German helmet
Showing 841–900 of 16505 results
Waffen-SS EM / NCO collar tab 3. SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf
€950.00Textbook Waffen-SS EM / NCO collar tab 3. SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf. Typical example embroidered on doeskin.
K98 bayonet frog marked RBNr.
€125.00Textbook late war leather K98 frog in very good condition. The frog is nicely marked RBNr. but this is sadly not clearly readable. Nice textbook example!
Textbook A-frame in untouched condition
€900.00Textbook original A-frame in good, used condition. The A-frame features all the original straps and is in untouched condition. All parts are still functional. One loop of the messkit strap is torn. Nice untouched example!
Pressstoff MG34 u. MG42 tool pouch marked fuq 1945 with webbing strap
€475.00Hard to find black Pressstoff MG42 tool pouch with a webbing/rayon closing strap. The pouch is nicely marked fuq 1945 indicating production by Curt Vogel, Cottbuss. The pouch is in very good condition and complete with its original wooden and steel inserts. Excellent example with the weapons serial number; 3877 painted on top in white!
MG34 u. MG42 ammunition case carrying strap made from recycled Ersatz material
€2,750.00A late war pattern Tragegurt 34 made out of recycled materials woven into a strap. These straps where issued to MG crews and assisted in carrying the MG34 and MG42ammunition boxes. These straps are hard to come by, especially the late war woven types like this one. This is a very desirable strap this material and is in great condition.
MG34 u. MG42 ammunition case carrying strap made from recycled Ersatz material
€2,450.00A late war pattern Tragegurt 34 made out of recycled materials woven into a strap. These straps where issued to MG crews and assisted in carrying the MG34 and MG42ammunition boxes. These straps are hard to come by, especially the late war woven types like this one. This is a very desirable strap this material and is in great condition.
Rare Waffen-SS issue M31 breadbag
€400.00Rare pre war RZM issue Waffen-SS M31 breadbag in good, used condition. The breadbag is a typical pre war M31 pattern with aluminium hardware, painted high quality leather and grey coloured fabric. The breadbag clearly shows the remnants of the stitching where the Ram-SS label once was sewn. Rare Waffen-SS issue M31 breadbag!
Pre war Luftwaffe issue M31 breadbag marked L.B.A. 1937 named to Haas
€150.00Textbook pre war Luftwaffe issue M31 breadbag in very good, used condition. The breadbag is a typical pre war example with high quality leather and aluminium hardware. The breadbag is nicely marked L.B.A. 37 which indicates this example has been accepted for use within the Luftwaffe in 1937. The breadbag features a small name label which reads; “Haas”. Very nice pre war Luftwaffe issue example!
M31 breadbag marked/named Hans Brill, München 1945
€120.00Textbook M31 breadbag in very good condition. This example is nicely marked/named Hans Brill, München 1945, this seems to be an in 1945 added persons name marking and not the manufacturers marking but this is sadly not clear. Nice original example!
US M1C paratrooper helmet liner chincup
€200.00Textbook Kahki canvas chincup for the world war two M1C paratrooper helmet liner. Hard to find spare example!
US M1C paratrooper / USAAF helmet liner chincup
€100.00Textbook USAAF helmet chincup in good condition. Though not issued with US M1C paratrooper helmets this is the best substitute to use when your helmet lacks a chincup as its similar as the one issued with the US M1C paratrooper helmets.
US Navy M1 front seam fixed bale helmet with Firestone liner
€900.00Textbook US Navy M1 front seam fixed bale helmet in untouched condition. This is a typical early to mid war US M1 helmet with a front seam and fixed bales. The helmets chinstrap has always been over the rear part of the shell as can be seen by the untouched verdigris, patina and oxidation on the shell. The helmet is complete with its original Firestone navy blue liner that was painted together with the shell. Nice and attractive US Navy M1 helmet in excellent condition!
US Navy M1 front seam fixed bale helmet with Westinghouse liner
€950.00Textbook US Navy M1 front seam fixed bale helmet in untouched condition. This is a typical early to mid war US M1 helmet with a front seam and fixed bales with the heat stamp 301C. The helmetis a nice untouched example as can be seen by the untouched verdigris, patina and oxidation on the shell. The helmet is complete with its original Westinghouse liner that is complete with its leather chinstrap. Nice and attractive US Navy M1 helmet in excellent condition!
US Navy M1 fixed bale helmet Boatswain
€1,050.00Rare, untouched US Navy M1 fixed bale helmet with period navy markings. The shell is a typical McCord produced example with factory sewn chinstraps. The helmet has period applied Navy markings BOS’N, indicating boatswain. The bo’s’n, bos’n, or bosun, also known as a deck boss, or a qualified member of the deck department, is the most senior rate of the deck department and is responsible for the components of a ship’s hull. The boatswain supervises the other members of the ship’s deck department, and typically is not a watchstander, except on vessels with small crews. Additional duties vary depending upon ship, crew, and circumstances. Rare original US Navy helmet with period markings in untouched condition!
US M1 front seam fixed bale helmet with Firestone liner
€950.00Textbook US M1 front seam fixed bale helmet with Firestone liner in excellent condition. This helmet is a excellent example complete with all the parts you would like to see. The helmet is complete with both its chinstraps and its Firestone liner. The helmet shell is marked with the heat stamp 619B. The helmet is a textbook example that would be very hard to upgrade!
US M1 front seam swivel bale helmet ID’ed H-506
€700.00US M1 front seam swivel bale helmet ID’ed H-506 on the back of the shell. This is a textbook late war US M1 helmet with Seaman paper co liner and the helmet shell heat stamp 948 B. Textbook US issued example with the tell tale staining from shaving soap inside the shell!
US M1 front seam fixed bale helmet named Dale with early Westinghouse liner
€975.00To me this is one of the most prominent and typical US world war two issue GI helmet. The helmet has many interesting details for me which are typical to the GI’s serving in the ETO. The helmets shell has been blackened on the top which is a typical feature as most Soldiers would cook in their helmet shell on top of a fire. The interior also shows remnants of it having been used as a cooking vessel. The helmet is complete with its early Rayon tape Westinghouse liner which has been named numerous times and has numerous laundry numbers on it. This helmet is a textbook example of a GI helmet which is very hard to find. Maybe pricey but even for a textbook helmet as used with most GI’s, most of these suffered from repaints, reworks and have swivel bales. This is a textbook helmet which would be great on a Ardennes offensive display; the helmet itself was found in Luxemburg. Hard to upgrade combat piece!
Kriegsmarine EM / NCO overseas cap
€475.00Textbook Kriegsmarine EM / NCO overseas cap in excellent condition. Lightweight manufacured example with factory sewn insignia in excellent / unissued condition!
Rare Waffen-SS NCO shoulderstraps for a Unterscharführer der Infanterie
€1,100.00Beautiful textbook matching pair of Waffen-SS NCO shoulderstraps for a Unterscharführer der Infanterie. Textbook, mid to late war examples with white rayon piping. Hard to find choice pair!
British Commando beret – Kangol wear Limited 1945
€1,200.00British Commando beret marked 6 3/4 Kangol wear Limited 1945 in excellent near mint condition. Very hard to find!
British airborne beret – Kangol wear Limited 1945 – Parachute Regiment
€1,500.00British airborne beret marked Kangol wear Limited 1945 with Parachute Regiment capbadge in size 7. Very hard to find original beret in used condition!
British General Service cap – The Cameronians
€125.00British General Service cap marked 7 1/8 A. & J. Gelfer Glasgow 1945 with The Cameronians capbadge.
Tabbed aluminium Luftwaffe belt buckle marked G. Bremer Markneukirchen 1939
€375.00Tabbed aluminium Luftwaffe belt buckle marked G. Bremer Markneukirchen 1939 in near mint condition. The buckle is nearly unworn retaining most if not all of its aluminium silver paint on the buckle. Rare buckle in excellent condition, very hard to upgrade!
Lightbrown P08 Luger holster
€575.00Lightbrown P08 Luger holster in excellent condition. This is a beautiful pre to early war example in light brown leather which is sure to stand out in any display. This is an unmarked yet named example in very good condition. Choice example!
US Colt 1911 lanyard
€145.00Textbook First World War issue US Colt 1911 lanyard in unissued condition. These lanyards are mostly if not all dated 1917 on the snap hook. This is a excellent example!
US M1911 Colt takedown tool
€20.00US M1911 Colt takedown tool in good unissued condition, I have a few in stock and will always pick a nice one.
US Colt 1911 lanyard
€145.00Textbook First World War issue US Colt 1911 lanyard in unissued condition. These lanyards are mostly if not all dated 1917 on the snap hook. This is a excellent example!
US Colt 1911 lanyard
€145.00Textbook First World War issue US Colt 1911 lanyard in unissued condition. These lanyards are mostly if not all dated 1917 on the snap hook. This is a excellent example!
US Colt 1911 holster marked G&K 1918
€155.00US Colt 1911 holster marked G&K 1918 in good used condition.
US Colt 1911 holster marked Tex Tan
€135.00US Colt 1911 holster marked Tex Tan in good used condition.
US Colt 1911 holster marked Joseph 1942
€200.00US Colt 1911 holster Joseph 1942 in excellent condition. Less common maker complete with lanyard.
US Colt 1911 holster marked BOYT Jr. J.
€175.00US Colt 1911 holster marked BOYT Jr. J. in excellent condition!
Dienstglas button flap or Knöpflasche marked Busch 1937
€100.00Dienstglas leather buttoning tab or Knöpflasche in very good condition. The button flap is nicely marked on the back with an ink stamp Busch 1937 which indicates production by Emil Busch. Great example which is really hard to find as a spare!
Dienstglas button flap or Knöpflasche dated 1937 WaA
€100.00Dienstglas button flap or Knöpflasche dated 1937 WaA in excellent condition. Hard to find as a spare!
Matching Heer Feldgendarmerie shoulderboards
€495.00Matching Heer Feldgendarmerie shoulderboards in very good condition. Very hard to find pair with the typical orange waffenfarbe for Feldgendarmerie!
Heer M36 NCO shoulderstraps for Artillerie
€170.00Heer M36 NCO shoulderstraps for a Unteroffizier der Artillerie. Nice matching pair with late war subdued Unteroffizierstresse.
Heer M40 EM shoulderstraps for Artillerie
€150.00Heer M40 EM shoulderstraps for Artillerie in excellent condition.
Rare red steel carbide lantern
€475.00Rare red steel carbide lantern in excellent condition. This is probably one of the last types manufactured. This is the same pattern as the tan examples but it differentiates with a further simplification by omitting the front removable shade. Very hard to find example in good condition!
US Navy flight cap Contract no. N288s-27405 Small Slote & Klein, inc
€135.00US Navy flight cap Contract no. N288s-27405 Small Slote & Klein, inc
US navy Foul weather cap unissued size 7 1/4
€50.00Textbook, unissued US Navy foul weather hats in unissued condition. They are dirty and could easily be cleaned but are in unissued condition! Could be easily cleaned with a damp cloth!
US navy Foul weather cap unissued size 7
€50.00Textbook, unissued US Navy foul weather hats in unissued condition. They are dirty and could easily be cleaned but are in unissued condition! Could be easily cleaned with a damp cloth!
USAAF oxygen mask box
€100.00Original empty box for the USAAF oxygen mask. Rare accessory that is often missing and nice to complete.
American Red Cross suitcase
€125.00American Red Cross suitcase in good condition. These suitcases, laden with supplies were issued to American POW’s.
Escape and evasion compass
€135.00Textbook half inch escape compass. These were hidden in clothing to be used during an escape or emergency. These small brass compasses are quite rare. This example is in good and working condition with luminous marked dial.
US Taylor paratrooper wrist compass
€125.00Very nice early US paratrooper wrist compass by Taylor.
These compasses where also known to been worn over the sleeve, the shoulder loops, webbing, or at the ankle over the jump boots.
Wrist compasses were used both by officers and enlisted men.
Showing 841–900 of 16505 results