokratie und Völkerverhetzung – Holland Sondernummer
Nibelungen Verlag, Berlin (October 1940).Rare and collectible Holland edition with articles by Dr. Seyss-Inquart, Rost van Tonningen, and Dr. Verrijn Stuart.
Good condition with typical age marks but no major damage. Hard to find.
Kriegsmarine Marineartillerie Abteilung Helgoland photo album
€375.00Nice original photo album depicting troops with a Marine Artillerie Abteilung stationed at Helgoland. Interesting shots with ships, submarines and many other things. A nice display and research piece!
Complete set of J. Vincx & V. Schotanius’s – Nederlandse Vrijwilligers in Europese Krijgsdienst part 1 to 4
€525.00A only scarcely encountered complete set of J. Vincx & V. Schotanius’s – Nederlandse Vrijwilligers in Europese Krijgsdienst. One can find part one to three, but part four is extremely hard to find and contains many pictures and information regarding the Wiking division. The books are in very good condition without damages complete with the original paper backs. A scarce opportunity to buy the whole set, a great documentation on Dutch volunteers in the Waffen-SS!
Impressive(!) grouping GBJR 137 Obergefreiter Peter Bernardin
€1,950.00Impressive Soldbuch and award grouping of Obergefreiter Peter Bernardin, 16. Panzerjäger Kompanie, Gebirgsjäger Regiment 137 where he enlisted 26.8.1939. He was issued the G.33/40 Gebirgsjäger Carbine and a pair of skis. His unit served in Poland in 1938 and after that it was sent into Norway in 1940. The unit was stationed in Lappland, Finland between 1941 and 1944. In the end of the war it was moved to the area Saarpfalz near the French border where it saw heavy action until the end of the war.
He was awarded the Medaille zum Errinnerung von 13. März 1938 on 4.5.1940, the Kriegsverdienstkreuz II klasse on 21.11.1941, the Winterschlacht im Osten on 14.12.42, the Verwundetenabzeichen im Schwarz on 17.8.43 and the Eisernez Kreuz II Klasse on 19.10.1944.
These awards are all in good condition and all have the triangular Austrian ribbon style which seems to be typical for Gebirgsjäger. The Iron Cross II class is marked 55 indicating production by J.E. Hammer & Söhne which is a rare maker as is. The wound badge is a unmarked example. The Ostmedaille is marked 6 indicating production by Fritz Zimmermann.There is a rare large document commemorating the Norway campaign in 1940 for members of Gruppe Feurstein which was named after Generalleutnant Valentin Feurstein the divisional commander of the 2. Gebirgsdivision. This document was awarded to the men who marched from Fauske to Narvik to rescue the isolated Gebirgsjäger Regiment 139. This document is named to then Gefreiter Peter Bernardin. This is a rare document!
The award document for the Kriegsverdienstkreuz II Klasse is signed by Generalmajor Ernst Schlemmer which by then was the commander of the 2. Gebirgsdivision.
Next to these official awards there is the Finnish/German Nordfront cross made by Hopeatakomo o.y. and the Petsamo Rovaniemi badge by the same maker. Both bades are in very good condition retaining most if not all of its enamel and gold coloured finish. There is also the 1943-1944 Eismeerfront capbadge with all prongs intact in the back. There is a Gebirgsjäger Edelweiss capbadge marked F&B most probably indicating production by Förster & Barth. There is a Lappland shield with this group but those are always debatable as such but I will keep it with the group. There is a traditional Finnish Puukko knife which carries the decal of the 1940 Finnish olympic games which never happened until 1952. This as such is a interesting collectible! There is a single early pointed style shoulderstrap to Gebirgsjäger Regiment 137 and a early dark green backed Edelweiss, both in uniform removed condition. His Erkennungsmarke with its original string, matching to that noted in the Soldbuch and additionally a French prisoner of war itentity tag indicating he was captured on the Western front.
This extensive grouping is exceptional. All of its individual components of a great quality and included some rare variants. The completeness of this grouping clearly deserves a separate display case and a in depth research study as such. I am sure the combined value of all the pieces individually easily increases the value of the group a lot but I refuse to break it up as a historical artifact!
Luftwaffe Soldbuch
€150.00Luftwaffe Soldbuch of Obergefreiter Wilhelm Muth. Muth enlisted with FliegerhorstKompanie Handorf ü Münster i. Westfalen. Interesting late war Soldbuch with a lot of entries which would be a good base for further research. His Soldbuch names a unit Lw. Inf. Btl. Lips which is a unknown unit to me. His last unit was Landesschutzen bataillon 12 which seems to have fought on the western front in the last part of the war.
Soldbuch to Feldwebel Heinrich Roth
€200.00Heer Soldbuch to Feldwebel Heinrich Roth. Heinrich started the war in 1940 in Zwickau with Infanterie Nachrichten Ersatz Kompanie 209. He was then sent to the 2. Kompanie Infanterie Reigment 176 where he served in the Staff. Tis staff function continued into his following units; Res. Division 174, 72. Infanterie Division, staff 174 Reserve Division, 1./Standordt-Batl. Infanterie- (Schatten-) Division Generalgouvernement, Feldzeug-Kommando Generalgouvernement amd the Heeres-Zeugamt Prag. He was not issued a weapon but kept a privately purchased Walther PPK pistol as noted in his Soldbuch. He was awarded the Kriegsverdienstkreuz II Klasse and at 8.5.45 he was wounded by Shrapnel in the neck near Berlin-Charlottenburg. Interesting Soldbuch for a NCO who saw the end of the war near Berlin!
Waffen-SS Soldbuch to SS-Panzergrenadier Hermann Lähndorf, SS-Panzergrenadier Ersatz Btl 9 KIA near Berlin 1945
€850.00Waffen-SS Soldbuch to SS-Panzergrenadier Hermann Lähndorf. Issued on 9th of march 1945 in Stralsund at the Stamm Kompanie of SS Panzer Grenadier Ausbildungs und Ersatz Batailon 9. Hermann was born 29 April 1907 in Rensfeld. He was killed in action in April 1945 and buried in Beeskow which was a small town east of Berlin on the Spree river. Hermann was enlisted very late in the war and the front literally moved right to his base of training in March/April 1945. The training unit was responsible for supplying replacements for the Hohenstaufen division up to 1944. After that it was dissolved into the 32. SS-Freiwilligen Grenadier Division “30. Januar”. This unit saw heavy battles at the Seelow Hights, Beeskow which after it retreated trough the Halbe forest. Beeskow roughly being in between Seelow and Halbe. Nice late war Waffen-SS soldbuch which is a nice base for further research, for sure interesting example of a soldier that saw action in the last days of the war in the shadow of Berlin!
Rare German mapcase notebook Melde-Block Marke Kastanienblatt
€140.00One of the rarest mapcase accessories: an original paper notebook for map sketching, taking notes and write down findings and messages. This is a beautiful period example for military use! Hard to find example in very good condition designed for military use!
Extensive photo, insignia and document grouping to Hans Fuchs, wounded in Stalingrad 29.9.1942
€1,000.00By far one of the biggest photograph and document grouping I have had. The grouping consists of the estate of Hans Fuchs, serving in Infanterie Regiment 545. Fuchs was severely wounded in severely Stalingrad which he wrote on the back of one of the photos. He also served in the Reichsarbeitsdienst from which he kept several cloth and metal insignia and many photographs. The grouping really is extensive and worthy of a in depth research; the photos alone can probably tell a good story.
Rare Luftwaffe navigation map of western Russia
€240.00Rare rubberized cloth Luftwaffe navigation map of Western Russia. This map was first published by the Generalstab der Luftwaffe in 1938 and received a red overprint in 1943. Hard to find Luftwaffe navigation map!
Rare Luftwaffe navigation map of Europe
€240.00Rare rubberized cloth Luftwaffe navigation map of Europe. This map was first published by the Generalstab der Luftwaffe in 1940 and received a red overprint in 1941. Hard to find Luftwaffe navigation map!
Reference book; Die Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten(Ostmedaille) by Sascha Weber
€45.00Reference book; Die Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten(Ostmedaille) by Sascha Weber. Still factory sealed.
Heer issue Reibert manual; Der Dienstunterricht im Heere, Ausgabe für den Schützen der Schützenkompanie
€60.00Heer issue Reibert manual; Der Dienstunterricht im Heere, Ausgabe für den Schützen der Schützenkompanie. These manuals are very thorough and they talk over every single aspect the German soldier was taught in. The book contains German history, Drills, Mannerisms, squad formations, weapons handling, shooting and maintenance, airplane recognition, horse riding, ranks, how to behave/write/talk, heavy weapons and so on. These where brought out in different versions, this one being the variant for the “Schützen der Schützenkompanie” or simply riflemen. This example is the 1938-1939 print and is in overall good, readable condition!
Das Dritte Neue Soldaten Liederbuch by Fr. J. Breuer
€35.00Das Zweite Neue Soldaten Liederbuch (The second new soldiers songbook). Re-published by B, Schott’s & Söhne, Mainz, written by Fr. J. Breuer. The song book is in good readable condition and is surely a decorative piece of personal equipment.
Wound badge document Infanterie Regiment 185, 23 June 1941
€50.00Wound badge document to Gefreiter Alfred Rauschenbauch who served with 8. Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 185 for a wound received on 23 June 1941. This date is the second day of Operation Barbarossa. Most probably he was wounded around Tomaszow über den Bug bei Chmielnik. Nice original document!
Wehrpass to Martin Richter, POW Guard in a Landesschutzen Batalion
€85.00Wehrpass to Martin Richter, POW Guard in a Landesschutzen Batalio. Interesting Soldbuch which is a nice base for further research.
Rare manual; Taschenbuch Russisches Heer
€250.00Rare manual; Taschenbuch Russisches Heer in used condition. This is a rare manual depicting all facets of the Russian army. This manual was classed as secret and is still hard to find nowadays. Many interesting coloured illustrations and photographs inside.
Manual; Richtlinien für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Panzern und Artillerie
€50.00Manual; Richtlinien für die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Panzern und Artillerie in good condition. This manual instructs for commanders with armoured units and how to cooperate with artillery troops.
Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Kartenlesen und Zurechtfinden im Gelände
€50.00Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Kartenlesen und Zurechtfinden im Gelände. A manual about map and compass reading.
Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Das überwinden von Gewässern mit behelfsmässigen Mitteln
€25.00Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Das überwinden von Gewässern mit behelfsmässigen Mitteln. A interesting manual instructing in the various ways one could cross open waters without boats or floats.
Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Sprengen (Übersicht für den Truppenpionier)
€35.00Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Sprengen (Übersicht für den Truppenpionier) in good condition.
Rare MP38, MP40, MP 18, MP 28, MP 34 manual
€125.00Rare MP38, MP40, MP 18, MP 28, MP 34 manual. Typical voggenreiter example; hard to find for the MP’s!
Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Taktische Grundbegriffe, Tafel B
€25.00Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Taktische Grundbegriffe Tafel A. A small manual containing the basic tactical knowledge in the German army.
Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Taktische Grundbegriffe, Tafel A
€25.00Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Taktische Grundbegriffe Tafel A. A small manual containing the basic tactical knowledge in the German army.
Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Sperren III
€25.00Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Sperren III a small manual instructing the making of infantry field positions.
Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Feldbefestigung B
€25.00Manual Ausbildungstafeln für die Infanterie; Feldbefestigung B; a small manual instructing the making of infantry field positions.
Rare German mapcase notebook Ubungs-Meldeblock
€125.00One of the rarest mapcase accessories: an original paper notebook for map sketching, taking notes and write down findings and messages. This is a beautiful period example for military use! On the back of the cover is a beautiful diagram legend of usable abbreviations and markings. Hard to find example in near mint condition designed for military use!
Rare K98 ‘ das Gewehr ‘ manual
€125.00K98 ‘ das Gewehr ‘ manual in excellent condition. Hard to find manual!
Rare MP38, MP40, MP 18, MP 28, MP 34 manual
€140.00Rare MP38, MP40, MP 18, MP 28, MP 34 manual. Typical voggenreiter example; hard to find for the MP’s!
Rare P08 Luger manual
€140.00Rare P08 Luger manual in excellent condition. Typical voggenreiter example; hard to find for the P08!
Heer Panzer photo album
€300.00Heer Panzer photo album in good, complete condition. The photo album contains MANY photographs with a lot of interesting depictions, mostly on the eastern front. The front has been decorated with a postcard. There is a repair to the album but the album looks to be complete with all photographs inside. Hard to find Panzer oriented album!
Rare German mapcase notebook Ubungs-Meldeblock
€125.00One of the rarest mapcase accessories: an original paper notebook for map sketching, taking notes and write down findings and messages. This is a beautiful period example for military use! On the back of the cover is a beautiful diagram legend of usable abbreviations and markings. Hard to find example in near mint condition designed for military use!
Rare German mapcase notebook Meldeblock
€125.00One of the rarest mapcase accessories: an original paper notebook for map sketching, taking notes and write down findings and messages. This is a beautiful period example for military use! Hard to find example in near mint condition designed for military use!
Rare Panzer troops training manual – Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Panzertruppe, heft 6, Die leichte Panzerkompanie
€150.00Rare original Panzer troops training manual or Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Panzertruppe, heft 6, Die leichte Panzerkompanie. The manual is in very good condition and is nicely dated 2.9.1940. Nice Panzer related training manual!
Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer poster size 81,5×57,5 cm
€2,250.00Rare original Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer poster size 81,5×57,5 cm. The poster reads; Nederland zal herrijzen, uw leuze, hun daad. This poster was printed in 1943 and is in very good condition. I photographed it with some butterdishes on top to lay it out flat as it has always been rolled up. The artwork of the poster was done by Lou Manché. On the bottom it is marked Goedgekeurd door het departement van volksvoorlichting en kunsten Nr. 116. Uithangtermijn van 15 Juli tot 15 Augustus 1943, Very rare to find poster!
Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer poster size 54×79 cm
€900.00Rare original Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer poster size 54×79 cm. The poster reads; Flinke kerels voor…! Meldt U bij de Waffen SS. This poster was printed in 1944 and is in very good condition. I photographed it with some butterdishes on top to lay it out flat as it has always been rolled up. On the bottom it is marked No. 5047, Uithangtijd 1 t/m 25 Juni 44, K.1300, hard to find poster! -
German press photo; Waffen-SS Gebirgsjäger; size 24×18,5 cm
€250.00Large German press photo; Waffen-SS Gebirgsjäger; size 24×18,5 cm in good condition. Nice large format with numerous interesting details such as a coconut canteen and a Erma EMP submachine gun.
German press photo; Waffen-SS; MG34 gunner in Palm camouflage smock; size 18,5×13 cm
€175.00German press photo; Waffen-SS; MG34 gunner in Palm camouflage smock; size 18,5×13 cm. Nice original pre war photograph showing a SS MG-Schütze wearing a Palmenmuster smock and helmet cover in the pattern used for the side panels of Zeltbahns. Nice example showing good details!
German press photo; Fallschirmjäger; Munition muss nach vorn; size 18×13,5 cm
€175.00German press photo; Fallschirmjäger; Munition muss nach vorn; size 18×13,5 cm. The back reads;
Munition muss nach vorn
Unsere Fallschirmjäger lassen sich durch keine Hindernisse stören. Auf dem aufgeweichten morastigen Strecken zur Stellung wird die Munition in Schubkarren durch den knöcheltiefen Dreck geschoben. Die Fahrtrinne eines im Schlamm versackten Kraftwagens wird bevor sie zusammensinkt als geringe Erleichterung sofort benutzt. Achtung PK-Aufnahme. Bei abdruck nennen; PK-Kriegsberichter Wachner (Sch) 27.12.1944
British press photo; German soldiers captured by the Poles in Holland; size 17×12 cm
€100.00British press photo; German soldiers captured by the Poles in Holland; size 17×12 cm. The back of the photo reads; Polish Armour in Holland, Sept., Oct. 1944. German soldiers captured by the Poles. This photograph must have been taken between around the town of Breda late October 1944.
British press photo; With the Polish forces on the Tilburg-Breda front; size 21×15 cm
€170.00British press photo; With the Polish forces on the Tilburg-Breda front; size 21×15 cm. A very nice, large and sharp photograph containing many details. The back reads;
With the Polish forces on the Tilburg-Breda front.
This picture was taken on the Tilburg-Breda front in Holland where Polish troops are fighting with their Canadian comrades in arms. They were taken after Polish troops had captured Alphen and Gilze (October 27th) and were moving on to Breda. A wounded German wearing camouflaged uniform is interviewd by the Polish war correspondent Mathew Feldhouse. These Prisoners were captured in the battle for Gilze.
British press photo; British paratroops near Arnhem; size 26×21 cm
€90.00British press photo; British paratroops near Arnhem; size 26×21 cm. The back reads; British move towards Arnhem — After making the second landing of the First Allied Airborne Army, these British paratroopers with their equipment advance towards Arnhem, Holland, says caption accompanying this British official photo. AP Wirephoto via signal corps radio 1944.
British press photo; British Paratroopers captured at Arnhem; size 25×17 cm
€100.00Large British press photo; British Paratroopers captured at Arnhem; size 25×17 cm. The photograph is marked;
Hoffmann picture serviced by Pressens Bild shows according German caption Parachutists captured, Holland presumably at Arnheim – ShankeThe back reads;
Radiophoto New York
British paratroopers captured at Arnhem, Holland. According to the German caption accompanying this photo, Radioed today from Stockholm, these are British paratroopers who were captured by the Germans in the Arnhem pocket. Two of the ‘Troopers assist one of their wounded comrades as they are marched off by their captors. Nazis estimate that they captured 6,400 prisoners in the Arnhem region. Credit Acme Radiophoto 9/28/44
Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen 1943 #8
€125.00Original Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen in very good condition.
Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen 1943 #9
€125.00Original Dutch Germaansche SS-Vormingsbladen in very good condition.
Dutch SS-Standarte Westland recruitment leaflet
€275.00Dutch SS-Standarte Westland recruitment flyer in very good condition. Hard to find example.
Dutch Waffen-SS Freiwillige Legion Niederlande recruitment leaflet
€65.00Dutch Waffen-SS Freiwillige Legion Niederlande recruitment leaflet in good condition, one fold has worn trough. Otherwise in very good condition!
Dutch 34. SS-Freiwilligen Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland recruitment leaflet
€300.00Rare Dutch 34. SS-Freiwilligen Grenadier Division Landstorm Nederland recruitment flyer. This is a rare smaller sized flyer printed later in the war.
Rare Panzer helfen sie manual
€700.00Rare original German army Panzer manual Panzer Helfen Sie; Merkblatt 18b/38. The manual is a well illustrated basic guide for Panzergrenadier troops. It sums up the essential tactics, models and maintenance. A very rare late war printed manual in colour, as issued to Panzergrenadier and Panzer troops!
Showing 61–120 of 257 results