ID-tag – Fahr Ersatz Schwadron 267

The German military ID-tag or Erkennungsmarke was a metal disk that was issued to every member of the German armed forces. It was to be worn around the neck it accompanied the German soldier under all circumstances. The tag was a way of identification for the individual soldier when he was killed. It did not carry a name but a number which corresponded to the number noted in the Soldbuch and Wehrpass.

Stamp: F.E. Schwadr. 267
Unit: Fahr Ersatz Schwadron 216
Personal number: 8
Blood group: O
Material: Aluminium
Notes: An Erkennungsmarke or dogtag of the Fahr Ersatz Schwadron 216, a unit which was part of the 216. Infanterie Division from Hannover. The Schwadron trained men for the horsedrawn artillerie of the division. The division itself was formed in august 1939 and after a short period of training, it was transferred in September to the Westfront for duty in the Westwall. Further training was applied and in 1940 the division fought in Belgium and France.

Notes: The number ‘8’ correspondents with the number of the ‘Wehrpass’ of the original owner. It is plausible the original owner was an officer since the numbering applied is very low.

Further information about the division can be found in Dekker, Alex. Mijn opa was een Duitser. ISBN 97890 8975 8705 NUR 689