Cloth insignia
Original German uniform insignia produced pre 1945
Showing 1–60 of 442 results
Rare BeVo Waffen-SS cufftitle ‘Totenkopf’
New€8,000.00Rare and textbook BeVo cufftitle of the 3. SS Panzerdivision Totenkopf. The cufftitle remains in full length and is in perfect condition. One of the rarest and most sought after Waffen-SS cuff titles out there and for sure a missing piece in any SS collection. Very hard to upgrade!
Waffen-SS BeVo EM / NCO cap eagle
New€475.00Waffen-SS BeVo EM / NCO cap eagle in cap removed condition. The eagle was straight stitched with a cloth backing. The eagle is in good condition, textbook BeVo example!
Waffen-SS BeVo EM / NCO sleeve eagle
New€525.00Waffen-SS BeVo EM / NCO sleeve eagle in uniform removed condition. Textbook BeVo example!
Waffen-SS BeVo flatwire sleeve eagle
New€1,275.00Waffen-SS BeVo flatwire sleeve eagle in excellent uniform removed condition. This is a very hard to find variant in flatwire!
Waffen-SS BeVo EM NCO cap skull
New€1,250.00Waffen-SS BeVo EM NCO cap skull in uniform removed condition, This cap skull was originally sourced from a armoured veteran in the Nordland Division. Textbook example!
Waffen-SS NCO collar tabs for a SS-Oberscharführer
New€1,275.00Waffen-SS NCO collar tabs for a SS-Oberscharführer in excelent, uniform removed condition. Nice hand embroidered runic collar tab with typical Unterlagen. Beautiful uniform removed set!
Rare Waffen-SS NCO collar for a Oberscharführer in SS-Totenkopf
NewRare Waffen-SS NCO collar for a Oberscharführer in SS-Totenkopf. This is a beautiful, period removed Waffen-SS collar with period sewn collar tabs underneath the NCO tresse. A typical tailored example with ‘dragon teeth’ pointed collar. The Totenkopf and Rank tab are both typically embroidered examples on a nice moleskin base. The collar is not a complete garment but a perfect example to display on top of a mannequin dressed in a camouflage smock or Erbsentarn tunic so that a expensive tunic underneath is not a necessity. Beautiful piece!
Waffen-SS collar tab SS-Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division Horst Wessel
New€400.00Original Waffen-SS collar tab SS-Freiwilligen Panzer Grenadier Division Horst Wessel. Hard to find original collar tab!
Waffen-SS BeVo runic collar tab
New€800.00A textbook Waffen-SS BeVo collar tab worn by enlisted men and non commissioned officers in the Waffen-SS.
Unissued Waffen-SS EM runic collar tab
New€925.00Textbook embroidered Waffen-SS runic collar tab in excellent condition.
Waffen-SS BeVo runic collar tab
New€850.00A textbook Waffen-SS BeVo collar tab worn by enlisted men and non commissioned officers in the Waffen-SS.
Two uncut Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer sleeve shields
New€550.002 Late war original Waffen-SS Dutch volunteer Sleeve Shields. These shields have never been cut from their original base fabric making it a unique piece for the collector of Dutch Waffen-SS insignia. Unlike many of the cut down sleeve shields here is a original patch of three, uncut sleeve shields. I hope it will remain in this form as it’s a nice study object. A nice piece which if it doesn’t sell, I wouldn’t mind to keep for my collection!
Waffen-SS EM / NCO collar tab Waffen-SS collar tab 23. SS-Frewilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division Nederland
New€500.00Textbook example of the Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer Collar Tab. These were intended for the 23. SS-Frewilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division “Nederland”. This is an unissued, late war piece, in the typical “Dachau” construction as found in the SS storehouse at the Dachau camp when it was liberated by US Army forces in 1945. These are embroidered in silver-gray on a base of typical SS black wool. On the reverse, the textbook Dachau type coarsely woven tan buckram stiffener is visible. There is some glue on the back, as well as the white stitching common to these Dachau tabs. Overall textbook construction with silver-white embroidered “Handschar” symbol on a typical black wool backing, and on the reverse the coarsely woven tan buckram stiffener is clearly visible.
Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer sleeve shield
New€325.00Late war original Waffen-SS Dutch volunteer Sleeve Shield. Textbook German manufactured Dachau find sleeve shield in mint condition!
Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer sleeve shield
New€350.00Late war original Waffen-SS Dutch volunteer Sleeve Shield. Textbook German manufactured Dachau find sleeve shield in mint condition!
Rare printed eastern volunteer SS helper triangle
New€475.00Rare original printed triangle worn by eastern SS Flak Helfers. These were worn for purposes of identification of Russian and Baltic nationals serving in the 8 countries that provided Helfers in this capacity — Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ruthenia, Galicia, Ukraine , Russia, and the Volga and Crimean Tartars. Rare original printed insignia in unissued condition!
Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer sleeve shield
New€350.00Late war original Waffen-SS Dutch volunteer Sleeve Shield. Textbook German manufactured Dachau find sleeve shield in mint condition!
Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield
New€400.00Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield in excellent unissued condition. These shields depict a Wolfsangel stitched onto its cardboard backed yellow cloth. These were worn on the sleeves for Belgian NSKK volunteers, Fabriekswacht, Dietsche Militie or the Zwarte Brigade. Hard to find example in unissued condition!
Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield
New€400.00Rare Flemish NSKK and Zwarte Brigade sleeve shield in excellent unissued condition. These shields depict a Wolfsangel stitched onto its cardboard backed yellow cloth. These were worn on the sleeves for Belgian NSKK volunteers, Fabriekswacht, Dietsche Militie or the Zwarte Brigade. Hard to find example in unissued condition!
Waffen-SS Infanterie Oberscharführer shoulderstraps SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5
New€950.00Rare matching shoulderstraps for a Oberscharführer in SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5. The straps are a nice matching pair and have wartime attatched Unteroffizierstresse.
Matching Waffen-SS shoulderboards Hauptsturmführer der Infanterie
New€600.00Rare original combat worn shoulderboards for a Waffen-SS Hauptsturmführer der Infanterie or Panzergrenadiere. Rare original pair with loads of character perfect for a combat display.
Waffen-SS shoulderstraps for a Unterscharführer der Gebirgsjäger
New€700.00Beautiful, matching pair of Waffen-SS NCO shoulderstraps for a Unterscharführer der Gebirgsjäger. Textbook, late war examples with grey subdued tresse. Rare pair to find!
Waffen-SS Aufklärung EM shoulderstraps
New€550.00Rare original matching Waffen-SS EM shoulderstraps for a soldier in an Aufklärungs unit in very good condition. Textbook late war construction with rayon piping.
Foreign made EM Waffen-SS Artillerie shoulderstraps
New€450.00Hard to find and typical matching pair of Waffen-SS shoulderstraps for a enlisted man in a Artillerie unit. This style of shoulderstraps was foreign, non German made and shows a different construction. I have seen this exact pattern being worn by a Dutch Waffen-SS volunteer which shows the same thin tongues in wear. The shoulderstraps are in unissued condition. Rare pair!
Waffen-SS Aufklärung EM shoulderstraps
New€550.00Rare original matching Waffen-SS EM shoulderstraps for a soldier in an Aufklärungs unit in very good condition. Textbook late war construction with rayon piping.
Rare Spanish volunteer sleeve shield
New€750.00Textbook BeVo woven Spanish volunteer sleeve shield. The shield is in unissued perfect condition. This Spanish example is one of the rarest and most desirable volunteers sleeve shield!
Georgian volunteer sleeve shield
New€100.00Textbook BeVo woven Georgian volunteer sleeve shield. The shield is in unissued perfect condition. A nice addition to any insignia collection!
Kriegsmarine Obergefreiter insignia on wool base
€20.00Kriegsmarine Obergefreiter insignia on wool base in good condition.
Luftwaffe Gefreiter insignia on wool base
€25.00Luftwaffe Gefreiter insignia on wool base in good used condition.
Heer Gefreiter insignia on wool base
€50.00Heer Gefreiter insignia on wool base in excellent condition.
Heer Gefreiter insignia on wool base
€50.00Heer Gefreiter insignia on wool base in excellent condition.
Heer Obergefreiter insignia on Drillich base
€40.00 -
Heer Gefreiter insignia on Drillich base
€20.00Heer Gefreiter insignia on Drillich base in excellent condition.
Matching Heer NCO shoulderstraps for a Unteroffizier der Infanterie
€225.00Matching Heer NCO shoulderstraps for a Unteroffizier der Infanterie in good used condition with removed embroidery for Infanterie Regiment 77.
Matching Heer EM M43 shoulderstraps for Nachrichtentruppe
€275.00Matching and unissued late war M43 pattern EM shoulderstraps for Heer Nachrichtentruppe. Rare late war shoulderstraps that would be hard to upgrade!
Matching Heer M36 NCO shoulderstraps for a Oberfeldwebel Sanitäter
€140.00Matching Heer M36 NCO shoulderstraps for a Oberfeldwebel Sanitäter in good used condition. The straps are typical privately purchased examples!
Waffen-SS EM/NCO rank collar tab
€350.00Waffen-SS EM/NCO rank collar tab in good condition. Textbook tab on a moleskin base!
Grossdeutschland officers cufftitle
€1,100.00Superb original Grossdeutschland officers cufftitle in very good condition. The cuff title is in excellent condition with very minor wear and neatly uniform removed.
Matching Heer EM M40 Artillerie shoulderstraps
€150.00Heer M40 EM shoulderstraps for Artillerie in excellent condition.
Matching Heer EM M40 Artillerie shoulderstraps
€150.00Heer M40 EM shoulderstraps for Artillerie in excellent condition.
Rare pre war black Panzer breast eagle
€150.00Rare to find pre war BeVo Panzer breast eagle in folded, yet unissued condition.
Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps eagle
€200.00Excellent original NSFK or Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps wich was the predecessor of the Luftwaffe. As Germany wasn’t allowed an army or airforce the NSFK was founded. When the Luftwaffe was created many of the NSFK members transferred to the Luftwaffe.
Embroidered Heer collar tabs for a Offizier der Sanitäter
€40.00Textbook Heer officer collar tabs for a Sanitäter or Artzt. Nice pair with lots of character!
M34 Heer shoulderstraps for a Hauptfeldwebel
€150.00Nice matching pair of shoulderstraps for a M34 Heer shoulderstraps for a Hauptfeldwebel in good worn condition.
Grouping for a Heer Hauptmann in Panzer Regiment 25
€300.00Very nice original grouping consisting of a pair of officer collar tabs, a single shoulder board for a Hauptmann in Panzer-Regiment 25 and a Erkennungsmarke for Panzer-Regiment 25. Very nice original Panzer grouping!
Rare white Luftwaffe bullion cap eagle
€250.00Rare white Luftwaffe bullion cap eagle in uniform removed condition. One of the hardest eagles to find!
Luftwaffe Felddivision collar tabs
€320.00Textbook matching Luftwaffe Felddivision collar tabs in good condition. Rare to find pair that would be hard to upgrade!
Luftwaffe Hermann Göring division collar tabs
€300.00Textbook matching Luftwaffe Hermann Göring division collar tabs in good condition. Rare to find pair that would be hard to upgrade!
Heer M40 BeVo flatwire cap eagle
€150.00Heer M40 BeVo flatwire cap eagle for officers side- and crusher caps!
Matching Waffen-SS EM Sanitäter shoulderstraps
€450.00Rare original matching Waffen-SS EM shoulderstraps for Sanitäter in very good condition.
Foreign volunteer shouderstraps
€150.00 -
Rare Dutch Jeugdstorm table banner with original standard
€450.00Rare Dutch Jeugdstorm table banner with original standard in very good condition. Rare to find and for me the first one ever I’ve found with its original wooden stand. The banner is sewn onto the stand, not just suspended by the nail. Rare to find!
SA Feldhernhalle cufftitle
€1,150.00Textbook unissued Feldherrnhalle cufftitle with RZM label. The cufftitle is in unissued condition and would be very hard to upgrade!
Heer EM / NCO cufftitle Panzerdivision Grossdeutschland
€1,000.00Textbook Heer cufftitle for the Infanterie-Division Großdeutschland (mot.) in excellent, unworn condition. Textbook full length example that would be very hard to upgrade!
Single Heer shoulderstrap for a Unteroffizier in Infanterie-Regiment 115
€40.00Nice original Single Heer shoulderstrap for a Unteroffizier in Infanterie-Regiment 115. The shoulderstrap is in heavily used condition but still retains the embroidered regimental cyphers which were often removed.
Rare Waffen-SS cufftitle 18. Freiwilligen Panzergrenadierdivision ‘Horst Wessel’
€1,175.00Rare Waffen-SS cufftitle 18. Freiwilligen Panzergrenadierdivision Horst Wessel. Textbook example in BeVo construction. The cufftitle measures up to 46 cm and looks to be in unissued condition.
Heer Shoulderboards for a Leutnant in Panzergrenadier Regiment 98
€250.00Matching Shoulderboards for a Leutnant in Panzergrenadier Regiment 98 in good used condition.
Matching Heer shoulderboards for a Leutnant der Gebirgsjäger
€120.00Matching Heer shoulderboards for a Leutnant der Gebirgsjäger
Matching Heer shoulderboards for a Oberleutnant der Panzergrenadiere
€225.00Matching Heer shoulderboards for a Oberleutnant der Panzergrenadiere.
Luftwaffe Pionier Leutnant shoulderboards
€80.00Luftwaffe Pionier Leutnant shoulderboards in good condition.
Showing 1–60 of 442 results