Gasmask canister in Three-tone Normandy camouflage named to Obgf. Heinz Metzler
The gasmask is nicely painted in the typical three-tone Normandy camouflage. The container still retains up to 85% of its original camouflage paint and retains its original straps, mask and accessories. Inside the gasmask is named to Obergefreiter Heinz Metzler with the Feldpost number 34061 which corresponds to the following units belonging to the 348. Infanterie-Division which was destroyed in the Normandy battles!
(2.1.1940-27.4.1940) 3. Kompanie Fla-Bataillon 603,
(1.3.1942-7.9.1942) gestrichen,
(8.9.1942-11.3.1943) Regimentsstab, 13.-14.
Panzerjager-Kompanie,15. Radfahr-Schwadron
und 16.schwere Granatwerfer-Kompanie Festungs-Infanterie-Regiment
dann Regimentsstab, 13.-14. Panzerjager-Kompanie
und 15. schwere Granatwerfer-Kompanie Festungs-Infanterie-Regiment
dann Regimentsstab u. 13.-15. Kompanie
Festungs-Infanterie-Regiment 863,
(23.4.1944-24.11.1944) 4.5.1944 Regimentsstab m. Einheit
Festungs-Grenadier-Regiment 863,
(25.11.1944-Kriegsende) 11.12.1944 gestrichen.
The lid compartment still retains the spare lenses and the contamination test swabs. Underneath the gasmask is the cleaning cloth and spring but also a small envelope with Metzler name on it containing a piece of raw cotton, probably to polish the lenses. A real Normandy veteran. The gasmask is a stunning one looker in very good condition which would be very hard to upgrade!
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