Three tone Normandy camouflage gasmask canister

A stunning original three-tone Normandy gasmask canister with its original straps and mask. The mask is nicely named to Stabsarzt Dr. Koch , L. 17900, Hbg. 1  . The canister still retains its bright camouflage colours and a Feldpostnumber inside the lid L17900 referring to the following units:

(Mobilmachung-1.1.1940) Stab Reserve-Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 
(15.7.1942-24.1.1943) Stab Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 268
(25.1.1943-31.7.1943) Stab Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 268 (o)
(24.3.1944-6.11.1944) 9.10.1944 Flakscheinwerfer-Regimentsstab 171 

Flakscheinwerfer-Abteilung 268 was moved to Koningsberg late 1944 in which it saw fierce battles.

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