Showing 7621–7680 of 14142 results

  • Kriegsmarine issue cap tally

    Textbook original Kriegsmarine cap tally in unissued condition. Displays nicely to any Kriegsmarine display!

  • Embroided Heer EM/NCO breast eagle

    Original Heer EM/NCO embroided breast eagle.

  • Embroided Gebirgsjäger Edelweiss insignia

    Nice original embroided Gebirgsjäger Edelweiss sleeve badge on a dark green background.

  • Heer M33 Infanterie EM shoulder straps

    Nice pair of original Heer M33 Infanterie shoulderstraps for a EM in Infanterie Regiment 14.

  • US Liquid filled Taylor wrist compass

    Very nice early US paratrooper wrist compass by Taylor. These compasses where also known to been worn over the sleeve, the shoulder loops, webbing, or at the ankle over the jump boots. Wrist compasses were used both by officers and enlisted men. A very nice example that would be hard to upgrade.

  • Mint Q64 M35 Heer double decal helmet with Abel decals dated 1936

    Arguably the best Heer M35 helmet I’ve had to offer as of yet. The helmet is marked Q64 indicating production by Quist. The factory fitted non-reinforced liner band is dated 1936 and comes with the 1931 dated Schuberth leather. The helmet still retains 99% of its original and rare Wilhelm Abel decals and paint. The dome stamp is clear and nicely dated 1936. One of the best helmets that I’ve seen out there and would be a crown in any helmet collection; simply a textbook M35 in the best possible condition!

  • Q64 M40 Luftwaffe two tone textured camouflage helmet

    Beautiful and untouched camouflage helmet that was retrieved from the village of Overloon, the Netherlands. A excellent and untouched example with a coarse textured camouflage finish on top of a single decal Luftwaffe helmet. Nicely marked Q64 indicating production by Quist. The helmet retains its factory fitted liner and period affixed chinstrap. The helmet is a stunning example of a textured camouflage helmet that would be very hard to upgrade.

  • EF64 M40 Heer helmet in three tone “Normandy” camouflage helmet

    Excellent original EF64 M40 Heer helmet in three-tone ‘Normandy’ Camouflage. The helmet is marked EF64 indicating production by Emaillierwerke Fulda. The helmet retains its factory fitted liner and period affixed chinstrap. The helmet retains up to 80% of its original and vibrant three-tone camouflage paint. The helmet is nicely named in the skirt to Gefreiter Weinhold. Excellent original three-tone camouflage helmet!

  • Rare Heer M43 field cap dated 1945

    Rare original and untouched M43 field cap with factory sewn insignia. The cap is a very rare 1945 dated example in typical late war manufacture and fabrics. The cap retains its factory sewn Heer BeVo trapezoid insignia which was sewn onto the cap prior to assembly. The cap is marked RB-Nr. 0/0520/0017 indicating production by Hermann Potthoff. The cap is in light worn condition and has a cracked visor bill but is otherwise undamaged. Exceptional late war Heer field cap that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Stunning untouched Heer infantry crusher or Feldmütze Alter Art

    Stunning example of a untouched Heer infantry crusher, Feldmütze Alter Art or Knautschmütze. These fieldcaps where incredibly popular with officers during the war. The cap is in great, untouched condition with a great patina all over. The cap can be formed to fit on a mannequin display but is otherwise folded flat as a envelope. The cap is a nice size 57-58 that should fit most modern militaria mannequins. The crusher bears the Waffenfarbe of the Infanterie. These caps are getting increasingly difficult to find and this one is definitely one of the nicest ones we’ve had on offer. A great example!

  • Rare Küstenartillerie officers visor

    Rare original Küstenartillerie or coastal artillery visor with he gold chinstrap for for the rank of Admiral. Excellent example in good worn condition with loads of character. The cap is a nice medium to large size 57-58 and retains its original insignia. Very rare and original coastal artillery visor in great untouched condition!

  • Perfect untouched M36 Heer EM field blouse

    A stunning and exceptional Heer M36 EM Feldbluse in mint/unissued condition. The tunic is not shortened or restored in any way. The green Einheitslitzen are period factory sewn to the collar. The breast eagle is period factory sewn on the top, flipped and finished. The tunic comes with a set of wool piped M36 type EM infantry shoulder straps in mint condition that have been with the tunic. The garment does not show any signs of having other insignia applied prior to it or any modifications. This is really a stunning textbook EM M36 tunic in mint condition, surely the best one I’ve ever had to offer!

  • M36 Heer field blouse for a Hauptfeldwebel or Spiess

    Stunning M36 field blouse for a Spiess in a Infanterie Regiment with full wartime sewn insignia. The garment is in its full length and waist but has the lower pocket sewn flat. The tunic is a nice large sizeThe tunic has a nice lighty worn appeal that would nicely compliment any collection. The tunic has a set of early M36 shoulderstraps for a Hauptfeldwebel. On the bottom of both sleeves two long bands of Tresse are sewn indicating the Hauptfeldwebel was also the Spiess of the Kompanie. The blouse would be a centre piece for any 1940 display!

  • Heer M40 EM field blouse in worn condition

    Textbook M40 pattern field blouse in strong worn as found condition. The garment retains its factory machine sewn Einheitskragenlitzen and a handsewn breast eagle. The garment has one loose button which I found in one of the lower pockets. There are some moth damages and some obvious traces of wear. Excellent garment for a starting collector with loads of character!

  • Heer EM Waffenrock named Binzen 7./J.R. 105

    Nice original Heer Waffenrock with period sewn insignia and ID tag reading Binzen 7./J.R. 105 indicating Binzen served in the 7th Kompanie of Infanterie Regiment 105. 

  • Rare late war M45 pattern overcoat in brown wool

    Rare M45 pattern overcoat dated 1945. Out of all the Wehrmacht overcoats this Mantel surely is the rarest variant to find. Unlike other army issue overcoats this one has two, not 4 slits for belt hooks which fits perfectly with the M44 jacket. The garment is made out of brown recycled wool only encountered on very late war M44 garments. The Mantel is dated 1945 which is a rare feat for any German garment. The overcoat comes with its matching pair of late war M44 pattern Infanterie EM shoulderstraps in the matching brown wool as the base coat which are equally rare as the coat itself. Incredibly rare late war garment in unissued condition!

  • Named Luftwaffe Breeches

    Textbook Luftwaffe breeches in light worn condition. There is some light discoloring to the front which is less obvious in hand.

  • Mint M39 Steingrau Heer trousers

    Mint pair of M39 trousers for use in the Heer in the Steingrauor stone grey colour. The pair retains all of its originally sewn buttons and retains 100% of the nap in the wool. Guaranteed the best pair on the market today. The trousers are in mint condition with zero issues and a good medium size!

  • Mint Panzergrenadierdivision Feldherrnhalle cufftitle with RZM label

    Textbook unissued Feldherrnhalle cufftitle with RZM label. The cufftitle is in unissued condition and would be very hard to upgrade!

  • Mint Heer Infanterie sidecap dated 1937

    Untouched Heer M34 sidecap or Schiffschen with white soutache for Infanterie. Nicely marked L.L. Ben. Bützen Niedersachsen Hersteller 1937. Nice with typical pre war grey backed factory hand sewn bevo insignia and machine sewn white soutache for Infanterie. The cap is a small size but it’s in perfect condition and would be impossible to upgrade. On top of it all it has a nice unit marking to Infanterie Regiment 69!

  • Pre war high quality ribbed private purchase officer sidecap

    Excellent pre war quality Heer officers sidecap in ribbed material. Whilst tunics can often be observed in this material this is the first cap I’ve seen. The cap is a good size around 58.

  • Tabbed Heer aluminum belt buckle marked Schmole & Comp Menden 1936

    Excellent Heer aluminum belt buckle marked Schmole & Comp Menden 1936.

  • Pair of issue felt winter boots Herm. Müller 1942

    A great pair of mid to late war felt boots in near mint condition. Typical eastern front footwear worn and issued with the reversible, non reversible and charkov parkas. The pair is a nice large 32 which translates to a modern EU 45. Both soles still retain their factory applied rubber soles. They are in great dusty but unissued condition, perfect on a mannequin! Hard to find a great pair in this condition and size!

  • Unissued pair of issue guard boots

    Excellent pair of felt overboots as issued to guards. These wooden soled boots were worn when troops were put on guard for several hours on time in arctic temperatures.

  • Pair of private purchase riding officers riding boots

    Excellent and textbook pair of period privately purchased riding boots for officers within the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS. Excellent pair complete with a pair of DRP marked spanners!

  • Rare SS-VT cap eagle

    Rare pre war SS-VT embroided cap eagle in very good condition. The eagle is a textbook and typical glueback example as applied on the pre war SS-Verfügungstruppen sidecaps. Extremely scarce insignia that’s impossible to find as a spare!

  • Rare SS-VT cap skull

    Rare pre war SS-VT cap skull button which is typical for the SS-Verfügungstruppen sidecaps. The button is in good as found condition and marked SS RZM 63.

  • Rare pre war SS-VT Hammerhead eagle in uniform removed condition

    Rare pre war SS-VT hammerhead sleeve eagle in uniform removed condition. This pre war variant has the typical hammerhead design which is typical for the SS-Verfügungstruppen.

  • Rare German period Totenkopfring

    Rare original example of a privately purchased skull or Totenkopfring. The ring is made of Alpacca and shows signs of being a stamped, rolled and welded which is typical for these rings. The ring is a very scarce original that was popular with members of the Waffen-SS.

  • Iron Cross first class by Steinhauer & Luck marked 4

    Excellent Iron Cross first class marked 4 indicating wartime production by Steinhauer & Luck. Typical second pattern pin and hinge. The cross retains most if not all of its factory black paint and would be hard to upgrade.

  • Silver wound badge marked L22

    Original zinc silver wound badge marked L22 in strong worn condition.

  • Single Heer Unterfeldwebel shoulderstrap for transport troops

    Textbook single shoulderstrap for a Unterfeldwebel der Nachschubtruppen.

  • Single M36 shoulderstrap for a Unteroffizier in Infanterie-Divisions-Nachschubführer 34

    Single original Heer shoulderstrap with a period added slip-on for Infanterie-Divisions-Nachschubführer 34.

  • Mint Heer EM M40 Nebelwerfer shoulderstraps

    Superb and scarce mint M40 pattern Heer EM shoulderstraps for Nebelwerfer troops. Textbook construction with rayon piping in the typical purple colour for Nebelwerfer troops.

  • Brown CZ 27 pistol holster

    Nice brown CZ27 holster in good used condition.

  • Double claw brown officers belt or Zweidorn

    Textbook brown leather issue double claw or Zweidornkoppel in worn condition. The belt is in beautiful brown leather with functional buckle. The belt is a nice medium to large mannequin size.

  • German dagger hanger

    Excellent original dagger hanger in good condition. The hanger is backed with green felt. Good piece with the extension part.

  • British MKII helmet in near mint condition 1939

    Textbook pre war ‘BEF’ British MKII helmet in near mint condition. The helmet retains its typical factory smooth paint at 99% with its mint liner marked 7 J.C.S.&W Ltd 1939 . The helmet is a great textbook example as issued to members in the British Expeditionary Force in 1939.

  • Complete Bezard Kompass in factory box

    Complete Bezard compass with all accessories it came with from the factory. The Bezard compass was a privately purchased type that often found its way into the hand of members of the Heer and Waffen-SS. Very hard to find with the box!

  • Textbook tan painted MG34 and MG42 ammunition drum marked ddf

    Very nice original late war factory tan painted MG34 and MG42 ammunition drum marked ddf indicating production by Lohmann-Werke, A.-G., Bielefeld. The drum is in its original tan paint and is in untouched, uncreased or postwar used condition.

  • Tropical K98 bayonet frog in good used condition

    Excellent and obviously combat worn tropical K98 bayonet frog. Textbook construction with loads of character!

  • Large pre war black political messkit marked RZM FA.1/34 JSD 34

    Very nice pre war tall black messkit marked RZM FA.1/34 JSD 34 indicating production by J.Schmalzeder Erben, Dresden. The messkit is in very good unissued condition. This tall, pre war model was most probably made and used by a political organization. The prewar political models for the HitlerjugendAllgemeine-SS and SA where finished in a black paint. Sometimes these where used by members of the Waffen-SS as well, as some wartime images of the 12 SS Panzerdivision show.

  • Pre war M31 canteen in unissued condition marked SMM36

    A very nice pre war canteen in unissued condition. All the parts are marked SMM36 indicating production by Süddeutsche Metallwarenfabrik, Mussbach. Very hard to find pre 1937 equipment; let alone in this condition!

  • Pre war equipment belt marked Gustav Schäder Glogau 1938

    Excellent pre war equipment belt marked Gustav Schäder Glogau 1938. The belt is a nice large size 98 fitting most if not al mannequins.

  • Death card to Belgian Gerhard Arens

    Original death card to Belgian Gerhard Arens born in Valender, Belgium, Grenadier in a Infanterie Regiment. Having served in the Belgian army before he drafted in the Heer in 1942. He was wounded in action 29.3.1943 with heavy shrapnel wounds. He died 8 days later in a field hospital. The

  • Death card to Gerhard Stoffels EK2, ISA and VWA Gold

    Rare deathcard to Gerhard Stoffels, Gefreiter in a Infanterie Regiment decorated with Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse, Infanterie Sturmabzeichen and Verwundetenabzeichen in Gold. Stoffels was born in Krinkelt, Belgium.

  • Deathcard to Flemish volunteer SS-Sturmmann Anton Joris Verhulst KIA 5.2.1944

    Rare original deathcard to the Flemish volunteer SS-Sturmmann Antoon Joris Verhulst  killed in action 5.2.1944.

  • Deathcard to Flemish volunteer Roger de Smet KIA 23.3.1943

    Rare original deathcard to the Flemish volunteer Roger de Smet, born in Lokeren killed in action Krassno-Bor vor Leningrad 23.3.1943. De Smet was member of the VNV, wearer of the Tollenaere badge, Sturmabzeichen, Ostmedaille and the Iron cross second class.

  • Deathcard to Flemish volunteer SS-Sturmmann Petrus de Munck KIA 22.3.1943

    Rare original deathcard to the Flemish volunteer and VNV member SS-Sturmmann Petrus de Munck killed in action south of Krassno-Bor vor Leningrad 22.3.1943.

  • Deathcard to Flemish Langemarck volunteer SS-Obersturmführer Joz. Vanackere KIA 3.3.1944

    Rare original deathcard to the Flemish volunteer in Sturmbrigade Langemarck SS-Obersturmführer Joz. Vanackere killed in action at Staro-Constantinov 3.3.1944.

  • Coastal artillery communications gasmask Marine-Verpflegungs-Amt Nordfrankreich (Copy)

    Rare navy M38 communications gasmask dated 1938. The gasmask is named to Schneider and unit marked M 05049. The gasmask is a very nice and textbook example with a Kriegsmarine acceptance stamp.

    (Mobilmachung-1.1.1940) 10. Kompanie Infanterie-Regiment 311,
    (2.1.1940-27.4.1940) gestrichen, wurde Fp.Nr. 27649 C,
    (28.4.1940-14.9.1940) AbschnittVerpflegungs-Amt (Nbr.)
    Nordfrankreich, dann Marine-Verpflegungs-Amt Nordfrankreich
    (1.2.1941-11.7.1941) Marine-Verpflegungs-Amt Lumbres.

  • Q66 M40 Waffen-SS single decal overpaint helmet

    Very nice and named Waffen-SS single decal M40 helmet marked Q66 indicating production by Quist. The helmet once had a bright Waffen-SS decal to the right side which was period overpainted with a field grey textured paint. The helmet retains its factory fitted liner and 1940 dated chinstrap. The helmet is a very nice example of a

  • Q62 M40 Luftwaffe single decal helmet

    Superb single decal Luftwaffe M40 helmet in very good condition marked Q62 indicating production by Quist. The helmet retains up to 95% of its original finish and decal. The decal is a typical Luftwaffe example with a faulty applied lightly toned decal that is often seen with these helmets. The helmet retains its factory placed liner. Textbook Luftwaffe helmet in very good condition!

  • ET64 M35 Heer field repaint helmet named Nahrstedt

    Excellent and typical M35 Heer helmet marked ET64 indicating production by Eisenhuttenwerke Thale. A typical example of a 1940 campaign repaint with the helmet exterior being overpainted in a dull Feldgrau masking the Heer decal. The helmet retains its factory fitted non reinforced size 57 liner and early chinstrap. The helmet retains its paint and decal up to 85%. The helmet is nicely named Nahrstedt in the skirt of the helmet. Very nice helmet with just the right amount of wear that would be very hard to upgrade!

  • NS66 M42 single decal Luftwaffe helmet

    A beautiful, untouched single decal M42 helmet in excellent condition. Marked NS66 indicating production by Vereinigte Deutsche Nikelwerke, Schwerte. Inside a minty liner complete with its original domestamp. I’ll let the pictures do the talking. A stunning original helmet with a size 58 liner!

  • CKL66 no decal M42 US souvenir helmet

    Typical CKL66 no decal M42 helmet. This helmet was a souvenir for a soldier serving in the European Theater of Operations or ETO. The helmet retains its factory installed liner which was soaked in leather at some point indicating a possible KIA. The soldier painted a tan swastika to the front of the helmet as was done to many souvenir helmets. A typical original souvenir helmet in very good condition.

  • M17 size 66 Heer Transitional double decal helmet

    Excellent pre war Austrian M17 helmet reissued in the Wehrmacht Heer. The helmet had a M31 type liner factory fitted and two decals applied. The Heer decal retains up to 99% of its original covering and is the textbook and rare type as made by Gus Abel. The tricolor decal was painted over as per regulations in 1940. The factory fitted liner is a size 59 and the chinstrap is nicely dated 1930. The helmet is a very nice example of a transitional double decal helmet with rare decal in untouched condition.

  • Q68 M35 reissue shipboard grey camouflage helmet

    Typical M35 shipboard grey reissue helmet. The helmet is marked Q68 indicating production by Quist. A great example of a shipboard grey camouflage helmet with 85% of the original camouflage paint still remaining. Under the shipboard grey helmet one can see a green and textured paint finish which indicates the helmet was reissued two times. Also the former decal can easily be spotted right through the paint. The helmet is fitted with a late war M31 liner which has a newspaper sewn inside for insulation. The liner was marked with Kopierstift to the name Stockinger. The chinstrap was found on the helmet and is most likely a locally made replacement strap. The helmet is a great example of a reissue helmet finished in shipboard grey which was a colour attributed to coastal artillery personnel!

  • ET64 M40 Heer single decal helmet

    Typical M40 Heer single decal helmet marked ET64 indicating production by Eisenhuttenwerke Thale. The helmet retains its factory installed liner and paint and decal up to 75%. The chinstrap is original to the helmet but has a glued repair on the long piece.

  • EF64 M42 no decal helmet

    A very nice M42 helmet marked EF64 in the shell size 64 indicating production by Emaillierwerke A.G., Fulda. The helmet retains its original paint and dome stamp for 99%. The helmet retains its factory fitted liner. A nice untouched M42 helmet in great condition with a uncommon pigskin chinstrap.

Showing 7621–7680 of 14142 results