Helmet – M35 – SE66 – Single decal Kriegsmarine sea green camouflage

Model: M35 Kriegsmarine (navy)
Decal: Kriegsmarine
1. Factory applied dull field gray or Feldgrau gray paint with rough aluminium oxide with a factory applied Kriegsmarine decal.
2. Field applied sea green camouflage paint
Maker: Sächsische Emaillier und Stanzwerke A.G.
Size: Shellsize 66, headsize 59 cm
Batch number: 49??
Notes: Stunning factory single decal M35 Kriegsmarine seagreen camouflage helmet. Nicely marked SE66 indicating production by Sächsische Emaillier und Stanzwerke A.G. The lot number is 49## which is a typical range for a M35 SD KM. The helmet still retains its original chinstrap which is nicely Kriegsmarine marked and dated. The seagreen paint still covers up to 90% of the helmet and still retains its vibrant minty colour. The Kriegsmarine decal is partially painted over and nicely shows through the camouflage paint. Strong golden tones can be seen – surely not a Heerdecal!